Disguised as a man: I am not your wife

Chapter 379 The Secret of Yu Pei

Chapter 379 The Secret of Yu Pei

She took out the jade pendant that was close to her body from the neckline, and put it in Cang Yu's palm, and when Cang Yu held his palm, the remaining body temperature on the jade pendant warmed his palm.

He squeezed three fingers, raised the jade pendant and put it in front of his eyes, he could still smell a faint fragrance between his breaths.

Since he gave this jade pendant to Yun Zhuohua, he never took it back. The smell on it can only come from Yun Zhuohua.

Cangyu pretended to hold the jade pendant and took two steps forward, as if looking for a way, until he completely blocked Yun Zhuohua's sight with his body, he lowered his head in a fascinated manner, and took a deep breath of the scent on the jade pendant .

Elegant and light.

Smelling this smell, Yun Zhuohua's figure suddenly appeared in Cang Yu's mind, smiling sweetly.

"Hey, have you found the way yet!" Yun Zhuohua's voice exploded behind Cangyu.

Cang Yu was so frightened that his hands trembled, and he almost dropped the jade pendant to the ground. He held the jade pendant, his blushing cheeks hastily said, "You have to let me take a good look, how could it be so easy to find."

Cangyu held the jade pendant now, and took a good look at it. She was quite disdainful for her behavior just now. Fortunately, Yun Zhuohua didn't find out just now, otherwise she wouldn't know how Yun Zhuohua despised him.

Finding the cave is the major task they have to do. Cangyu put aside distracting thoughts and concentrates on studying the path on the jade pendant.

"What's so special about this jade pendant?" Yun Zhuohua also stood beside Cang Yu, poking his head to look at the jade pendant.

When she moved and remained still, a faint fragrance came from her body, and it rushed straight into Cangyu's nostrils, which was exactly the same as the one on the jade pendant.

Cangyu suddenly thought that before, Lan Shan had told him with a smile that there was a fragrance on Yun Zhuohua's body. At that time, he still didn't believe it. He obviously had a very good nose, so why didn't he notice it? Now it seems that, Or Blue Mountain is more detailed in this regard.

It's just that men are said to be stinky, but Yun Zhuohua is such a big man, why does his body smell so good?

Cangyu's thoughts suddenly disappeared, and she didn't know where she went.

Cangyu was not traced, and it was a little farther away from Yun Zhuohua, so he showed the lines on the jade pendant to Yun Zhuohua, "This jade pendant contains the five elements and eight trigrams, and the skill of hiding the cave. Get up, we only need to find the right direction, and according to the above, we can break through and find the cave."

Ever since Yun Zhuohua got the jade pendant, he only found that the lines on it were complicated and unusual, but he didn't think about the Qimen gossip technique. Now that Cangyu mentioned it, and looked carefully, he discovered the mystery of it .

Five elements and gossip, Qimen Dunjia, her father also mentioned some of them when she was young, but the time is too long, and she can't remember clearly.

Looking at it now, my father didn't want her to apply what she learned at all, otherwise, he wouldn't be so careless and teach things hastily.

Cangyu told everyone to stay where they were, while she held the jade pendant and moved lightly.

Before he knew it, he couldn't count how many steps he moved. Every time he took a step, he was staring at the jade pendant, and he didn't notice the slight changes in the forest.

No wonder, at that time Ren Qiubai pointed out that Cangyu should follow him, if it was only Yun Zhuohua himself, he might be a headless fly, even if he came to Wengshan, he would not be able to find the so-called cave at all.

(End of this chapter)

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