Chapter 95
She suddenly smiled: "It's fortunate that you were extra careful and didn't let Zhan Zhao succeed that night, otherwise, after marrying Mr. Liu, I'm afraid I won't be able to feel at ease."

Yao Manqing had been apprehensive before, but when she saw her smile suddenly, she breathed a sigh of relief, her face flushed, and said, "At that time, I wanted to marry Zhan Zhao, so let's forget about it, but when things came to an end, thinking of Young Master Liu, I felt very unwilling. That's when I called for help and attracted servants. Sure enough, the heavens are pitiful, and now I have fulfilled my wish, and I can raise my eyebrows with the person who suits my wishes. It can be seen that God is also open-eyed, and my previous hard work is not in vain."

Yao Manbi said softly: "Yes... It can be seen that God is also open..."

Speaking of this, her face changed abruptly, she slapped Yao Manqing's face heavily, and shouted angrily, "What about Zhan Zhao? I beheaded him, so what do you think?"

Yao Manqing didn't expect her to attack suddenly, so she was blinded for a while, but when she realized it, she cried and crawled, hugged Yao Manbi's legs, and cried: "Sister, don't be angry, I know I was wrong, I will show you My lord, please burn more paper money, go to the temple to do more rituals for him, and ask the Bodhisattva to allow him to be reborn as soon as possible..."

Yao Manbi laughed, laughed, and tears rolled down her face.

"You burn a lot of paper money for him? In your heart, Zhan Zhao is just equivalent to a few stacks of paper money? If you think about it like this, have you ever asked me if I agree?"

"Sister..." Yao Manqing was panicked and puzzled, "I am your sister after all... Anyway, Zhan Zhao is an outsider..." She couldn't finish her sentence because the door that was closed just now was knocked by someone with a bang. Kicked off.

Yao Zhizheng seemed to be unable to stand still, and was supported by the palace servants nearby, or to be more precise, coerced.He stretched out his finger tremblingly and pointed at Yao Manqing, his lips trembling, unable to say a word.

As soon as he went out, he was restrained by the palace man next to him, just as he was about to call for help, his mouth was already tightly gagged.Unable to move, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the housekeeper, Mrs. Zhang Li, and other servants who were also held captive.

Yao Zhizheng was stunned, he immediately guessed whether he had encountered bandits who robbed his house, and then he suddenly felt that some of the palace servants looked very familiar, as if...they were the county government servants who came to Yao's house to take Zhan Zhao away ... And then, he couldn't care about so much, he was distracted by the intermittent conversation in the room-some sentences were not heard because the volume was too low, but it didn't matter, this Does not affect his interpretation of the whole incident.

After hearing it, he felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured into his head. His whole body was numb and stiff at first, and then trembling uncontrollably.

He didn't forget to use the corner of his eyes to pay attention to the faces of others.The family is unlucky, such a big scandal has happened, and so many people have heard about it, how can I ask him to hold his head up in front of others?Yao family's reputation, lintel... ruined, all ruined.

Yao Zhizheng was a little out of his wits, his ears were buzzing like drums and chimes, his legs were as limp as noodles, and his whole body hung on the body of the "palace man" who was holding him back.And then, with a bang, someone kicked the door open...

Yao Manqing's face turned pale, and the muscles on his face twitched.

"Master Yao, did you hear what Ling Ai just said?" The voice came from outside.Yao Zhizheng turned around in a daze, the visitor was dressed in green clothes, his figure was thin, he knew it was Gongsun Ce without looking at his face.

"Listen... I see." That was all he could answer.

"That's good." Gongsun Ce smiled slightly, "Since that's the case, the guards of Kaifeng Mansion should be fine, right?"

Yao Zhizheng's face turned blue and white, but he didn't speak.

Don't chase after the poor, Gongsun Ce didn't bother to squeeze him, and barely noticeable winked at Yao Manbi in the hall, and then waved his hand.The group of pre-arranged "palace people" understood and left quietly.

"Since it's all right, I have to go to the county government office and ask the guards to release Lord Zhan. Lord Zhan suffered such an indiscriminate disaster, and he is still in prison. If Lord Zhan doesn't care about this Well, if you care about it..." Gongsun Ce paused slightly, meaningfully, "There is no more than a word in this world, everyone should ask for an explanation, right?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Yao Zhizheng to respond, he sneered and walked away.

