Kaifeng Monster

Chapter 80 The Soul Comes Back

Chapter 80 The Soul Comes Back (3)
After a while, she stood up straight, tightened her cloak, and walked all the way to the tower.The guards guarding the city knew her, and when they were about to step forward to help her, she waved her hand, and pushed back all the guards on the tower.

She was the only one in the big city tower, standing against the parapet wall, thousands of strands of hair danced in the wind, like flowers blooming in the dark night.

After a pause, she seemed to be tired from standing. She leaned her crutches to one side, and leaned her whole body on the wall stack. Her two arms were folded on the stack, and her small chin rested lightly on the arm.

As far as the eyes can see, there is only a long black night outside the city, and there is no sound.

Zhan Zhao suddenly didn't want to hide anymore, he came out from his hiding place, and deliberately took a heavy step.

Duanmucui didn't look back, when he approached, she called him in a low voice: "Zhan Zhao."

She still didn't look at him.

Zhan Zhao responded softly, walked to her side, and stood on the windward side without showing any traces, and the cold wind invaded his clothes for a while.

Isn't she cold after standing for so long?
Her eyes wandered, and she whispered: "This is my home."

"Your home?" Zhan Zhao was puzzled, "Isn't this... Anyi?"

No matter what, her home should be in Xiqi instead of Anyi. If you have to be more serious, neither is Xiqi, it should be the Duan tribe.

"Yes." She didn't seem to hear Zhan Zhao's subtext, and suddenly became happy, and raised her head and said, "Look, my moon."

A huge blurry cold moon, revealing the alienation that rejects people thousands of miles away.

But she watched it with great interest: "I haven't seen it for many years, is it good?"

Zhan Zhao suddenly understood.

"The moon is the hometown light," his voice was so low that it was almost inaudible, "it's beautiful."

"Does it look good?" Duanmucui smiled happily, "It's just that my house is a little deserted, unlike Kaifeng, where there are so many people, so many shops, and so many colorful things. In the past, Dynasty and Ma Han went to Duanmu Thatched Cottage to see I always bring some novel snacks and tell me, Sister Duanmu, which restaurant and building did I buy this from, and I thought at that time, I don’t have any at home.

"My house is too deserted, there are not many people, there are few things, there are not so many novelty gadgets, I am always fighting, from here to there, I finally have some free time, I will stand on the tower and look far away. Sometimes it's dark and you can't see anything.

"It's not as comfortable as Yingzhou, and it's not as lively as Kaifeng." She sighed, her voice gradually lowered, "But this is my home, Zhan Zhao.

"I know that everything in Shenyuan is fake, but it's so real. When I woke up, I saw the military tents I used to live in at that time, the dining tripods I used for meals, the bean soup I often ate, and the clothes I wore. Clothes, this and that, that and that, I can’t count them all, it feels like I’m coming home.”

She murmured: "At that time, it was like this. The moon was like this, and it was like this at night. Even the wind was the same. It sounded like someone was crying. People say that young people leave home and the boss returns. I am very envious of these people, they still have a home to return to, even if there are only broken tiles and ruins left, and weeds all over the yard, they are still grown by themselves. They beat their breasts and cried, saying that the world is changing and the world is changing. They don't know what it is like. I dug three feet and couldn't dig out a single tile in the house. I didn't cry, and they all cried to the heart. "

While talking, she became upset again, Zhan Zhao smiled, but his eyes gradually became wet.

"During the day, it's not that I don't want to leave, it's just that when I came back here suddenly, I wanted to take a look and see if it's fake. After so many years, I don't remember many things. If a person even owns the I don’t even remember what I looked like, how bad it was.”

She stopped talking, looking almost greedily at the night in front of her.What is the difference between this night and the night in Kaifeng? Zhan Zhao can't tell, but he knows that Duanmucui can be clearly distinguished, just like Qin people love Qin bricks, Han people know Han tiles, and she knows her own family. What a difference at night.

This is not his home, and the wind and clouds have nothing to do with him, so he returns home like an arrow, and abandons it like a bag.

But she was different, every plant and every tree, the veins and grains of the leaves were burned into her blood, she was reluctant, but she had to leave, she only asked for one night, "Just stay one night, and leave tomorrow morning, okay?"

Whether it's true or not, this is her home, what right does he have to decide whether she should stay or not?
Zhan Zhao closed his eyes, hiding the warmth in the corners of his eyes: "Duanmu, it's my fault."

"Yeah." She responded quickly, unceremoniously, and rolled his eyes, "You've always treated me badly."

