Chapter 288 Yuyang Drum
When Huang Sheng got home, he immediately asked He Xiang to write a letter, asking the housekeeper Zhao Rui to send Gu San and his men to immediately build a port in Daishan Island, Zhejiang.

[-] households in Huangjiawan Island are preferred, and [-] households living in collective dormitories in Huangjiashan Island and Juehua Island are brought to Dongjiang Town to develop on Daishan Island.

It is required that these people be selected as unskilled farmers, and let them go to Daishan Island to enclose land and farm, and strive for each household to reach at least [-] mu.

Huang Sheng knew that the south was intensively cultivated, and the land was at least double-cropped, and a family of [-] mu would not be able to handle it.

There is no need to care about how to treat the local aborigines. The Huang family knows that treating good people well and punishing bad people is all based on the idea of ​​​​managing one side to benefit a large area around it.

Two of the main warships built by Zhao Shimin should have been launched recently, and Wang Lianfa and Yan Bixin were appointed as the captains respectively, and they took the new warships, four No. Japan's Li Guozhu smuggled Hong Kong, and delivered letters by the way while going to trade.

The content of the letter is to ask Li Guozhu to take all the warships that can be mobilized to Daishan Port at the end of June to wait for the rendezvous with the Huang family's fleet, and then go together to beat Zheng Yiguan severely.

When the Huang family's fleet returned, if Li Guozhu had bought rice and got a full warehouse of copper ingots to ship back.

This time I went to Japan on a temporary basis to contact Li Guozhu. The Wufu ship of the maritime trade partner has not yet started to deliver the goods to Huangjiawan Island. The trading time with Japan is to facilitate the purchase of rice and order it after the autumn harvest, in September. .

The last time Li Guozhu expressed his willingness to ask the Huang family fleet to help him find Zheng Yiguan for revenge. Huang Sheng took the initiative to ask him to jointly attack Zheng Yiguan. Li Guozhu should be wishing for it, and he should come as promised.

These sea merchants and pirates are not idle people, and it may not be possible to go out with all their strength. It is certain to bring out all the warships that can maneuver.

On the Dragon Boat Festival in May, the opening ceremony of Wang Gongchang Commercial Street was held as scheduled. Emperor Tianqi was not able to attend the ceremony in person because he was unwell, so he sent the letter king Zhu Youjian. Huang Ming came to the scene in person.

The capital was empty again. The difference from the last time was that all the people in the capital stayed away from Wang Gong's factory that time, but this time they all gathered here.

The dazzling array of goods is dizzying, and the merchants really keep their promises. The goods sold on Wang Gongchang Street are all genuine goods at a fair price. The management staff of Huang's family have not found any fake or inferior products so far.

With such popularity, the merchants in Wang Gongchang Commercial Street can do the business of the previous month in one day, and everyone is smiling from ear to ear.The merchants who did not get the shops on the commercial street swallowed their mouths with greed.

Such a hot atmosphere lasted for seven or eight days, and the capital of the Ming Dynasty was immersed in joy and peace, just when everyone thought that He Qinghai Yan Daming would be prosperous.

The sound of horseshoes in the six hundred miles of Liaodong shattered this dream.

On the ninth day of May, Baxiao led his troops to the old border of Guangning, and ordered Beledeglei, Jierhalang, Azig, Yuetuo, Sahalian, and Haoge to lead the guards and fine cavalry as the front team to attack. The generals of the city led the armored army to carry ladders, playing cards and other equipment as the rear team.

Hong Jie personally led the army in the center with the big beile Daishan, the second beile Amin, and the three beile mangurtai.The Hou Jin army marched and was divided into three teams: the front, the middle and the back.Combat is classified as left, center, and right.

After the Jin army lightly captured the two cities of Dalinghe and Youtunwei, the three armies joined forces in Jinzhou and camped on all sides one mile away from the city.Guarding the eunuch Ji Yong, the commander-in-chief Zhao led the teaching and stationed in Jinzhou. Seeing the menacing Jiannu, he dared not fight in the field, and asked for reinforcements while defending Jinzhou.

