Gu Erbai's Pastoral Life

Chapter 361 Is it okay not to marry Uncle Qing for the rest of my life?

Chapter 361 Is it okay not to marry Uncle Qing for the rest of my life?
Gu Erbai was angry and impatient, with mixed feelings in his heart at the moment, he raised his head and looked at him angrily, "Why were you negligent in guarding the library at that time!"

The old monk paused, "People have three urgencies."

"You are so comfortable, you lost my life!"

"Don't worry, benefactor."

Gu Erbai broke down and cried, covering his face, "Why don't you worry me! I'm dying! I haven't married Uncle Qing yet, we have eight more children, and I still want to spend time with him... ..."

"I never said that the benefactor will die."

The old monk said leisurely.

"..." Gu Erbai's movement of wiping his tears suddenly froze, "Then she said that?"

"It's just that the woman in the mirror wants the benefactor to die, and the Infinite Compassion Mantra does not have the function of physical death."


Hold the grass!Gu Erbai was almost so mad at this dead monk that he was left with half his life.

"Then tell me directly, what will happen to me?"

"My old man has already said before that there is nothing greater than death in the heart, and nothing greater than death in the heart."

Gu Erbai put down his hands and looked at him suspiciously, "Does that mean it will make me extremely sad?"

The old monk nodded.

"Is there any way to resolve it?"

"The reason why a banned book is a banned book is because its taboo is so powerful that no one can decipher it, even the person who created it can't do anything.

Those who practice him need to pay a price, and those who are cursed will not be spared either. "The Curse of Infinite Compassion" is a heart-killing curse, not a death curse.

The caster needs to cast the curse when the cursed person's defense is weakest, and the spell will take effect at the happiest time of the person's life to achieve the effect of killing the heart. This is the Great Compassion Curse. "

"...When is the happiest time? It means I can't be too happy, otherwise it will take effect at any time?"

The old monk shook his head, "Ordinary joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are just the venting of normal human emotions. The real joy and sorrow come from the bottom of my heart."

Gu Erbai wrinkled his face, and shook him anxiously, "Master, stop playing charades with me, tell me when exactly? What will happen if it takes effect?"

The monk put down the tracking mirror in his hand, stretched out his hand and said, "Amitabha, the heavenly secrets should not be revealed, but the mistakes made by the disciples in the past, and the innocent people are now hurting innocent people. It is a heinous crime. May the Buddha be merciful and forgive me this time. Even if you suffer from the punishment of thunder after passing away, you will not hesitate."

Gu Erbai watched him pray silently, and let go of him slightly.

After a while, the old monk opened his eyes, looked at her with clear eyes and said, "Three great joys in life: rain after a long drought, encounter with an old friend in a foreign land, and wedding night in the bridal chamber."

"Three big happy events?" Gu Erbai hurriedly lowered his head and counted one by one, "The long drought meets the rain?"

The old monk shook his head, "Jiacheng has good weather and good weather every year. It is a treasure land of fast things, rich sky, and fertile land. This is unlikely."

"But meeting an old friend in a foreign land, Lin Yan, I have already met... I am very happy, but more of a surprise, so there is no reaction, but today is a bit weaker."

"It seems that this is not the happiest thing for the benefactor."

"Then there is only one wedding candle left..."

When Gu Erbai said this, his tongue was obviously knotted, and the frequency of teeth clenching was too fast, so that the tip of his tongue was bleeding.

The old monk looked at her with meaningful eyes.

After a while, the monk saluted her solemnly, "Amitabha, you are so good."

"Do you want to punish your heart in the bridal chamber?"


"Then if I don't marry for the rest of my life, can it be avoided?"

The old monk looked at her with pity in his eyes.

"Don't be a benefactor. Just now when the old monk prayed, he was revealing the secrets of heaven. The secrets of heaven are not unrevealable, but irreversible. The heavenly book has already been written, and fate cannot be changed. If someone leaks the secrets of heaven, it will lead to man-made changes." Fate, if you touch the handwriting on the heavenly book, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"……for example?"

"For example, the benefactor has already seen the secret. If he insists on going his own way to break the curse, the benefactor and the old monk will be tortured by thunder, and their souls will be shattered. This is the second. The most important thing is that the curse on the benefactor's body is still unsolved, and the torture of heart is still there. continue."

"I'm gone, how can I punish my heart?"

"The one who punishes you is the benefactor. You know that death can't change the ending."

"..." Gu Erbai fell into a long silence.

Well, there is nothing greater than death in the heart, and nothing greater than death in the heart.

"Then tell me, what exactly is this heart-killing curse?"

"The heart-killing curse is the core spell in "The Curse of Infinite Compassion". The specific implementation depends on the specific situation of the person being cursed, but the effect is the same. No one knows. If it is implemented on a person, it will be different. What does it look like, unless... wait for it to take effect."

Gu Erbai joked, "Wait for it to take effect? ​​Wouldn't that be the same as waiting for death?"

The old monk nodded heavily and closed his eyes.

"You said for a long time just to tell me that I can only sit and wait?"

Gu Erbai pulled him, but the old monk remained motionless, "Speak, is there really no way to prevent it?"

"Earlier, the old monk has already leaked the heavenly secret, telling the benefactor that when the spell takes effect, please forgive me, the lamp is exhausted, and there is no other way."

"Then it looks like I'm done..."

Seeing his helpless look, Gu Erbai couldn't help but sneered and sat there paralyzed.

Human fear always comes from the fear of the unknown.

The wedding night in the bridal chamber is originally the most beautiful time in life, but at that time, people's hearts and minds must be extinguished, heh~ It really deserves to be called the Infinite Sad Curse.

Her most terrifying thought was losing Uncle Qing.

If it is such a punishment, she will be no different from death.

Thinking about it, Gu Erbai stretched out his hand to hold his cassock tightly, and took several deep breaths before opening his mouth, "Then I'll ask you one last question, just tell me, will the host... die?"

Lao He didn't answer, but just looked at her, "Actually, the tricks in the world are only using human's seven emotions and six desires. If the benefactor can keep six roots clean, cut off black hair, and have the hardest heart in the world of mortals, It cannot be punished."

Gu Er smiled idiotically, "Impossible, I've already been trapped in this world of mortals."

"Amitabha, goodness, goodness, my old monk converted to Buddhism and tried to save all sentient beings, but what he saw in the past hundred years was just how many common people struggled in pain, how many idiotic men and women were ups and downs in the world of mortals."

"If life has no desires or desires, how is it different from death?"

"The donor is transparent. You must know that someone alive is always more painful than death. The Buddha does not seek icing on the cake, but seeks to save the suffering one."

"Then can you save me once?"

(End of this chapter)

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