
Chapter 980 Have you ever considered robots?

Chapter 980 Have you ever considered robots?

Yue Chuan is still busy conquering the world, conquering some chaotic and ignorant worlds that have not yet had the world tree. The branches of Yue Chuan's world tree are spreading, fruitful, one world after another appears on the world tree, many worlds are connected with each other, a mysterious The power of the world connects them through the world tree, and the world tree and the world are all improving synchronously.

After undergoing basic training, the members of the fighting spirit training camp all transferred to actual combat, and were sent to one world after another to fight with the indigenous gods of each world, and grow through the fight.

Four battles and one battle to confer the gods, not only comprehended the divine power of Hercules, but also plundered the godhead of Hercules, and had his own unique understanding of the rules of power. He was the first member of the fighting spirit training camp to be promoted to a god. With this kind of example, everyone else in the fighting spirit training camp is not far behind, they are all looking for suitable native gods for themselves, and compete with them repeatedly.

The territory under Yue Chuan's command is getting bigger and bigger, and at this time, his lack of background is more and more exposed.The world where Yue Chuan started was God's Continent, then the Demon's Continent that Sissi subdued, and the Vulcan Continent managed by Freud. The beliefs of these three worlds have already been unified. Yue Chuan can integrate the human beings in these three worlds Used as their own direct descendants, they are also the main force of immigration.

But it is still a drop in the bucket to use humans from these three worlds to fill dozens of worlds, and even more worlds in the future.As for others, the world beliefs of Hercules are not unified. The gods they worshiped for tens of thousands of years were killed. Human beings in that world were full of resistance and even hatred to the trusted Hercules. Nothing can be used by Yue Chuan, unless he can make up his mind to kill the human beings in that world to the point of fear and trembling, otherwise he can only use time to dilute it.

In desperation, Yue Chuan could only focus on those primitive people in the wild world. These people had no beliefs, and even if they had, they would worship mountains, rivers, lightning, flames, etc. It was not so much worship as fear of unknown forces. And the yearning for great power.

Yue Chuan didn't even need to show up, he just released the surging blood energy, dyeing the whole sky bright red. This vision of the blood-stained sky is naturally extremely eye-catching. Seeing mountains and rivers collapse, rivers flowing backwards, the earth sinking, and magma erupting...

The primitive people were either frightened or adoring and fanatical. One by one, they knelt down and prayed to the sky, offering their beliefs to this powerful force.Then Yue Chuan lowered his god statues, and selected a few bright-headed ones from these primitive people as "holy sons", "saints", "sages", "sages" and so on, to convey his will on behalf of them and lead these believers .

Building faith is like planting a seed, allowing it to germinate, and then only needing to come and tend to it once in a while.This kind of thing has been done by many gods and continues to be done.

If the indigenous gods of a world are very powerful, other gods will not be able to establish their beliefs here, otherwise they will be hit hard, or even a war of gods.However, if a certain world does not have indigenous gods, it will become full of religions. All gods spread their beliefs here, perform miracles frequently to attract believers, and religious wars will continue for tens of thousands of years.

Dynastic wars can last up to a hundred years, but it is common for religious wars to last for hundreds of generations, such as the forces of light and forces of darkness. Their believers fight and confront each other in many worlds, and there is no winner or loser for hundreds of thousands of years.

Because this is a game of gods, when a certain religion is suppressed to the brink of death, the gods immediately support it, bestow a certain artifact or send down a certain powerful soul, and then this religion rises immediately, counterattacks, and so on, unless one of the gods Only fall or give up, otherwise it is impossible to end.

But Yue Chuan is different. He has used the World Tree to take all these worlds as his own. He and his subordinates can freely enter and exit these worlds. If other gods want to interfere in these worlds, they will be suppressed and obliterated by the power of the world.The seeds of faith sown by Yue Chuan will definitely sprout and grow, and he doesn't have to worry about being strangled by followers of other gods.

Moreover, Yue Chuan brought all the creatures from these worlds into the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world.Other religions often promise some empty promises such as eternal life after death, great wealth in the next life, etc., but Yue Chuan allows them to enter another magical world while they are alive, and allows them to gain powerful power from it, as long as they are not fools, Naturally, he knew how to choose, and it was impossible for other gods to dig into Yue Chuan's corner.

"However, there is still a shortage of manpower. Even if the human beings in these worlds are 'creating humans' every night, it will take more than ten years to see results. Moreover, raising babies is very troublesome and requires more people. Productivity, but now there is a shortage of manpower everywhere."

Yue Chuan scratched his head as he was being tortured by human hands, and he felt the urge to go to other worlds to plunder the population.There are many worlds that Yue Chuan has explored, such as the world covered by gold servers and silver servers, with populations of hundreds of millions or even billions, but the human beings in these worlds do not believe in Yue Chuan, nor have they integrated into Yue Chuan's world tree. Once human beings arrive in Yuechuan's world, they will be obliterated by the power of the world.

Just at this time, Audrey He found Yue Chuan, and after learning about Yue Chuan's troubles, Audrey He couldn't help laughing.

"My lord, you worry about the population problem because there is no one to fill those empty worlds. Even if they are filled, they won't bring much productivity, and they won't be able to convert the resources of these worlds into usable wealth, right?"

Yue Chuan nodded, "Yes, all the warriors and magicians who go out of our God's Continent are good at fighting, but when it comes to production, they are laymen. Most of the worlds we have opened up now are hunting Warcraft, collecting resources, those people are just passers-by mentality, and never thought about really developing those worlds."

Audrey shook her head, "My lord, they did the right thing, because they are warriors, or soldiers, and their duty is to occupy and simply develop. When they gain a firm foothold, they can send ordinary people there. Develop agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, science, education, culture and health."

Yue Chuan spread his hands, "The problem is that we don't have 'ordinary people' now."

Indeed, because of the existence of the "Dungeon and Fighter" game world, everyone can become a warrior and a magician, and as long as they work hard, there will be gains, and it is just around the corner to practice hard for a few years in the sanctuary.In this case, how can there be "ordinary people"?

Audrey He pursed her lips lightly, evoked a smile, and said slowly: "Then, has the Monarch ever thought about mechanical power? For example, robots!"

(End of this chapter)

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