This is simply Yuyang's agitation, shocking the neon clothes and feathers. Since the death of the old slave wild boar skin, Yuan Chonghuan, the governor of Liaodong, and Jiannu have not fought each other. Everyone in Ming Dynasty thought that the Liao affairs were all right!

Unexpectedly, I was happy for more than half a year. Jiannu was like a general mobilization of the whole country to start a war with Ming Dynasty. Now Jinzhou is besieged by Jiannu with 3 horses. If the imperial court ignores it, which official will dare to guard this city?
However, Yuan Chonghuan, who was hiding in Ningyuan, believed that Jiannu was going to encircle and fight for aid, and refused to send troops to rescue Zhao Ledjiao, the commander-in-chief of the left governor, on the grounds that Ningyuan had few soldiers.Also sent [-] miles to urgently request the imperial court to transfer Shanhaiguan and the soldiers and horses in the pass to rescue Jinzhou.

When Mao Wenlong fought bloody battles with Amin in North Korea, Yuan Chonghuan, the governor of Liaodong, was sitting on a [-] army and was busy building a shrine for Wei Zhongxian.

When the stupid Yuan Chonghuan used the tower attack tactics of building fortresses and cannibalizing and advancing, didn't he think that Jiannu would be defeated one by one.How did you change your mind at this time?
Encirclement and reinforcements are inherently false, without reinforcements who dare to attack, the besieged city will be breached sooner or later.

For this absurd fortress plan, how much people's fat and people's cream did Ming throw in Liaodong, and how much project money did Yuan Chonghuan and Liaodong generals eat?The big fool is wronging the country and the people!

On May 1th, Mangui, the commander-in-chief and right governor, heard that Jiannu had arrived at Luyang Station and that the war was about to break out, so he led [-] officers and soldiers from the third battalion to take the initiative to go out of Shanhaiguan to respond.

Along the way, I received two handwritten letters from Yuan Chonghuan, who was already in a panic, once asking him to guard the Qiantun and once asking him to guard the front office.

Later, when the scouts learned that the Jin army was in a hurry to encircle Jinzhou, he ignored Yuan Dahuyou, who usually did not deal with it, and came to Ningyuan City with his soldiers and horses on May [-]th.

Yuan Chonghuan didn't know what the purpose was, and ordered the Manchu army to retreat to Qiantun to defend the Mongolian tribes and prevent the Mongolians from taking advantage of the fire.

Man Gui was not afraid of Jiannu at all. He was one of the few brave generals who dared to fight against Jiannu at that time. He felt that the most urgent task was to rescue Jinzhou.

Yuan Chonghuan disagreed with Mangui's eastward advance, and told Mangui that the Jin army had tens of thousands of troops, but the Ming army only went to more than 1, which was outnumbered. Mangui asked Ningyuan to also send troops, but was rejected.

The brave general Mangui could only bring his troops to reinforce Jinzhou. The reinforcements met Houjin at Yanli Mountain between Lianshan and Tashan. After a fierce battle, Mangui was wounded in many places.

The dream of peace was shattered, and the court was full of quarrels. For a while, the price was soaring, which made people panic even more.

The court quarreled for three days without any constructive suggestions. At this time, someone thought of Huang Sheng, a talented general who was in the capital for his honeymoon.

The British prince Zhang Weixian became angry, and he was arguing with the adults in the court. He had only one meaning. The son-in-law was just a 21-year-old young man, a civil servant from the fifth rank, and at most he commanded less than 3000 people. How could he take on this important task?
Britain's public words are justified, and Emperor Tianqi, who came to the court with a sick body, also deeply agrees.

So someone suggested that Xiong Tingbi, the former Liaodong strategist, come back to lead the army to break the siege of Jinzhou. Unfortunately, Xiong Tingbi is far away in Jiangxia. How long does it take to come and go? Jinzhou is at stake. How can there be such time?
In the end, the letter king Zhu Youjian suggested that Master Zanhua General Huang Sheng also come to the court to discuss. He is a native of Liaodong and often confronts Jiannu.

(End of this chapter)

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