Chapter 619
Among the trapped refugees, all the villagers near Yiyang began to drink porridge after being confirmed by Wang Dianshi, Qian Zhubu and other Yiyang subordinates.

The auxiliary soldiers of the propaganda team have selected more than 1000 young and strong men, and one person from the village will lead two assignments. Collecting trophies, cleaning up corpses, and screening prisoners have been carried out in an orderly manner.

The common people were so poor that they wanted everything. The corpses left on the battlefield were stripped naked, and every bit of grain spilled on the ground was picked up one by one.It can be seen that food and clothing are very important in the hearts of ordinary people.

About an hour later, the common people who already had two bowls of porridge in their stomachs smelled the aroma of meat.

Those were horses, cattle, donkeys, etc. that had been beaten to death or seriously injured, and were washed and stripped.Later, many ordinary people holding a bowl of broth broke down in tears, and too many folks sincerely thanked the "God of War" for his life.

There were too many captives outside the city, and Xu Sijiu didn't ask the magistrate of Yiyang to accept everyone into the city. Instead, he found a village outside the city that hadn't been burned to settle everyone.

This Zhuangzi was the place where Tsui Shanhu and his friends decided to stay for a rest.

More than 2 bandits were defeated, and 5000 people were captured. The food seized was very little, only more than 400 stones.

If there is no restriction, if they are given dry food, a half-sized child can eat a full catty of grain in one meal, an average of one stone of grain is only 150 catties, and polished rice is only about 180 catties.

More than 2 people have a total of more than 400 shi of grain, and they can't last for a few days if they drink water. No wonder they are desperate to break through Yiyang County.

The rogues have been insane for a long time, and they will definitely not engage in egalitarianism. The elderly and children will be fine if they don’t get food.

This is not sensational, Zhang Xianzhong has committed the crime of killing common people and eating meat many times. Many leaders of the rogue bandits have become addicted to eating human flesh.

Xu Sijiu, Guo Sanxi and their subordinates rested outside Yiyang City for three days, and let the common people eat two thin meals and one dry meal, because too many common people were starving, and they had to be fed and warm. A place to sleep, take it easy.

During this period, all the townspeople and military officers mobilized the masses to report and expose the bloody and debt-ridden little five hundred habitual bandits among the captives.

Xu Sijiu held a mass meeting and publicly announced the numerous crimes of these habitual bandits. He sentenced 420 people to be beheaded and 60 people to be beheaded.

It doesn’t matter that Yiyang County doesn’t have professional skin-pickers. There are a few butchers who have blood feuds with bandits. All of them have relatives who have been victimized by bandits in the past few days.

Before killing these thieves, Xu Sijiu led the publicity team to spread the word.

The "God of War" once gave a warning that no one is allowed to slaughter the common people, otherwise they will be skinned alive if they fall into the hands of the Huang family.Today's killing is to tell all Xiaoxiao that the Huang family will keep their word.

The tens of thousands of people gnashing their teeth clapped their hands and cheered. No one thought it was too cruel. They scrambled forward one by one. They wanted to witness the skinning of the bones of these heinous thieves with their own eyes.

Li Zhongzheng and Jin Zhixian saw that the servants of the "God of War" did not kill people indiscriminately at all, and everyone who was sentenced to death was fully supported by Gu.

These old gangsters never expected to face trial before. They were blatant when they did bad things. They once triumphantly massacred women and children in public, and trampled trembling old people with horses. There are countless witnesses.

It is estimated that Xu Sijiu's proven crimes are less than [-]% of the heinous crimes committed by these thieves.

Maintaining the dignity of the law is especially important in troubled times. The execution of the murderous gangsters began. Yiyang's executioners wielded broadswords and beheaded the gangsters sentenced to beheaded row by row.

More than 20 thieves with blood debts are actually damn thieves who were sentenced to [-] years of labor reform. These thieves who were left alive knelt obediently in the first row and watched their accomplices’ heads fall. I don’t know how many people were frightened. Fecal incontinence.

Each of the beheaded thieves was confirmed to have committed at least three lives. This did not count the soldiers and civilians they killed when they attacked Zhuangzi, Tunbao, and the city.

The next step is to cut them in half, and they won't die for a while after being stabbed in the middle. These thieves with more than five lives finally regretted coming to the world.

Too many thieves with half their bodies crawled on the ground with their hands to their acquaintances from the former gang who were kneeling aside, dragging bright red blood under their bodies. They were not begging for help, but begging them to beat themselves to death.

The more than six hundred thieves who had been spared the death penalty had fainted from fright at this time, and there will be more educational skin-picking scenes below, so we can't let a reform-through-labour prisoner be absent.

Guo Sanxi ordered the thieves who didn't faint to wake up those fainted immediately, and cursed loudly: "You bastards, why didn't you think that you would be punished when you killed someone? Whoever doesn't wake up within a short time should kneel down obediently!" He will be punished as refusing to be reformed, and immediately pulled out and beheaded."

With this shout, most of the fainted thieves woke up immediately, kneeling on the ground to sieve the chaff. It turned out that these boys had a mental breakdown and couldn't support them and fell down and pretended to be fainted to avoid watching the bloody massacre scene.

Seeing the rogues who slaughtered their own relatives yesterday, the onlookers applauded endlessly, because too many of their relatives died at the hands of these beasts.

Of course, the final skinning was even more bloody. The thief chief Chong Tianzhu was frightened mad when he saw the beheading and the half-cutting.

This is the true portrayal of these thieves' bones. When they kill ordinary people, they are extremely cruel, but in fact it is just to make others fear.

In fact, their hearts are not strong at all. When it was their turn to be liquidated, they showed their true colors one by one.

The heinous bandit leaders were wailing, and the gnashing-toothed commoners applauded. Some bandit leaders had stronger vitality and could not die for a while after being skinned.

After the execution, Xu Sijiu once again emphasized the warning from the "God of War". Regardless of the casualties in the battle between the two armies, no one can slaughter the common people arbitrarily.

I hope that all the common people will tell each other not to follow the thief, that is a road of no return, and sooner or later they will die. If life is difficult, as long as they go to the "God of War", everyone will be able to get food and clothing.

(End of this chapter)

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