Disguised as a man: I am not your wife

Chapter 331 Special Products of Changle City

Chapter 331 Special Products of Changle City
"So, you want to take this opportunity to let him go?" Yun Zhuohua asked back.

"Smart!" Cangyu gave a thumbs up in admiration.

Yun Zhuohua slapped Cangyu's outstretched thumb away, "Then what does this have to do with you deliberately acting like this in front of him?"

"Can you see this too?"

"Nonsense, I'm not blind!" Anyone who has been in contact with Cangyu can see such an abnormal behavior.

Just like just now, he clearly could have won against Du Hongchuan, but in front of everyone, he sold a flaw and deliberately lost to Du Hongchuan.

put on a show!

He was clearly acting in front of Liang Wenxu.

"It's a long story. If you want to listen, I can tell you slowly. However, we still have to do something urgent. Wait a minute, you have to follow my eyes."

Cangyu turned to look at the people in the Tiger Guard camp, who had already followed, he immediately clamped the horse's belly, let the horse gallop, and walked in the front of the Tiger Guard camp.

When they were still some distance away from the camp where the Xirong soldiers were stationed, they all dismounted and walked. All the horses were tied together in one place for people to watch. The barracks touched it.

Since they came to investigate, Cangyu didn't need to elaborate on what they should do and what they shouldn't do. The people in the Tiger Guard Camp knew all about it. Just do whatever you want.

Looking at the sun at this moment, as Cangyu said, it is really possible to catch up with the lunch of the Xibing soldiers when they arrive here. Big stoves have been set up one by one. Cangyu silently counted the number of stoves and put them in Draw the location of the tent on the ground.

When doing these things, Cangyu is very proficient, not like someone who has never been on the battlefield.

While they were waiting, there were fast horses coming and going from time to time, Cangyu reckoned that there must be another military camp stationed around here, and the scouts he brought out from the Tiger Guard camp also made a detour back to Cangyu. , which proved that Cang Yu's thought was correct.

It is not dark at this time, and it is impossible to touch it easily.

After working for a while, Cangyu heard a rustling sound behind him. He looked back and saw that Liang Wenxu was touching the sweat on his forehead, bowing his body low, trembling, and moving here step by step.

"Master Liang, you are here. Look, you almost missed the meal time for the Xirong people. Come, come, I will give you some insight and let you see what they eat."

"The prince of the county is joking, why should the officials go to see what they eat?"

Liang Wenxu looked at Cangyu half-kneeling on the ground, hiding behind a bush, completely covering herself.

He glanced at his clothes, between getting his clothes dirty and losing his life, he finally decided that nothing was more important than his own life, so he lifted the hem of his clothes and half-kneeled down.

"At any rate, you also came to Changle City. Changle's specialty is Xibingbing. When you go back, you can bring back some details of Xibingbing's daily life, and you can also show off in front of other ministers. How interesting is this? No one else would envy the opportunity to observe the soldiers of the Western Army at close range." Cang Yu was very considerate of Liang Wenxu.

"However, Mr. Liang doesn't trust me, why is he trembling all over?" Cang Yu stretched out her hand cautiously, and helped Liang Wenxu.

 I saw footprints
  On-site collection of various tickets

(End of this chapter)

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