The sun never sets in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 180 Good things come again and again

Chapter 180 Good things come again and again
There are too many craftsmen who can make such firearms in Daming, Huang Sheng will go to Wang Gong's factory to deceive and get all the craftsmen he likes there.

Even kidnapping is fine. Anyway, by the beginning of May, more than a mile around Wang Gong's factory will be turned into ashes, and more than 2 people will die. As many people as possible are rescued.

In the Daming Firearms Bureau of Wanggong Factory, they are skilled craftsmen who cast artillery, produce gunpowder, manufacture thunder, flower bombs, Lumi guns, tiger squat guns, and produce various firearms such as swarms, underwater dragon king guns, fire dragons, fierce fire oil tanks, etc. Get a few to come to Huangjiawan Island.

Combined with the Huang family's technology, using the Huang family's steel does not require so many varieties. It only produces six to twenty-pound artillery, and manufactures several stereotyped products such as flower bombs and flying thunder. In the future, the weapons of the Huang family's private soldiers will be Simple and effective, easy to master and maintain.

While training the army, Huang Sheng also gathered skilled craftsmen to hold technical meetings. The wisdom of the workers is endless, and many wonderful ideas were inspired.

Huang Sheng knows the development process of all things, he is only a guide, so that everyone's research does not take detours.

On the basis of everyone's brainstorming, we set the tone for everyone and clarified the research direction. Many good things came out ahead of time under the contemplation of wise Chinese craftsmen.

A small traditional industrial hardware such as a hinge, when it does not appear, the door is fixed and opened with a wooden door socket.

Every time the door is opened and closed, it creaks and creaks. After using the hinge, opening the door not only reduces the noise, but also makes it more airtight.

Standard parts such as bolts and nuts, wood screws and Phillips screwdrivers came out in advance, which liberated the labor of craftsmen and increased their work efficiency.

Under the premise that welding is impossible, Huang Sheng put forward the theory of forging joint, expansion joint and riveting. The craftsmen are all masters with practical operation experience. When they saw the various fasteners drawn by Mr. Huang, they knew it immediately. How to make and use.

Huang Sheng asked Zhao Shimin to lead a team to compile the strength requirements and application specifications of all fasteners into standards, which all craftsmen in the Huang family must learn and master.

The rapid development of the Huang family is entirely due to the level of craftsmanship of the Ming Dynasty. The development of the world-leading Han civilization has just encountered a bottleneck at this time.

The biggest obstacle is that the requirements for steel are not up to the standard, because without the advent of air temperature technology, when Da Ming and the whole world produce steel, they get semi-crystals, which cannot reach completely liquid molten steel.

The difference of two hundred degrees makes the quality of steel poor by many grades. Because there is no qualified steel, too many products cannot be manufactured.

The Han civilization, which was once the number one in the world, declined, the advanced Ming Dynasty was wiped out by the backward barbarians, and the Han civilization finally completely fell behind the world for several centuries under the colonization of the Tungus savages.

Not now, the Huang family has steel that is similar to that of later generations, and can smelt high-strength special steel, and a more glorious era of Han civilization will come soon.

On February [-]th of the sixth year of Tianqi, Huang Sheng came to Juehua Island again. The siege of Ningyuan was lifted.

It is inevitable for everyone to get promoted and get rich. The corpses of more than 1 soldiers and civilians on Juehua Island have been ignored by everyone. Those once fresh lives have only become cold numbers in the history books.

Yuan Dahuyou should be fully responsible for Juehua Island's fiasco, but this kid didn't feel guilty at all, and even wrote a eulogy in a hypocritical manner.

""Writing in Honor of the Fallen Soldiers and Generals of Juehua Island",... Alas! The huge waves are vast, and the empty mountains are silent, all of which are scattered by your loyal souls. Looking forward to when the hometown will be, it will be a catastrophe without a date, and it will be gone. Wandering souls, why don't you unite together to wipe out your enemies and vent your anger? The ambition of life is extended through death, and even the day of death is still the year of life. Encourage it! Don't be shy, let your tears go with you. Enjoy!"

As for the aftermath of the soldiers and civilians who died, Huang Sheng, a small seventh-rank official, had no say. He only saw that the remains that had been placed in Tunliang City disappeared one by one.

Huang Sheng despised this fake hero who harmed the country and the people, and decided to keep a distance from him, even unwilling to go to Ningyuan to see him, since he was not under his jurisdiction anyway.

Huang Sheng directly sent Huang Mingli to Ningyuan City to invite two friends, Mao Yuanyi and Sun Yuanhua, to discuss matters in Juehua Island Tunliang City.

The former guerrilla general's office was not completely burned down, and some facilities have been restored now. Huang Sheng had someone prepare a banquet in the back hall, and was going to have a good drink and talk with the two scientists.

The two scientists were also very happy. They had made great contributions in guarding Ningyuan. Yuan Chonghuan had shamelessly reported the victory of Ningyuan, and also reported: "It is useless to kill Beiqi when the cannon passes by, and Huanglongmu will hurt the king. The Northern Cavalry said that it was not good to send troops, so they wrapped their bodies in leather and ran away crying."

The fact that this kid hugged the grass and beat the rabbit was not simple. In the end, many historians believed that the death of the wild boar skin was caused by the artillery fire of the Ming army under the city of Ningyuan.

