Chapter 331
Xu Xinsu was holding a matchlock gun. This influential figure calmly watched the pirates rushing in like a tide with strange screams. He knew that the most critical moment had come, and he only wanted to kill Zheng Yiguan's minions in large numbers, even if he was killed. The old opponent peeled off the skin.

The city of Xiamen is in dire straits, and seeing that the fruits of victory will come, the charging pirates even thought of the beautiful girl in vain in the city, and each of them became excited, not knowing if there was any desire.

At this critical moment, Zheng Yiguan's army gongs blared loudly, and the pirates called gold to withdraw their troops.

The charging pirates were as wilted as eggplants beaten by frost. They began to scold their mothers, accusing their mothers of messing up their command, cursing all the way back to the direction of the Chinese army.

Xu Xinsu was a little dazed, and had a small feeling that he was in a desperate situation, and Xiamen would go down in one fell swoop. Is Zheng Yiguan out of his mind?He didn't have time to think about it and quickly took advantage of the god-given opportunity to order the soldiers and civilians to treat the wounded and strengthen the city's defenses.

It turned out that there was nothing wrong with Zheng Yiguan's brain, but the chrysanthemum was exploded.

Zheng Yiguan, in a hurry, came to explore the horse and reported the news of the loss of Xiamen Port. Zheng Yiguan learned that all the ships brought to Fujian were captured by the Ming army.

Zheng Yiguan was dizzy, and the Ming army rushed to help, swallowing all the ships in Xiamen Port in one go?This is impossible!I never heard that Daming has such a powerful navy!

If Daming had such a powerful navy, how could I have been suppressed and beaten all these years and remained indifferent?Zheng Yiguan couldn't understand it.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, if Xu Xinsu is killed and his boat is lost, he will be in big trouble. There are more than 7000 horses here, how will they go home?
At this moment, dozens of people rushed over. They were the pirates staying at Xiamen Port. They cried when they saw the big leader. The Ming army was too fierce, and our army was beaten to the point of being powerless to fight back!

Zheng Yiguan turned pale with fright, and quickly ordered Ming Jin to withdraw his troops, preparing to gather troops to counterattack Xiamen Port.

At this moment, he already felt that the situation was not good. Recapturing Xiamen Port might not help the situation. The key was to recapture some warships to allow the army to escape. If the Ming army had enough sailors to sail all the ships out of the port, what would he do?
Zheng Yiguan was sweating, and suddenly he was out of shape when the incident happened.

Immediately afterwards, more subordinates retreated from Xiamen Port. They reported that the Ming army had landed, and there were more than 2000 of them, and they were already attacking here!

Zheng Yiguan was furious. He hasn't suffered such a big loss since his debut. The Ming army only has more than 2000 people. What's the big deal? They dare to come here to fight on land?

Now that the Ming army is coming here, treat them well, line up!All the cannons turned around and advanced three miles, and today they will fight the Ming army under the city of Xiamen.

He left [-] minions to monitor Xu Xinsu's men, and personally led more than [-] subordinates to line up, waiting for the arrival of the Ming army, ready to fight to the death with the Ming army.

The Ming army didn't come quickly, there was no way, they couldn't get up soon, and they didn't have big animals.

The artillery commander Gou'er brought 180 gunners and [-] artillery trainees to the city of Xiamen to experience actual combat training, plus [-] auxiliary soldiers, with an average of [-] people pushing and pulling a gun cart to carry the shells and gunpowder. Reluctantly kept up with the marching team.

Fortunately, Huang Sheng, who was not afraid of trouble, brought all ten field artillery, otherwise Huang's private soldiers would be unilaterally bombarded by Zheng Yiguan's fifty artillery.

The soldiers braved the artillery fire and marched forward. I don't know how many will fall down and rest here forever!

The large army of the Huang family's private soldiers was still ten miles away, and Master Huang knew that Zheng Yiguan did not run away but was waiting to fight with his own team. Their artillery had long been counted by Gu Shanhe, who personally observed it on a hilltop. Yes, a total of fifty doors.

