Chapter 296
The sentry horses who received the opportunity from their masters were told not to travel fast, no matter how far they traveled, they had to turn back to the camp at noon, and they set off early in the morning to head south.

The Jiannu sent were all experienced men who had survived many battles. They were really extraordinary. Their actions were impeccable all the way. If they were calculated with the same equipment, it would be impossible for them to do so. It would be impossible to wipe them all out. wishful thinking.

Three groups came in from the shielded area arranged by the Huang family, and the other two groups were too far to the west, far more than fifty miles away from the sea, so they were not counted.

The Jiannu sentry horse had just left their camp less than [-] miles away, when they were discovered by the Ming army's lookout post. Their advancing route kept reporting to various ambush troops. Adjust slightly.

Let Gu Shanhe take fifty chariots and Qing Getai's cavalry to calculate the way, and take the Shanhaiguan cavalry under Ma Shihu's command and fifty chariots to the northeast for a stroll, and a group of slave sentry horses will be hit head-on by them superior.

The unaware Jiannu was advancing, and the way was a bit strangely quiet. It stands to reason that he would always find clues about the scouts of the Ming army!
Meeting scouts from the Ming army is commonplace. Why can't anyone be seen here? It seems that there are only [-] people left in the entire Liaoxi Corridor.

How did the Jiannu scouts know that their every move was clearly seen by dozens of pairs of eyes, and a huge encirclement network of more than twenty miles was slowly being closed.

The six Jiannu sentry horse soldiers who were searching forward turned the corner and found the Ming army from a distance. There were not many cavalry, more than [-] cavalrymen, and six carriages. Finally, they saw a living person, still in bright armor. The Ming regular army, they obeyed their master's order and chose to go back, one by one, they turned around and returned along the way they came from in a calm manner.

Of course, this is the general flag of the Shanhaiguan cavalry led by Huang Sheng himself, and the general flag of the Huang family's musketeers. In order to arrange a large encirclement, Huang Sheng dispersed the team led by him an hour ago, waiting for Jiannu to take his own life. cast a net.

When Jiannu returned to his horse and retreated, he kept looking back. They found that the Ming army didn't seem to be planning to rush up to fight them, but just followed them leisurely.

Indeed, the ambush teams from all walks of life were ordered to drive them away. If Jiannu rushed to the battle, let the musketeers greet them with miniature bullets. Huang Sheng was unwilling to cause unnecessary casualties when hunting the turtle in the urn.

This is actually the hunting tactic commonly used by the Jiannu. Unfortunately, today's once good hunter has become the prey of Master Huang.

The six Jiannu quickly met the 18 people who were following behind. They joined forces and continued to walk back.

Just after they reunited with the six members of the rear team, they found a fiery red approaching rapidly at the end of their field of vision, and the experienced Jiannu immediately realized that a large group of Ming troops was coming.

At this time, Jiannu began to get nervous. The Ming army had too many troops for a while and couldn't judge how many there were. Anyway, it was not enough for 30 of them to attack.

The three Ba ​​Yala made a quick decision after loudly warning, not to run away in all directions, and whoever runs back alive will count the first, because they have successfully detected the specific location and approximate number of the Ming army. Sending a message completes the mission.

Jiannu would flee in all directions, but the Ming army knew how to lay ambush on all sides, and soon the encirclement formed by chariots and cavalry shrunk. Master Huang refused to allow them to pounce on the cavalry soldiers for the safety of the cavalry soldiers.

Because the soldiers here are all Shanhaiguan cavalry, their armor protection is not enough, and the lethality of the riding bows in their hands is not satisfactory.

Anyway, all the enemy's escape routes are blocked by armored combat vehicles. Let's not rush to strive for zero casualties, and gradually shrink the encirclement to surround the enemy within a radius of [-] steps and slowly hunt them down.

The terrain of the preset battlefield is too familiar, which combinations rely on armored chariots to wait on the road that must be passed, which combinations attack and drive forward Jiannu, and which combinations detour and outflank, the layout is very organized.