Of course, Huang Sheng would not point out that this battle was not a complete victory but a disastrous defeat when all the civil and military forces in Liaodong were vying for credit. Doing such a stupid thing will not help the matter and will make himself the opposite of everyone, which is not worth it.

When they met again after the catastrophe, the three were filled with emotions. It was the first time for the two scientists to truly experience the battlefield.

They talked eloquently about the glorious results of the Ningyuan defense battle, and the two of them spoke clearly and clearly, and they had a lot of insights.

Huang Sheng was very open-minded to learn, and asked questions at the right time from time to time. He was really experiencing the battle of city attack and defense seriously, and Huang's private soldiers might encounter such battles in the future.

This time Ningyuan's offensive and defensive battle is remarkable, the scale is very large, and there are so many experiences that can be summed up. Of course, Huang Sheng asked carefully and listened carefully. Those who are willing to talk and those who really like to listen get together. Of course, everyone chatted very happily. .

The two scientists had actual combat experience and a deeper understanding of the effect of firearms on killing enemies. They both expressed that they must vigorously develop thermal weapons in the future.

After drinking for three rounds, Huang Sheng changed the subject and talked about the purpose of inviting two friends here.

"The two elder brothers and the younger brother also helped to do some small things in Juehua Island. The great achievements of the two elder brothers are not worth mentioning. Today, I present thirty heads of real slaves, including four grades of Ba Yala and twenty grades of vests. Infantry level six."

Huang Sheng was willing to give credit to these two scientists, and it was a good thing for Daming that they had achieved high positions, and it was even more beneficial for him.

Sun Yuanhua and Mao Yuanyi were talking about the great victory of Ningyuan with complacency, and it was inconceivable to hear that little friend had such a big gain.

Sun Yuanhua said: "My virtuous brother has found a chance to make a move again? That's great! Now it's time to take advantage of Ningyuan's great victory to repay the merits together. This time, the imperial court does not know how many civil and military rewards will be rewarded."

"No, no, brother, these [-]th-level gains are specially prepared by the younger brother for the two elder brothers."

Mao Yuanyi said: "No, no, now that we have the credit in our hands, we must not be so cheeky as to ask the virtuous brother to share the credit!"

"It's okay, my little brother has gained quite a lot this time, and tomorrow I will go to Shanhaiguan to report to Mr. Gao."

"Ah? Brother, how many gains have you made?" Sun Yuanhua asked in surprise.

"This time, my younger brother is going to report killing more than a thousand slaves, offering real slaves and gaining 270 level nine, more than half of them are young and strong, and Qi Ding Aha's head level is 160 level five."

Huang Sheng just wanted to overshadow the great victory of Ningyuan fabricated by Yuan Dahuyou. Obviously, there were not so many gains that reached the imperial court's standard of merit. Anyway, there are more than 100 poles of the Gao brothers.

The two scientists couldn't bear such a stimulus, and it was unimaginable for them to look at each other.

"This time, my little brother also captured three sides of the Jiannu Niulu Ezhen banner, and beheaded the Zhengbai Banner Niulu Ezhen Tubu Kush..."

"Brother, you have overshadowed the great victory of Ningyuan by yourself? We old brothers are still fighting with axes in front of you. It's really embarrassing." Mao Yuanyi said depressedly.

"Brother's words are wrong. If Ning Yuan hadn't attracted the slave chief here, the little brother wouldn't have succeeded in a surprise attack!"

Huang Sheng was telling the truth, if it wasn't for the fact that the Jiannu army had left the emptiness in the rear, it would be impossible for him to dare to go deep into the tiger's den.

"Hahaha, that's great. After the three of us get promoted and get rich, of course we can help each other and make great achievements." Sun Yuanhua laughed.

"Two elder brothers, my younger brother invites you not only to share the credit, but also to give you more than 300 sea-going ships rescued from the Juehua Island fire."

Mao Yuanyi said happily: "Master Yuan has already reported the loss of Juehua Island, those seagoing ships were obviously burned by Jiannu! What method did you use to get as many as [-] ships?"

"Without him, the raging fire burned for a few days, and the ice on the sea melted. Huang Mingli and his family risked their lives to get miller from the fire. These are the wealth of the Ming Dynasty. We are all people who live on the salary of the Ming Dynasty. , of course doing our best.”

Huang Sheng boasted without shame, calling himself a high-spirited gentleman, without mentioning that he hacked more than 300 good ships.

The two scientists were very smart, and they agreed to accept these sea-going ships without hypocrisy, saying that they would definitely let the Huang family who contributed their efforts not suffer.

Huang Sheng didn't mention the [-] shi of grain, and the two scientists chose to forget it. Anyway, it is impossible for someone to bring a document to ask for military rations. If it is cheaper, why not do it for a good brother who needs money to support his family?
There are more than 300 sea-going ships worth more than one million taels of silver. I don't know how much materials can be exchanged. The two scientists are already thinking about how to give my brother some more benefits.

Sending off the two friends who were still full of thoughts, Master Huang Sheng went straight to Shanhaiguan with his subordinates. I would like to invite the high governor to take credit.

Gao Di has just obtained his son's military exploits in rescuing Juehua Island with his family, and has not reported it to the court.

Yuan Chonghuan of Ningyuan City immediately reported his military exploits, and now good things happen again and again, and his confidant Huang Sheng has gained many more.

(End of this chapter)

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