
Chapter 877 Martial Arts Is Survival

Chapter 877 Martial Arts Is Survival
Scientists in the heavens have studied the nature of martial arts and magic, and then concluded that martial arts is the application of human energy, and the energy of the human body refers to the bioenergy generated during exercise and the electric waves generated during brain activity.

Heat is a kind of biological energy. The practice of martial arts is the accumulation and qualitative change of heat. Just like the photosynthesis of plants, human martial arts are very similar, except that human beings do not have chloroplasts of plants, so they cannot obtain energy from the outside world. , can only be produced by one's own activities, and only when one's cultivation reaches a certain level can energy be absorbed from the outside world.

Sijue has a deep memory of these theoretical knowledge, almost back and forth. Sijue has always believed that the martial arts of the heavens are incomparable, but the first lesson of the fighting spirit training camp made Sijue subvert this cognition.

Indeed, science is omnipotent, and there is almost nothing that science cannot do. Even martial arts have become clear and thorough under the analysis of science, presented to people like the periodic table of elements, without any secrets at all.But after the first lesson and four battles of the fighting soul training camp, I realized that the martial arts in the heavenly realm is a mistake from the root.

Martial arts is not a phenomenon, nor is it a kind of thing. Martial arts is the instinct of human survival, and it is a mysterious thing. Science can explain and analyze the superficial aspects of martial arts, but it cannot touch the essence core.Just as science cannot explain the mind of a baby or the mind of a woman.

When Sijue practiced martial arts in the heavens, everything was digitized, the speed of punching, the angle of punching, the strength of punching... everything was recorded and measured by data.But in the fighting spirit training camp, the instructors never said a word about data from the beginning to the end, and they only conveyed one meaning-survive.

Yes, live on.This is the purpose of the training in the fighting spirit training camp, and it is also the assessment standard for the first lesson of the fighting spirit training camp.

If you want to survive, you must understand and control your body temperature, and this involves the mastery of energy, the most subtle and meticulous energy mastery.These are things that have never been involved in and cannot be achieved by the martial arts of the heavens, because these things are unpredictable and ungraspable. They can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words, and it is impossible to express them with data.

Sijue's body has been covered with goose feather snow, her skin is no different from ice, full of cold breath, without the slightest temperature, but it is only the surface skin, the thin skin is like a clear-cut Boundaries, within the boundaries, are abundant calories and normal physiological activities.

The hands and feet are no longer cold, the thinking is no longer fuzzy, the body is like being around a warm campfire, without any severe cold, Sijue already has the ability to survive in Icewind Valley, and also has the ability to continue training in the Soul Fighting Training Camp qualifications.Passed the first lesson perfectly.

"Congratulations!" said the instructor of the training camp: "Having mastered this ability, you can control your own physiological activities in detail. The potential of the human body is indeed unlimited, but the process of tapping the potential is very long, so don't squander your own. Strength, remember, use every ounce of strength where it is most needed and most appropriate."

Si determined to nod sincerely, she had heard these truths before, but in the fighting spirit training camp, she had a deep understanding of these truths.When she was in Tianjie, the instructor told her from the moment she touched the gun to cherish every bullet and strive to hit the target with every bullet.The four finals have always been like this, never squandering her ammunition, no matter whether she uses guns or cannons, she never fails.

But what about physical fitness?
Physical energy seems to be endless and inexhaustible. Even if you are exhausted, you will recover after a sleep.The four finals have never squandered physical fitness at will, and even paid great attention to maintaining physical fitness.But the Four Finals never paid much attention to physical fitness, at least not to guns and ammunition.

In the fighting spirit training camp, Sijue realized the importance of physical fitness for the first time, and realized the importance of cherishing physical fitness.Without ammunition, you can still fight with fists and feet, but without physical strength, you can only wait for death.

The other female gunmen just woke up after taking the medicine, and they were thrown into the ice and snow again, allowing the cold wind to destroy them, let the biting cold destroy their bodies, sharpen their will, let them wander in life and death, in that kind of muscle To experience it all in exhaustion.

