baby mermaid in interstellar

Chapter 392 Birthday Surprise 4

Chapter 392 Birthday Surprise 4
In the end, Bai Xiu ate his own share, and Lingxi ate all the rest by himself!
After eating, Lingxi took Bai Xiu's hand and led him to the bedroom.

Bai Xiu was pleasantly surprised by the actions of the little mermaid, but there was a big surprise waiting for him in the bedroom!
His big bed, the gray sheets, pillows and quilts, are now all replaced with rose pink, and there is a big love heart covered with big red rose petals in the middle of the bed~

His simple bedroom style has all disappeared now, pink transparent bubbles are floating on the ceiling, the walls of his room have been replaced with girlish wallpaper, and even the coffee table is pasted with a circle of flowers...


Bai Xiu rolled his Adam's apple with difficulty, "Xi, is this too exaggerated?"

"I'm a man..."

Lingxi secretly smiled, and said with innocence: "I think it's very good, look at the layout here, do you feel that you are much younger?"

Bai Xiu couldn't bear to look directly, and said silently in his heart: He didn't feel it when he was young, he only felt suffocation...

"The creek..."

Lingxi didn't let him talk, and turned off the light mysteriously. The wallpaper in the room seemed to have turned on the automatic induction, and it radiated the color of a dreamy girl~
Bai Xiu has secretly decided in his heart that he will completely renovate the house tomorrow and resolutely put an end to all pink!
Thinking of this in his heart, his eyes still noticed the shiny thing in the little mermaid's hand.

Asked: "What is that?"

Lingxi was a little shy, "This is my birthday present for you..."

"This is the nine hundred and ninety-nine little stars I stacked, which symbolizes that our love can last forever~"

As soon as the words fell, the lights turned on, and the small pot in Lingxi's hand was completely exposed under Bai Xiu's eyes.

Bai Xiu stared at the shy and nervous face of the little mermaid, his heart was filled with emotion, "Xi~"

Lingxi asked nervously: "Do you like it?"

Bai Xiu's throat was so hot that he became dumb, "I like it, I like everything you do!"

He took the jar of little stars with great care, and carefully looked at every little thing that looked exactly the same through the glass bottle, which was made for him by his little mermaid.

His eyes suddenly became hot, he smiled to cover it up, and asked, "When did you do it?"

Seeing him accepting it, Lingxi was very happy, "I folded it when I was in school."

Bai Xiu was slightly taken aback, "So you were thinking of making me a birthday present at that time?"

Lingxi said in annoyance on purpose: "It's not someone who acted so deliciously on Brother Laixi's birthday, otherwise I wouldn't..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was blocked by the enthusiastic Bai Xiu with his mouth.


In the end, I don't know who made the first move. When the night passed, there were only petals and broken clothes on the floor, and two people hugging each other on the bed...



In the afternoon, Lingxi thumped her weak waist, and looked at Bai Xiu complaining~

"It's all your fault, you were so messed up last night even though you knew you were going to take a wedding photo today!"

Bai Xiu was in a good mood all day today, facing the little mermaid's complaints, he felt even happier!

"Well, it's all my fault, can I give you a massage when I go back?"

Lingxi was not fooled by him, and continued to complain: "How many times have I told you that you have to prepare measures and prepare measures, but you still don't listen!"

Bai Xiu said innocently: "... Wouldn't that be a waste?"

He approached her ambiguously and said, "I heard that it is good for women's health, wouldn't it be a pity to throw it away?"

Lingxi pursed her lips to keep her distance from him. She is not a banshee who cultivates by sucking Yuanyang from a man. How can she use such a noble blood?

"Hmph! I don't need it!"

Bai Xiu's eyes darkened, "No, you need it."

(End of this chapter)

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