The artillery unit of the Huang family finally got the chance to bombard cannons in the field. Unfortunately, only three rifled guns that were loaded too slowly could have an absolute advantage in range.

There is no way to play slowly!Zheng Yiguan's fifty cannons must always be killed before the soldiers can advance.

Although the opponent's six-pound copper-cored iron cannon fires solid iron bullets, on a battlefield dominated by rocks, the lethality of a nearly six-pound iron ball jumping up cannot be underestimated. It cannot be protected by any armor. The lethality of the splashed stones can also break armor.

Master Huang Sheng slowed down his marching speed, and slowly advanced to a position three miles away from Zheng Yiguan's formation, and did not advance, and the troops formed formation.

The battle this time is very interesting. Everyone is fighting against infantry, and they are all ready to bombard each other with artillery.

This time, only [-] chariots were brought out to Nanyang, and now they are lined up. Of course, they must be used to the maximum extent. Each chariot has two best shooters, leaving only two loaders.

There is no need for too many loaders at all. These two loaders are the most unsatisfactory existence in shooting, because forty loaded flintlock rifles are already prepared in the car.

Twelve hundred musketeers lined up, ready to shoot the enemy. They also adopted the traditional three-stage volley of the Ming Dynasty, which could fire more than [-] mini bullets at one time. The sixty guns in the armored tank could be continuously accurate. Play thirty rounds.

After calculation, such firepower was not something that a mob of pirates could bear. Mr. Huang firmly believed that the sixty musketeers in the chariot might not be able to fight even ten rounds, and Zheng Yiguan's minions would collapse.

The grenadiers didn't even bring a supply cart, and each of them resisted an ammunition box with the supporting auxiliary soldiers and came to the battlefield. Each of them had sixteen "flying thunders" to throw.

The formation of the Huang family is simple, with 30 chariots scattered and lined up, the owner personally commands in the center, ten artillery chariots are parallel to the armored chariots, and less than 200 musketeers are lined up in three rows among them, forming a loose team shape, the front row retreats and the rear row advances cannot affect each other.

It is unscientific to shoot alternately in standing and kneeling positions, which is unscientific. If someone shoots at close range behind his own head, it is easy for the musketeers in the front row to be burned by the flames. Although there is no danger to life, it is July after all, and the soldiers were killed. Burns are hard to heal.

The Huang family musketeers took forward shooting and retreated to reload, so as to avoid unnecessary pain for the soldiers.

Although Zheng Yiguan was not given for nothing to lead the troops, this Master Huang is a prophet, and he is even more careful in assessing the situation.I am an officer and soldier catching robbers, and now the robbers are blocked at home. At this time, the officers and soldiers don't have to worry and take their time. It doesn't matter if they fight for ten days and a half months.

Because there will be more and more officers and soldiers, and fewer and fewer robbers.

Master Huang was not going to take the initiative to attack the bandits, he clearly saw that there were fifty cannons pointing at the Ming army, but he was far away from the range of the enemy's artillery and waited in full force, waiting for Zheng Yiguan to attack the Ming army's formation.

The deployment of the Huang family's field artillery is quite easy. The heavy artillery that Zheng Yiguan removed from the warship had to be relocated, and it would probably take more than an hour to advance more than two miles.

How could the pirates have time to rush forward with cannons, and they were also afraid of being attacked by the Ming army when they advanced.

The Huang family has three six-pound rifled guns that have actually been able to hit the artillery arranged by Zheng Yiguan three miles away. Huang Sheng does not allow the dogs to reveal their strength prematurely, for fear that Zheng Yiguan will find out that the situation is not good and realize that they have no chance of winning. The possibility of choosing to flee immediately.

Although this is a large island, if the pirates' combat effectiveness is not severely damaged, they will flee all over the mountains and plains. It is not easy to use dense forests and hills to fight stubbornly to destroy them, and they will have to suffer too many casualties.

Because of this, Mr. Huang lined up to compete patiently with Zheng Yiguan, just to see who can exhaust who?

(End of this chapter)

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