Chapter 54
Timidity is not a shortcoming. In a sense, it is more beneficial to remind us to be cautious and love life. Gongsun Ce is a scholar. The most dangerous thing I have done in my life is probably to keep calm when the assassins attack and retreat with the adults to cover each other, and suddenly I was given a big task to independently guard this three-acre land while the demons danced wildly. , It is not surprising to be uneasy-it is not normal to be drowsy and full of warm thoughts.Besides, in the middle of the night, sitting on the threshold of this dilapidated City God's Temple, behind him is a hall of dead bodies, and there is a gloomy wind blowing from time to time. When I look back, the hall is pitch black. There are human corpses, and the oil lamps at the head and tail of the corpses are full of locust tree oil with a strange luster... This scene makes everyone panic.

Originally, the three of them were still chatting with great interest, but when they talked about "strange stories and anecdotes" later, Duanmucui became enthusiastic for no reason.Gongsun Ce keenly noticed that she had a tendency to show off her experience and wanted to tell everyone ghost stories, so she made a decisive decision and cut the conversation in half.

So Duanmucui was very resentful, the conversation plummeted, lazily leaning against the door lintel, with his hands around his knees, his chin was as straight as a chicken pecking at rice, and he tapped on his knees.

When Zhan Zhao noticed it, she had been happily clicking for a long time, but she still clicked very regularly and rhythmically, which reminded Zhan Zhao of the wooden fish in the temple, and they also knocked every once in a while, which is quite the same. wonderful.

Looking at it again, Zhan Zhao felt amused, and suddenly stretched out his hand to cover her knee, Duanmucui's point was just above the back of his hand, feeling strange, he tilted his head to look at him and said, "What are you doing?"

Zhan Zhao pulled out his hand, brushed her hair behind her ears, and said with a smile, "You're not too tired."

When the two of them talked, Gongsun Ce also reacted from the daze, suddenly remembered something, and said to Duanmucui: "Miss Duanmu, can you write the spell that you helped me in the evening on yourself?"

Duanmucui shook his head: "That spell is to protect ordinary people from ghosts and evil spirits, and it's useless to me."

"If you lose your mana and become a mortal again, wouldn't the spell protect you?"

Duanmu Cui twitched her mouth: "I entered the underworld with the light of dawn this time, how could I become a mortal again?"

Gongsun Ce sighed: "You can't say that. You haven't entered the most central fork. Who knows what Wen Gu Weiyu is doing in it? There may be more powerful monsters in it, and there may be some who specialize in eating dawn."

Zhan Zhao originally thought that due to Duanmucui's temperament, he would say something to make Gongsun Ce speechless, but Duanmucui not only didn't reply, but his eyes showed surprise.Zhan Zhao's heart skipped a beat, and he blurted out: "Duanmu, there are indeed monsters that eat dawn, right?"

Duanmucui hesitated for a moment: "Yes, there is a very small monster, the size of a baby's fist, because the Tiangu eats the sun, this kind of monster devours the dawn, its shape is like a dog, and the upper world calls it a small tengu. "

Gongsun Ce made a mistake, and he still hit the target, feeling unspeakable pride in his heart: "Look, if you meet Wen Gu Weiyu, he will release a group of little tengus at that time, and the dawn will flee, where are you?" Still have mana? At that time, don’t you have to use spells to save lives?”

Duanmucui defended herself: "But the little tengu is not a monster in ancient times, how could there be a ghost?"

"Maybe Wen Guweiyu brought it in."

"Wen Guwei is very nice, why did you bring the little dog into the underworld?"

If the two of them go on like this, I'm afraid they won't be able to figure out the reason until dawn, Zhan Zhao sighed, and his tone was slightly emphatic: "Duanmu, sir, it's for your own good."

"I have to write again!" Duanmu Cui was bitter, "It's still such a lonely word with twists and turns, the third time!"

While Zhan Zhao's gaze conveyed sympathy, it also clearly showed his persistence without any room for negotiation.

After Duanmucui stared at Zhan Zhao mournfully for a long time, she accepted her fate.