When people promote saving water resources, they will say "the last drop of water in the world will be our tears", and only at that moment will people truly realize the preciousness of water resources and truly save water.But before that, they will never realize this, because the water resources are so abundant that they seem to be inexhaustible.

Originally, Sijue thought that the training in the fighting spirit training camp was cruel and ruthless, but when she really realized how to control the most subtle energy in her body to resist the severe cold, she changed her conception.Even if the training in the fighting spirit training camp was ten times and a hundred times crueler, she would still be happy with it, because she knew that all the hard work would be rewarded.

The other female gunmen did not have the same strength and savvy as the four finals. Some of them were tortured to death several times, a dozen times or even dozens of times, and they were still as unresponsive as elm lumps. Somewhat annoyed, how did such a fool get into Queen Rose.Immediately, the four finals were surprised, because she found that her first reaction was not to complain for her compatriots.

The fourth match found that in just a few hours, the fighting spirit training camp had already won his approval, which convinced him wholeheartedly.

Well, this training camp does have two brushes, which I have never experienced in many training bases in the heavens, especially their drugs.

Sijue found that every time his compatriots passed out, they would be given a bottle of medicine, and then they would immediately become energetic, and then they would be devastated by the cold wind again to the point of death, and then they would be given another bottle of medicine, a cycle that repeated itself.

According to the severe cold in Icewind Dale, this level of frostbite can almost be sentenced to death. Even if it can be rescued, the body is almost necrotic. If it does not become a vegetable, it will have to be amputated.But that miraculous medicine can repair all injuries, what kind of medicine is it?Even the genetic potion of the heavens is not so magical.This kind of inhumane training is impossible to carry out in heaven, because there is no such magical potion in heaven, and frostbite of that degree cannot be cured and repaired at all.

This world is really magical. Although it is a desert of technology, they also have some magical places, and these places even surpass the heavens.It's not unreasonable for the heavens to send us here for training.I only hope that these compatriots can also understand this, and get used to this training camp early.

Finally, the second female gunman felt the slightest energy activity in her body, and successfully controlled this physiological activity. She finally didn't have to be drugged, and finally she was qualified to stand beside Si Jue, proud of the snow and cold with her .

This phenomenon made the other tortured female gunmen gradually understand something. They finally abandoned the resistance and anger in their hearts, calmed down, experienced, felt, and finally, the third, fourth...

Not far away, Xiao Xiao let out a long sigh of relief, grasped the hilt of the Xuanbing giant sword in front of him and folded it violently, the tip of the sword snapped and broke, and the sword intent flowed from Xiao Xiao’s palm, smoothing the tip of the sword, a Xuanbing weapon Finally done.Looking at the sun in the sky, there is still some time before noon, and today's lunch is finally saved.

It didn't take long for the other students to polish their own black ice weapons. There are various kinds of swords, guns, swords and halberds, but they are all weapons they are used to. Only through this repeated carving can they understand their own weapons most thoroughly and deeply. Know your weapons.There are also a few students who don't use any weapons, and their task is to destroy Xuanbing.

Finally, at noon, all the colleges handed over the black ice weapons they polished to the instructors for inspection, and then lined up to the cafeteria not far away.At the beginning of the training, almost no one was able to polish the solid black ice, even if it was only a small and fast black ice, but after half a month, even the last student could polish the two-meter-square black ice before noon into a long sword.

It's all about the power of food.

Only six of the female gunmen passed the first class, and the other four were still not enlightened after repeated tossing dozens of times, but they were still in the adaptation period, and the training camp also gave them some preferential treatment. They were allowed to enter the cafeteria .

Originally, the female gunmen thought that the food in the cafeteria would be extremely hard to swallow, and they would not be surprised even to put some grass roots and tree bark on the dinner plate. After all, this is a perverted training camp, and all training can be called Destroy and torture.

But when they got to the cafeteria, they realized that they were wrong, and they were very wrong.