The hall, which was still chaotic just now, became quiet in an instant.Yao Manqing's mind was in chaos, and she subconsciously avoided Yao Manbi's back.

"Manbi..." Yao Zhizheng was the first to come back to his senses, his voice was hoarse, and he hurried over, "Manbi, think about it... think of a way."

"What method does father want me to think of?" Yao Manbi raised her eyebrows, with a half-smile.

"That Zhan, Zhan Zhao...will not let it go. If he exposes this matter, the reputation of our Yao family will be ruined..."

"Reputation?" Yao Manbi smiled, "Father, what reputation does the Yao family have? Is it because of the great Confucianism or the virtues spread far and wide? Why can't I remember the Yao family's reputation?"

Yao Zhizheng was dumbfounded, feeling more and more that the daughter in front of him didn't know him, and after thinking about it, he shuddered suddenly and stuttered, "Just now... didn't you just say that Zhan Zhao had already been beheaded?"

"Dignified imperial seal fourth grade, beheaded if you say so, does my father think I have such a great ability?"

Yao Zhizheng was choked again, everything that happened tonight was weird and unreasonable.Originally, given him some time, he would definitely notice something was wrong—in fact, he had doubts at first: How could Manbi come back?
It was only later that things happened suddenly, one after another, with no room for turning around, and he was completely confused.

"Manbi..." Yao Zhizheng's tone softened, "A could you help outsiders design your own sister...everything hurts...Qing'er is certainly at fault, I will punish her severely, but, the top priority ..."

Yao Manbi smiled: "I understand what father means very well. Don't worry, father. On the other side of Zhan Zhao, I will let him shut up. As for Qing'er..." At this point, her voice became more gentle, "Qing'er wants to marry Liu Xiangwan, it's easy, it's just a matter of me."

The night was getting thinner, and the sky in the east was the color of a fish maw. Finally, Zhan Zhao couldn't sit still, stood up abruptly, and said to Gongsun Ce, "Sir, why hasn't Duanmu come back?"

Gongsun Ce was also very surprised: "I told her earlier that she would come back as soon as possible after I left. Where did this girl go?"

A look of anxiety flashed across Zhan Zhao's eyes: "Sir, sit down, I'll go find her."

Gongsun Ce sighed: "Guard Zhan, that girl is so capable, she can walk through walls and wear soul shirts at other times, I'll see that nothing will happen to her."

After a pause, he said, "You still wait here patiently." Before he finished speaking, familiar footsteps came from outside, and Gongsun Ce chuckled, "Did you say Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will be here."

Embarrassed by his laughter, Zhan Zhao hurried over to open the door, and when he looked up, the sound of "Duanmu" got stuck in his throat, and he couldn't yell out.

Duanmucui glanced at him, and said with a smile: "Why, you don't know me anymore after I changed clothes?"

The voice is naturally Duanmucui's, but the overall attire, especially the face, is obviously Yao Manbi's.Zhan Zhao sighed: "The clothes you change into are not something anyone can wear."

"That's natural." While speaking, he entered the room very proudly, sat down in front of Gongsun Ce, and sat down in a graceful manner. Then he drank tea, holding the teacup with one hand, and slightly raised the other hand. Covering his face with his sleeves, he sipped his drink, and his eyes slipped out from the top of his sleeves. Seeing Gongsun Ce looking at her like a ghost, he calmly smiled back.

Gongsun Ce choked speechlessly: "Miss Duanmu, hurry up and change back."

"I think this is pretty good." Duanmucui took it easy, "It's not too late to change after ten days and a half."

Gongsun Ce was silent, something in his mind collapsed with a bang.

After ten days and a half?Let him watch this girl who is not elegant at all drink tea, walk, talk, and... smile so gracefully every day?
Gongsun Ce was sweating, and looked at Zhan Zhao as if asking for help.

Zhan Zhao smiled wryly, thought for a while and called her: "Duanmu, take a step to talk."

"Is there anything Mr. Gongsun can't listen to?"

"I don't want to hear it." Gongsun Ce quickly cooperated with Zhan Zhao, "Miss Duanmu, maybe Zhan's guards have something important to do, so go quickly."

Duanmucui reluctantly groaned, and followed Zhan Zhao out.Zhan Zhao closed the door with his backhand, and pulled her away from the room: "You better take off this soul shirt."

"It's beautiful, why take it off." Duanmucui casually wrapped his fingers around the ends of his hair, making his teeth itch, "I'll wear it for a few more days, but I can't wear it often."