This time writing the spell was different from the previous writing for the two of them, just dipped his fingers in the blood water in the bowl and drew in the air in front of her, and the little hair walked and stopped on her clothes according to the strokes pointed by the fingers.When she writes vigorously, that little hair also walks happily; when she can't remember the strokes for a while, that little hair stops on the spot.What's even more amusing is that several times she was troubled by writing, moaned and buried her head in her knees, and that little hair actually bent down as if beaten by frost, completely losing her usual "straight" image.

Zhan Zhao is not surprised when he sees it, but Gongsun Ce is amazed when he sees it, because he thinks that all things have animism, and it is not just as simple as talking about it.

Just like this, there is nothing to say, there is nothing to talk about, the time is like a trickle, and it can't be kept behind to catch up--in a blink of an eye, it is already dawn.

Gongsun Ce watched Duanmucui call out the dawn, heard her bless Shuguang with the return spell, and watched the dawn go high to Zhongtian, he panicked for no reason.

Duanmucui was also a little nervous, she didn't have much to say when she had a lot of leisure just now, now that she is about to part, she has a lot of things to explain, in fact, all of them are what she ordered before.

"Mr. Gongsun, wherever the twilight appears, the underworld will appear. We will be at the entrance of the underworld later. After Zhan Zhao is successfully released into the soul, the seven-star lamps at the head and tail of these people will ignite by themselves. At that time, ghost messengers will come chasing after their souls, and they will try their best to turn off the lamp. I have set a spell on the lamp, and they cannot come close to overturning the oil lamp. The most important thing is to prevent four ghost messengers from gathering together to blow the lamp. Human death is the most dangerous thing, remember."

It turns out that this is the ghost blowing lamp...

Gongsun Ce's heart was beating like a drum, afraid of missing something, he wrote it down carefully and nodded.

After giving orders to Gongsun Ce, he was about to say a few words to Zhan Zhao, when his vision suddenly went dark.

Zhan Zhao said in a deep voice, "The Ming Dao has manifested."

Duanmucui let out a low hum, because she was thinking about what to tell Zhan Zhao, but she didn't know where to start, so she hesitated for a while, and in the darkness, she sighed almost inaudibly.

Not long after, the dawn scrambled to be the first, and gradually returned. Gradually, tiny grains of dawn streaked across the air with very thin traces of light. The closer they got, the brighter they became. The sequence is indeterminate.Under the hazy light and shadow, Duanmucui's appearance is suddenly clear and sometimes blurred. At one time, he is amiable, but at another time, he is alienated and unfamiliar.Zhan Zhao suddenly felt a sense of emptiness, only felt that the world was especially vast, and the rest of his heart was wandering, he was vacantly probing up and down, left and right, and couldn't touch the wall all year round.

After dawn, Duanmucui thought for a moment, stretched out his fingers to draw a gesture on Zhan Zhao's and Gongsun Ce's sleeves, paused, and then a butterfly flew down from their sleeves.Zhan Zhao's heart felt hot, and he felt very kind, and blurted out: "Xindie!"

Duanmucui smiled and didn't answer, stretched out his hand and flicked his sleeve, and said in a low voice: "Come over a few."

Before she finished speaking, she saw a few spots of dawn rising from her sleeves, lazily, meeting Xindie in the middle.After a while, the dawn disappeared, but the two butterflies radiated light from their bodies, which was as crystal clear as a lamp.

Gongsun Ce was secretly amazed, when he looked down at the sleeve, he realized that there was a piece of cuff broken. Judging from its shape, it matched the outline of Xindie. He expected Zhan Zhao's sleeve to be the same. Isn't it just able to fill in the empty space?If you find a random piece of fabric to mend, it will be a butterfly patch—it’s not a big girl or a little daughter-in-law. Zhang Long, Zhao Hu and the others will laugh endlessly behind their backs with such a patch on their sleeves...

Just as he was thinking about this, the letter butterflies that had been flying in one place had already separated, one stopped on Zhan Zhao's shoulder, and the other flew back to the hall and stood on the edge of a seven-star lantern. The hall is flickering and dark, and the shadows are flickering, which is indescribably weird.

Duanmucui smiled and said: "If I take all the dawn light away, you won't be able to see anything. I will leave two letter butterflies for your illumination."

