Chapter 255

If you have revenge, you are not a gentleman!
Although he is a gentleman on the beam.

Xiaoyaoyi chased after him with lightness kung fu, picked up pieces of small stones from the grass and threw them forward, he didn't throw them at anyone, he just threw them one step ahead of Ming Yuxi.

Every time Ming Yuxi wanted to take a step forward, a stone would block in front of him at the right time. The stone rushed forward with such force that after Ming Yuxi's knee was hit once, he never dared to touch it again.

Xiaoyaoyi looked happily with puffed cheeks, and compared Ming Yuxi's resourcefulness with poison, he naturally couldn't compare, but if Ming Yuxi and Xiaoyaoyi were asked to compare lightness of work, Xiaoyaoyi would not stand humbly. took the first place.

No one's lightness is better than Xiaoyaoyi, Xiaoyaoyi is always so confident.

And the fact is.

Xiaoyaoyi made Lin Shaocheng chase him for so many days, but it was because he was really bored and wanted to find someone to play with, not because he really couldn't escape.

Not long after, Xiaoyaoyi walked side by side with Ming Yuxi, he waved towards Ming Yuxi, showing his small canine teeth on both sides, and his smile was extraordinarily fresh and eye-catching.

Not knowing where Xiaoyaoyi picked a flower, he stretched out his hand in front of Ming Yuxi, "Send you a flower."

Ming Yuxi didn't expect that someone would send him flowers these days, not to mention that he is still a half-grown boy, especially since he has just bullied others, Ming Yuxi felt a little ashamed for no reason, he was distracted and didn't see what was going on in front of him On the road, he staggered under his feet and fell forward.

Fortunately, Ming Yuxi is also considered a master, but he stabilized his figure within three or two steps. As soon as he raised his head, he saw his belly patted on the big stone beside the station, and he was leaning forward and backward with a smile.

Ming Yuxi shook his head, pointed at the flowers in Xiaoyaoyi's hand and said, "Don't pick wild flowers by the roadside!"

"I'm a wonderful empty hand, I never go empty!" Xiaoyaoyi swayed his body, stuck out his tongue at Ming Yuxi, and then went to chase Lin Shaocheng again as soon as he lifted his foot.

Ming Yuxi was so delayed by Xiaoyaoyi, and he was already left far behind by Cangyu. Ming Yuxi finally let Cangyu relax, and all the hopes of the Ming family were pinned on him, so he naturally Will not give up so easily.

When Ming Yuxi used his kung fu to raise his energy and went on the road to catch up again, he thought that he would lose track of Cangyu, and he would have to find his way to Changle City, but Xiaoyaoyi waited for him to catch up at the fork in the road.

"Hey, they're going there." Xiaoyaoyi pointed to the fork on the left to show Ming Yuxi.

Ming Yuxi turned to that road without even thinking about it, without even thinking or doubting for a moment, which made Xiaoyaoyi feel a little sluggish.

He followed Ming Yuxi closely, and opened his mouth to ask, "Why don't you take that one, are you not afraid that I will retaliate against you and point you to the wrong way?"

Ming Yuxi smiled lightly, "You won't."

"So trust me?" Xiaoyaoyi inquired.

How should I put it, trust?
The two just met each other, not only did they not become close friends, but they also found fault with each other. It is somewhat unbelievable to talk about trust between two people at this moment.

"I didn't know before, but now I know that I was right." Ming Yuxi finally turned his head and glanced at Xiaoyaoyi, "Because you followed."

Rather than trust, Ming Yuxi is more willing to admit that he has seen through Xiaoyaoyi's behavior.

 Thank you ゛nuannuanぅ.tipping
  I also want to be very popular

  I hope you will continue to support Orange
(End of this chapter)

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