"If human beings want to survive, they must have food to satisfy their hunger. In a sense, food means survival. The same is true for cultivation. The source of energy for the body is obtained from food. In other words, intake of food is the resource for cultivation. , the higher the level of food ingested, the faster the speed of cultivation. I believe you should have heard of heaven and earth treasures and miraculous medicines. As long as you eat these things, your strength will inevitably increase. And these things are essentially a kind of Food, and high-end food."

All the female gunmen nodded silently. Dietary nutrition has always been a research project of scientists in the heavens. Scientists have also studied the relationship between food and warrior strength. An obvious example is that people in some areas mainly eat pasta, while people in some areas The dietary structure is mainly meat, eggs and dairy products. In the long run, people who mainly eat pasta are inferior to those who mainly eat meat, eggs and dairy products. Whether it is sports or military confrontation, they are completely at a disadvantage.

The saying "what you eat makes you healthy" is not entirely true, but it is not without reason. Diet does directly affect the foundation and achievement of cultivation, just like eating panacea all day long, even a pig can achieve some results in cultivation.

What is the food in the fighting spirit training camp?All the female gunmen looked forward to it.

"Dragon meat!"

Mentioning this creature, even the four finals would shudder. This is the fear in the bones of the celestial people. Bakal's violent rule has been a nightmare for the celestial people for more than 1000 years, and dragons are almost a taboo for the celestial people.

As soon as the people of the heavenly world mention Bakar, they have an urge to peel the skin and eat the meat to destroy their bones and ashes, but the dragons in the heavenly world have already disappeared along with Bakar, and this idea has no way to be realized.But the female gunmen in the fourth round never thought that they would really have the opportunity to eat dragon meat, and they ate it like a daily food.

The instructor nodded, "These are the food made from the meat of the ice dragon, and the soup made from the dragon's blood. After you successfully pass the first three days of adaptation, you will be allowed to bathe in the dragon's blood to improve your physique. Now, eat Bar!"

The physical exertion in the fighting spirit training camp is horrific, if it is not supplemented by food, no matter how strong a person is, it will wear down.All the students understood this truth, so they all buried their heads in eating, and they didn't want to be idle for a second.

Soon, those students were full and left the restaurant one by one, but the female gunmen waiting for the fourth round were still immersed in the pile of food, and they all had crazy expressions on their faces, as if the food in front of them had nothing to do with them. Like a deep hatred.

It was scary—a certain student shook his head, and left the restaurant in fear. The appearance of those women eating was really scary. He was afraid that if he walked a step slower, they would chop him up and put them on the table.

These women are too edible—a student nicknamed Foodie looked at his slightly protruding belly, then at the food for three on the table, and then turned his head to look at the pile of food on the table of the fourth finale and others. The bowls and dishes, suddenly gave birth to a kind of self-deprecating emotion, the reputation of foodie should be handed over.

Not far away, Yue Chuan covered his face and moaned. He found that he had forgotten a very important thing, that is the hatred between the people of the heavens and the dragons.The current Sijue and others have a kind of meaning of "the ambition is hungry to eat the meat of the barbarians, and the joke is to drink the blood of the Huns". strength.

eat, eat, eat...

Foodies have a reason!
Finally, the restaurant stopped the food supply, because if they were eaten by Si Jue and others like this again, they might become the first batch of academies in the fighting spirit training camp to eat to death, and become a shame that the fighting spirit training camp would never erase.

There was a short break after lunch, and everyone was resting silently, experiencing the wonderful process of the body absorbing energy from food, transforming and accumulating these energy little by little, and becoming a part of itself.

Martial arts, there are not so many profound and complicated components. In the final analysis, it is eating and sleeping, but in the process of eating and sleeping, it is constantly growing and becoming stronger.Martial arts is survival, and the two are inseparable. It is a mistake to separate the two, and it is even more wrong to use scientific means to analyze martial arts.And the fighting spirit training camp is to go back to the source and explain the profound meaning of martial arts from the root.

[The previous chapter was 2000 words, and this chapter is 4000 words. It has not been split into two chapters. Today's update task is completed, and there are no missing changes]

(End of this chapter)

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