Chapter 314 Named Bi Luo
"This sword is here for you!" Cangyu handed the sword forward, and brought it in front of Yun Zhuohua.

"Give it to me?" Yun Zhuohua frowned and sneered, pointing to the four-claw python pattern on the scabbard, "Didn't you forget that I'm a poor man, so it's inappropriate to use this."

"This belongs to me, the most valuable thing. It is enough to pay for the dart money." Cangyu was very generous and selfless, and didn't care about how much she owed for paying the dart silver with her sword.

"Besides, there is nothing inappropriate about this. Since this thing is mine, I can give it to whoever I want. You lost your sword because of me before, but now I give you this one. It can be regarded as a little bit of my heart." Cang Yu took Yun Zhuohua's hand, and forced the sword into her hand.

The four-claw python pattern is lifelike.

"In the huge General Zhenyuan's mansion, the second son of the dignified General Zhenyuan's family doesn't pay me the dart money, but also pays with things. Why cry poorly in front of me, you can really do it."

"What's the matter with the second son, what's the matter with the General Zhenyuan's mansion, it's just a good name, but the family has a big business, and it takes money to support so many people. Didn't you see it yesterday? My father celebrated his birthday , the gift givers are so unique, including the gifts, how rich do you think our family can be?"

Cangyu pointed at the sword and said again, "Just this sword, the most valuable one, I'll give it to you."

Yun Zhuohua glared at Cang Yu with a sneer. Before, he thought that this man was a son of a wealthy family, and he said that he would pay more for his hard work. Now it seems that he just said that he really wanted to spend real money. Come on, it's really difficult for him.

But what I want to do with this sword, I can't eat it.

It happened that Jin Yu walked in through the door, and seeing the scene in front of him, he was startled, and hurriedly pulled Cang Yu back two steps.

"Do you know what you are doing? Can this thing be given away casually? Do you know that if you do this, you will not only harm yourself, but also Zhuo Hua!"

Cang Yu pursed her lips and said with a faint smile, "Brother, you are being serious."

Under the disapproval from Jin Yu's frown, Cang Yu had no choice but to speak more clearly, "It's just a sword. Since the empress sent it here on purpose, it must have been acquiesced by the emperor. It is an undeniable gift from your lord. Since they intend to test me, why don't I go along with their wishes, in exchange for a few days of peace."

"Except for the four-clawed python on this sword, this sword is not bad, and the empress empress sent this sword by coincidence. It is a waste to put this thing in my hands. Since Zhuohua's sword is because of me If she lost it, I will naturally give her back a sword that is similar to the original one."

He turned to Yun Zhuohua and said, "I read the records, this sword is named 'Bi Luo', named after the green stone on the hilt, although it is not on the list of famous swords, but I miss you I will definitely like it, and if I give it to you, it can be regarded as having a place to use, and it is not a waste."

Cangyu has not been bound by these rules since she was a child. It seems that everything is up to her heart, but in fact she still has a measure in her heart. It’s just that this time, it’s a disaster to keep it, and it’s even more a disaster to lose it. Yun Zhuohua didn't know whether it was right or wrong for Cangyu.

Cangyu patted Jinyu's arm comfortingly, he turned away, walked up to Yun Zhuohua, pointed at the sword, "Don't you try it?"

(End of this chapter)

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