Chapter 278 Do You Know

The waiting person has not yet come, and the sound of the pipa has not yet stopped.

Yun Zhuohua heard the voice coming from the room, but it was somewhat familiar.

Cangyu smiled and smirked into the room, Yun Zhuohua also walked into the room very curiously, missing the hanging bead curtain, Yun Zhuohua finally got to see the real face of that person.

Seeing this, Yun Zhuohua hated her so much that she wished she had never been to this place, never seen this person, she turned her head and wanted to go out, but was entangled by that very familiar person.

"Yo, Yunhua, you're here too. Since we parted last time, I've been wondering when I'll see you again, but I didn't expect to see you again so soon. Come here, come and sit here." He greeted Yun Zhuohua warmly, but left Cangyu alone.

Cangyu was not annoyed either, he sat next to Lin Shaocheng on a cushion beside him, and the little girl serving tea in the room immediately added two more teacups, and then retreated to the cushion in the corner to kneel down.

"Didn't you bring me to meet the girl from the Northwest? Why did you see him!" Yun Zhuohua pointed to Lan Shan who was sitting next to him, holding his arm, and asked Cangyu road.

Cangyu smiled, pointed to the woman who was sitting behind a beaded curtain and was still playing the pipa, and then pointed to Lin Shaocheng who was sitting beside her.

"The person I'm here to bring you to meet is this Fengyi girl, and the Xiaoqi we are looking for for Shaocheng is him. So, this trip, we can kill two birds with one stone, very good, very good."

Cangyu clapped his hands, looking happy, he held the teacup, tapped his fingers on his knees, and drank a cup of tea in tune with the sound of the pipa.

"You guys, have you known each other for a long time?" Yun Zhuohua's eyes dangled from Cangyu and Xiaoqi's body.

"I know him, and I never said I didn't know him!" Lan Shan admitted it very neatly.

"Xiao Qi, what's going on!" Lin Shaocheng also frowned and looked at Lan Shan.

Lan Shan sighed, puffed out his cheeks and glanced at Cangyu faintly, and said bitterly, "I knew it was right to let Fengyi girl lie in ambush on all sides, I finally found Fengyi girl, you guys Just come here to make trouble, obviously because you don't want me to have a good time."

"What did you say that for General Zhenyuan's birthday, Miss Fengyi will definitely come to Changle City, and it's just that I am willing to help you. Alas, I deserve it. I know it's a trap, but I still go all out to dig into it." Lan Shan waved to Miss Fengyi aggrievedly, and the sound of the pipa stopped immediately.

The little girl serving took the pipa from Fengyi's hand, and only then was the bead curtain pushed aside by a pair of plain hands, and a gorgeous beauty came out from inside.

"Fengyi has met all the gentlemen." The beauty's body slightly shifted, and the wide sleeves covered her body. She slowly raised her head from behind the sleeves, and a beautiful face suddenly came into Yun Zhuohua's field of vision. .

The hibiscus comes out of the clear water and is carved naturally.

Zuo Fengyi is very beautiful, but it is not the kind of gentle and watery beauty that is common to women in the south of the Yangtze River, but soft and free and easy, mixed with the charm of the Northwest.

Between her movements and movements, one can see the flexibility of her body, which is comparable to that of an ordinary woman.

She has slender fingers, she can play the pipa, and it seems that she can also dance with a sharp weapon.

Yun Zhuohua's eyes were fixed on Zuo Fengyi's slender waist surrounded by silver-white light and colorful silk ribbons hanging down. Yun Zhuohua looked around that slender waist before he smiled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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