As I said before, Duanmucui has always been a master at destroying the atmosphere. The previous step was still hazy, the bird was hazy, the autumn moon was hazy, and if she interrupted with a word, she would be able to go to the cattle farming, farming, carrying water and burning firewood. Let me tell you next time, girl, if you don't speak, you can make Zhan Zhao feel guilty and hurt?Maybe he will treat you better in the future.

It's still "always" to buckle such a strong and big hat in the past!
Zhan Zhao's anger: How can "always" be so consistent?Could it be that she was a little impatient in her attitude and didn't dare to say anything serious, so she dared to give him an outline.What Confucius said is that women and villains are difficult to raise, but Confucius also said that this is not the case. It should be added that comparing the two, women are more difficult to raise...

Simply ignore her.

But she seemed to suddenly think of something, and turned her head to look at him: "Zhan Zhao, today my elder brother came to see me and talked to me for a while, did you meet General Duanmu in the sinking abyss?"

Zhan Zhao's heart skipped a beat, his lips were dry for a while, and he answered after a while.

"Did she make things difficult for you?"

Zhan Zhao shook his head, paused and said softly, "She's fine."

"That's good."

Speechless for a moment, Duanmucui's gaze returned to the dark night.Zhan Zhao felt a sense of melancholy in his heart, he suddenly realized that even he had no attachment to Shen Yuan.

Although they are false illusions, they have flesh and blood, tears are real, laughter is real, sadness is real, joy is real, love... is also real.

Compared with those who occupy the body of a human being, but have no heart and do human affairs, isn't it much better?

"Zhan Zhao, may I show you around?"

Zhan Zhao retracted his thoughts and smiled faintly.

In fact, Anyi is so small, the population is desolate, and there are few houses. What should be seen has been seen by himself, and he may not be able to see anything new, but he understands Duanmucui's thoughts. To her, grass and trees are very different, and with a small mind of showing off or remembering the past, she wants to take guests from afar to walk around and have a look.No matter how humble this place is, it is also her home. Neither Yingzhou nor Kaifeng can replace it, and it will never be replaced.

Zhan Zhao reached out to help her.

She refused to give in, picked up her crutches and glared at him: "I'm only pretending to be a good person now, just now I made a somersault in three steps, and I didn't see you come to help me."

Zhan Zhao smiled, and gestured to the crutch with his eyes: "Who said I didn't come to help you?"

Duanmucui didn't understand.

Zhan Zhao grabbed her wrist through his sleeve, and moved her hand slightly down.

She was still a little dazed at first, but when she felt a slight nick on her fingertips, she suddenly understood.

Lifting the crutches to the front of the house and taking a closer look, with the dim light of the hanging lamps in the city tower, I saw a small smiling face, a familiar official hat, and two hanging hair ties.

She still wanted to pretend to be casual, but the smile on the corners of her lips and brows couldn't be hidden.

She looked at the painting, then looked up at Zhan Zhao, then looked down at the painting again, and then looked up at Zhan Zhao.

Zhan Zhao made her look awkward, his face was slightly hot, and he turned his face to the side indiscriminately, avoiding her gaze.

"It's not like that at all." She was duplicity.

She curled her lips again: "No wonder I couldn't walk steadily just now, and I always fell down. It turned out that you made the crutch."

Hey, hey, hey, I have to fall when I walk because God heard Yang Jian's heart, what's the matter with Guan Zhanzhao...

"Then pay it back to me." Zhan Zhao quit, pretending to reach out to snatch it.

Where Duanmucui is willing to return, Ge Ge dodges with a smile, suddenly her feet are unsteady, her body is tilted, Zhan Zhao can't help him, she has fallen into his arms.

Zhan Zhao subconsciously wanted to help her, but she lowered her head, buried her head in his chest, and gently wrapped her arms around his waist.

Zhan Zhao's body froze, but he reacted in an instant, a layer of warmth melted into his heart, as if the slight drunkenness after drinking gradually melted away, not weak but thick, he tightened his arms and embraced her.The fur cloak was light and warm, and even through the cloak, he could still feel her soft waistline, which was so soft and snug that he wanted to sigh.

After a long time, he sighed in a low voice: "You annoying girl."

Duanmucui looked up at him, very dissatisfied: "Where is the torture?"

Before she finished speaking, she stopped suddenly, her face changed a few times, and she stared blankly at the distance behind Zhan Zhao.

Zhan Zhao didn't look back, but from her eyes, she saw a string of lights rising rapidly.

In the Xiqi army, it is customary to use lantern language to convey military information.

(End of this chapter)

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