After a pause, he said, "Then... I'll go first."

The moment has come.

Duanmucui's castration was extremely fast, and she was submerged in the entrance of the underworld in an instant.Zhan Zhao heaved a sigh of relief, and without further delay, he turned around and bowed his hands to Gongsun Ce, and hurriedly walked towards Mingdao.

When Gongsun Ce saw the huge and eerie black hole facing the Temple of the City God, he couldn't help shivering, and subconsciously took a step back into the temple.

In fact, just when Duanmucui received the dawn, all the sounds around him had stopped, but the three of them were chatting or talking, without any obvious feeling.Now as soon as the two of them left, Gongsun Ce realized that the surroundings were eerily quiet. When he looked around, he was afraid that there was no living thing except himself and the butterfly.Trembling and retreating into the hall, he found a cattail mat and sat down upright, obviously he was the only one, but he was afraid that his hands and feet were not in the right place, and the seat was very cramped.I don't know how long it took, but I felt the sound of my heart beating slowly amplified, at first it made my ears buzzing, and then in the big hall, unknown corners, there seemed to be such a tight and fast sound. Come on, make your heart beat faster and heavier, and your chest stagnates extremely - knowing that if this continues, it may not be good, and it is urgent to divert your attention away.

So he greeted Xindie: "I am Gongsun Ce."

Xindie rested on the edge of the lamp very leisurely, and occasionally flapped its wings lazily—in short, it didn't mean to talk to Gongsun Ce at all.

However, Gongsun Ce's tension eased a lot.

After realizing that this was a good way to reduce stress, and knowing that the following conversation would be too absurd, Gongsun Ce decided to continue—besides, talking to himself, no one saw or heard anyway.

"Have you ever read a book?"

Xindie was silent.

"Have you read it?" Gongsun Ce said earnestly, "Then what do you think of Liu An's "Huainanzi"? Some people think it is Taoist, while others think it should be included in Miscellaneous School. What do you think?"

Xindie remained silent.

"It is said in the "Zhushu Xun" that 'the reason for the survival of a country is benevolence and righteousness', respecting benevolence and righteousness is the foundation of the survival of the country. When the adults talked with me before, I thought it was true, and you must agree."

Xindie seemed to move.

Of course, in Gongsun Ce's view, it is "as if" - because as far as the shape and structure of Xindie is concerned, unless you look closely, there is really no difference between "front" and "back". Mr. Gongsun's not-so-sharp eyes—it's entirely possible that he thought Xindie hadn't moved.

In fact, I can assure you that the letter butterfly not only moved, but also turned around impatiently—by the way, I would like to criticize Miss Duanmu, if what you give Mr. Gongsun is not a letter butterfly, but a letter monkey What, Mr. Gongsun should be facing Xinhou's ass now - then he will find out that Xindie has no interest in "Huainanzi" in time, and then end this long and boring academic dialogue earlier.

Next, Gongsun Ce discussed "Ba Lun Pian" and "Thai Clan Piece" with Xin Die enthusiastically—of course it was a one-sided discussion—and then, Xin Die probably couldn't bear it anymore, and finally flapped his wings to Flying outside the gate of the palace, it is so heroic that the yellow crane will never return.

Gongsun Ce stopped talking just in time, and said anxiously: "Then let's talk about Zhan Weiwei and Miss Duanmu!"

Based on past observations of Xindie, Xindie can’t actually speak—as for how Duanmucui used Xindie to transmit messages in the early days, we won’t go into details—so whether it can understand others If so, it has always been difficult for individuals to confirm.But at this moment, I can finally give a positive answer!
Because after hearing the topic of "Zhan Huwei and Miss Duanmu", Xin Die stopped abruptly in the air, and then rushed towards Gongsun Ce with an unusually warm and friendly attitude!

Gongsun Ce secretly heaved a sigh of relief, although the parents were short-sighted and talked about the right and wrong behind the scenes of a gentleman, but!Finally!I found a common topic with Xindie!

So Gongsun Ce confessed all his worries all the time.

