Chapter 788 Our Home
At this time, Cangyu felt like he was shooting himself in the foot with a stone.

Fortunately, it was only a pheasant. If Yun Zhuohua said he wanted to raise wild boars, wouldn't he have to go all over the mountains and plains to find wild boars.

Cangyu saw that Yun Zhuohua was holding the flowers and was still thinking about it, so she quickly carried the bucket and pulled Yun Zhuohua back.

"Let's go back quickly and plant the flowers first, otherwise they will wither in a while."

Cangyu pulled a lot of flowers, and he turned the soil and watered, and finally planted the flowers.

Yun Zhuohua has already drawn the location here, so he pulls Cangyu to see if it is good to raise pheasants here.

Cang Yu just wanted to say, it is better not to raise this pheasant, and they have nothing to feed.

But the next moment, Cangyu saw Yun Zhuohua throw the wooden stick in his hand, and said with a smile, "This is like a home."


There is you, there is me, there is a place for the two of us.

This is our home.

Cang Yu pursed her lips, and swallowed what she wanted to say just now.

"Yes, this is our home."

Cang Yu affectionately held Yun Zhuohua's shoulders, and embraced her, but heard Yun Zhuohua's muffled voice.

"Don't forget to catch two pheasants and bring them back."

Cang Yu's hand on Yun Zhuohua's shoulder froze suddenly, and said vaguely, "Got it."

Cang Yu really caught two pheasants, but the pheasants were very violent.

Cangyu "pa, pa" two palms, knocked them unconscious, and then, under Yun Zhuohua's unwavering gaze, nailed two wooden stakes on the ground.

Then, tie a hemp rope to the legs of each pheasant to tie them up.

They didn't have much stored grain, if they fed these two pheasants, they would have nothing to eat.

Yun Zhuohua pointed to the valley wittily, and ordered Cangyu to lead the two pheasants up the mountain to catch bugs to eat when it was time for dinner.

Bring them back when they are full.

Cang Yu immediately became a poor child who let go of pheasants.

Even though Yun Zhuohua treated the two pheasants so well, their emotions were still irritable, and they even fought from time to time.

Yun Zhuohua looked at them and shook his head, picked up a thin and soft leaf and handed it to Cangyu, "Play a tune to calm their emotions."

Cangyu had no choice but to turn into a musician again and play for the two pheasants.

At this time, Cangyu realized that in this family, he was the one who suffered the most.

Even the flowers are irrigated by Yun Zhuohua, and I have to serve these two pheasants obediently.

Yun Zhuohua's feet were soaked in the hot spring water, and there was a rushing sound as the water stirred.

Cangyu was sitting at the side, the melodious music came out from his lips, sometimes low, sometimes high-pitched, making people mesmerized by it.

Yun Zhuohua propped his hands on the river pebbles on the bank, raised his head, closed his eyes slightly, and swayed peacefully with the music.

With a sound of "哗啦啦", Yun Zhuohua kicked up the water with his feet, supported himself with his hands, and stood up from the shore.

The hem of the white dress slid down and landed on her smooth white feet.

Just like that, Yun Zhuohua trotted into the room from the edge of the hot spring pool with bare feet.

When he came out again, he held a Hongli sword in his hand.

She pulled out the blade, and threw the scabbard at Cangyu casually, who caught it with her raised hand.

Yun Zhuohua walked over step by step, and said with a smile, "Keep blowing, don't stop."

Cangyu put the scabbard by her side, pinched the leaves and continued to blow.

(End of this chapter)

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