Jiannu did not experience any miracles. Under the advantage of more than [-] times the number of the Ming army, no one was spared from the precise strikes of the flintlock guns. This is different from before. Thirty Jiannu horses and twenty horses None of the horses preparing to transfer was injured.

The Jian slaves knew that they would not be spared, screaming wildly and preparing to fly moths into the flames. Unexpectedly, the Ming army did not give them a chance to get close. The Minnie bullets of the first-level musketeers seemed to have eyes. The Jin army scouts who fell down were beaten into sieves and bleeding everywhere.

It can be seen that the level of the Huang family's first-class shooters is already extraordinary, and they are responsible for every miniature bullet they shoot.

The Patriarch didn't get the chance to kill Jiannu himself this time, because there was no Jiannu ready to break through in the direction he was blocking with the chariot, so he had to play with the "Lucky Axe" in the chariot boredly.

This kind of story was staged three times at almost the same time and the curtain came to an end. Gu Shanhe and Qing Geertai took more than 2000 horse chariots and killed a group. Qing Geertai, who loves horses, was not willing to let the enemy's horses suffer too much damage. .

It's a pity that Qing Getai's subordinates are not very obedient, and it is also because although Gu Shanhe is a commander, he is too young after all. There are many uncles in the cavalry of Neikalkha who are used to being free and undisciplined. They don't have the soldiers of the Huang family discipline and obedience.

Gu Shanhe demanded that all musketeers shoot accurately for zero casualties, which was considered by the Neikarka cavalry to take credit. They agreed happily, and found that the Ming army had only fired one round of muskets, and Jiannu fell from their horses one after another. Seeing the number of enemies Too few are so easy to fight, how could they bear it, they charged their horses one by one, and although the slaves were all wiped out, a few of them fought with the Neikalka cavalry.

Fortunately, the Mongolian cavalry are fighting in groups, and now they are also equipped with iron armor. They have a defense that is no worse than Jiannu. The number of Jiannu is too small, and they are desperate when they are outnumbered. The knife cut.

Even so, more than a dozen cavalry cavalrymen were killed or injured. Fortunately, no one died on the spot. Eight people were slightly injured and six were seriously injured. Because of the treatment of the Huang family's medical soldiers, they should all be able to survive.

Huang Mingli killed the group that walked closest to the sea.The terrain there is good, with rolling hills, ten of the best grenadiers lay in ambush on a small hill and at the same time threw flying thunder to indicate the start of the battle. The Huang family archers charged and the steel arrows rained down to end the battle, too prodigal, war horse A dozen of them were killed on the spot.

In the first actual combat of the grenadiers, although one person only threw out a "Flying Thunder", everyone was impressed by its lethality and brought good results. The grenadiers who were a little inferior had already turned into pride.

They trained hard with more enthusiasm, and they found that if they could throw the 'Fei Zhen Tian Lei' far and accurately, they would blow up a large area, and the chances of killing the enemy and doing meritorious service were far greater than those of the cavalry brothers.

This time, he won the [-]th-level Jiannu Zhengbing, including the [-]th-level Ba Yala. Huang Sheng didn't repay all the credits immediately, but took his time to make the emperor happy.This time, there were two Ba Yala among the [-] grades of beheading reported.

Master Huang's third victory in the military preparation before Guan came again, and it was doubled.The guarding eunuch Liu Yingkun was overjoyed. He immediately arranged for the capital to report the victory and at the same time sent a troop of cavalry to bring a lot of wine, meat and food to comfort the army.

It's just good news!The soldiers and civilians in Beizhili used to be frightened when they heard the sound of horseshoes rushing six hundred miles away, but now they rushed out to watch when they heard the movement.

Seeing the real Jiannu heads and their capture, the common people were encouraged, and everyone hoped that the great talents could defeat Jiannu Chaotianque.

Three out of the five groups of sentinel horses sent by Hong Zai disappeared, and none of them returned to the camp. It was too mysterious.He stared intently at the abstract map, and carefully looked at the route the three groups of sentry horses were going to march.

The map was naturally seized from the Ming army, and abstract maps like Jiannu's level could not be drawn.Ba Xiao saw the clues, it seemed that the closer to the sea, the more dangerous it was!
(End of this chapter)

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