"From your point of view, guard Zhan treats Miss Duanmu a little too well...over? I'm not saying that Guard Zhan shouldn't be nice to Miss Duanmu, but you know, there must be a limit to everything... Besides, Miss Duanmu She is not an ordinary girl. If Zhan Huwei fell in love with Miss Duanmu, it would be a serious trouble. Not to mention the different ways of beings, there is an "old friend" on the other side of Miss Duanmu. After so many years, she still can't forget it... ..."

Xindie listened with gusto.

"Sometimes I think, there is no precedent for the love between human beings and immortals. Isn't it just for the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl? We only meet once a year, which is too unreasonable..."

Just as he was ecstatic, he suddenly felt a flash in front of his eyes, Gongsun Ce's heart thumped, a cold air rose from the soles of his feet, he rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and looked at the flashing place just now.

That's right, there is no dazzle, the last corpse on the right side, the locust tree oil lamps at the head and tail burst out red flames suddenly.The flames danced around, and the color of blood directly reflected in the depths of Gongsun Ce's eyes.

The first seven-star lamp has already been ignited, it seems that Zhan Zhao's end has been handed over.

If I say that Zhan Zhao's field is the most boring, boring, and suspense-free for the three of them to fight on their own, will they be photographed to death by the spectators who are looking forward to seeing Zhan Zhao show off his might in the underworld?
However, it is so.

It was the second time for Yu Zhanzhao to fight against the monsters of the Underworld.

One is born, the second is cooked.

What's more, for the first time, he dragged an injured Duanmucui, looking forward and backward, and was greatly hindered in the confrontation.

And the second time, not to mention going into battle lightly, a spell was cast on his body.

Just think about it, ghost guards dare not get close to him, so they can't help but sway him how he likes?The giant que was unsheathed, and the sword's edge passed, invincible, just like chopping melons and vegetables.

In short, the audience can imagine the scene at that time, and I can provide a few key words in friendship, such as the blue shirt and sleeves fluttering, the eyes are as cold as electricity, the sword light is like water, and the sword energy sweeps like practice.

As for the monsters, there are also some key words that can be referred to, such as wolves rushing to hogs, and mice running with their heads in their arms.

This is why I personally feel that Zhan Zhao's personal home game is boring, boring, and without suspense.This is not a battlefield, it is clearly a show!
what? What?You don't think it is boring or boring, and you can't wait to watch it for another 500 years?Whatever, that's what I said...

Next, I personally want to expose another side of Zhan Zhao that is rarely revealed.

Just think about it, the majestic Nan Xia, with his superb martial arts, wouldn't it be easy to deal with these thick, bulky monsters with brute force?So, can you use some of the stunts that you have become famous for, such as Ti Yunzong, Fei Hongdu, and the swallow's three-point water that requires extremely high body flexibility?Ordinary moves such as beating cattle across mountains, white cranes spreading their wings, and tigers digging out their hearts are enough to handle!
What are you not showing off yourself?
Don't be in a hurry to deny it. When you finished these beautiful moves neatly, the corners of your mouth were distinctly raised slightly, showing an undisguised sense of self-satisfaction.Don't think that there was no one else in Ming Dao at that time, the author's eyes are sharp!

It seems that everyone here, when working alone, will always show a different side from the past, Gongsun Ce is like this, and Zhan Zhao is also like this.

So, what about Duanmucui?
Duanmucui did not expect that the central fork of the underworld was so long, it was so long that it made people feel flustered that there was no end in sight.

In fact, her speed was already fast enough, and she rushed in all the way, and she might not be able to catch up in an hour.

Looks like it's going to be faster.

Duanmucui frowned slightly, made mudras with her hands, and was about to cast the magic spell again, when she suddenly let out a cry of surprise, and abruptly stopped her steps.

In the corridor ahead, thick to gray-brown mist billowed, completely obscuring the way forward.

Duanmucui looked back and looked at the road: the journey was smooth, and he didn't even encounter half a monster. Could it be that the danger is hidden in the thick fog in front of him?

After pondering for a while, the plan has been decided, put his hands up lightly, and silently recite the Feilian mantra, intending to summon Feng Bo to disperse the dense fog with the power of the wind.

After finishing the curse, he shouted "go", a strong wind suddenly rose from the flat ground, and rushed towards the dense fog in front of him. interest.

(End of this chapter)

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