"I heard from Mr. Gongsun that this soul shirt is the only remaining soul illusion of Yao Meiren. After's not an ordinary shirt. I'm afraid it's not good to wear it."

"You don't have to worry about this." Duanmucui proudly said, "Yao Meiren's soul was broken up by someone. Even though I gathered it into shape, it is still very fragile. She can't walk or harm others. I used a spell to help her transform. The shirts are no different from ordinary shirts."

"Why is there no difference?" Zhan Zhao sighed, "She can hear it, right?"

"So what if I hear it?"

"She can talk too?"

"No, it's just that when I was at Yao's house, I borrowed her voice—it's just a voice, and it's still me who speaks."

Zhan Zhao snorted, and the tone dragged on: "This is troublesome..."

"What's the trouble?" Duanmucui was surprised.

There is a faint smile on Zhan Zhao's lips: "I have something I want to tell you in private, and it will be bad after all if others listen to it..."


As soon as she asked, she understood, her face flushed, and she muttered: "Then you can just talk about it in a few days..." Then she turned around and walked into the house.A narrow smile flashed in Zhan Zhao's eyes, he blocked her way, and quickly lowered his head and said softly: "Duanmu, if I hug you at this time, who is it?"

As he spoke, without waiting for Duanmucui's answer, he stretched out his hand to wrap around her waist.

The next moment, Duanmucui screamed: "Just don't wear it!"

Gongsun Ce was waiting bored in the room, when he heard screams outside the room, he was shocked.Then, it was finally the original Duanmu girl who walked in.Gongsun Ce was relieved for a while, and showed a look of approval to Zhan Zhao who was following behind: "Guard Zhan has a way!"
Zhan Zhao is noncommittal.Duanmucui held a blouse in her hand, which appeared faintly like a cloud, she went straight to the pot of peonies by the table, and silently recited the mantra, after a while, the cloud changed shape and returned to a human form, it was Yao Manbi.

Duanmu Cui breathed a sigh of relief and said: "You are also very tired this night, the sun will rise in a quarter of an hour, you should go back to the peony to have a better life."

Yao Manbi remained silent, bit her lip suddenly, knelt down heavily, and kowtowed: "Miss Duanmu, forgive me, if you do this, Qing'er will definitely die."

Duanmucui didn't look at her, and said slowly: "How could she die? She set up a poisonous plan to frame Zhan Zhao, and she didn't take other people's lives as her own, but just for her own life - she is so afraid of death, she won't seek death no matter what, you do Don't worry."

Gongsun Cexian was still confused, but now he understood: "Miss Duanmu, you came back so late, what did you do?"

Duanmucui didn't answer, but smiled at Yao Manbi and said, "Don't worry, if your sister dies, I will definitely burn more paper money for her, much more than what she planned to burn for Zhan Zhao, and burn it for seven or seven dollars." On the 49th, don't treat her badly."

While talking, someone pulled his sleeve suddenly, and when he turned his head to look, Zhan Zhao shook his head at her.Duanmucui snorted coldly and stopped talking.Hearing Zhan Zhao's gentle words: "Ms. Yao Concubine, from what you said just now, it seems that there is something else. Can you speak to Zhan?"

The more amiable he is, the more ashamed Yao Manbi will be, but when it comes to his own sister, she can't let her go, she hesitates again and again, and finally tells what happened later.

It turned out that after Duan Mucui used words to stabilize Yao's family, he pretended to leave, and soon turned back, telling Yao Zhizheng that the matter of Zhan Zhao was over. Marry - so it is absolutely impossible to marry in a beautiful way.The Yao family can prepare a small sedan chair to take Yao Manqing there.

Yao Zhizheng was ashamed and indignant, so he refused.Duanmucui gave him a detailed analysis: now that Qing'er is pregnant, she can't hide it, then the Yao family's reputation will be ruined, it's better to make this marriage as early as possible.She was really good at talking, she made three detours and two detours, so that Yao Zhizheng was dizzy, so he didn't have time to think about it, so he recruited the housekeeper and gave orders for the wedding tomorrow.

However, Yao Zhizheng's brain was not confused after all, and he realized it after a while, the more he thought about it, the more wrong he became: a lady in the palace, in the middle of the night, with no entourage around her, how could she serve as a middleman for the Yao family and the Liu family? See how it's against the rules.Besides, since the Liu family agreed, they should send someone to follow them, right?
(End of this chapter)

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