Chapter 143

"It's as if you are the same." Yun Zhuohua also sat inside, turned over a clean cup, got a glass of water and sent it to the bow of the boat for the little monk to drink.

Some people are born to wear silk, satin and gold jade, and those who cultivate poetry and books are martial arts, go in and out of BMW incense cars, and follow each other. In Yun Zhuohua's impression, Cangyu should be the kind of idle person who is raised in a wealthy family. Brother son, Cuju, Doucha and Going to the Music Square, even martial arts are probably learned for better play.

This injury and poisoning from Jiangnan to Northwest is probably the only time he has suffered in his life, how can he let Yun Zhuohua live alone outside, this kind of thing is connected with him.

After passing the market town, the road ahead is very flat, and you can still see scattered small farmyards in the distance, with clear water and clear lotus, the scenery is beautiful and refined.While admiring the beautiful scenery, Yun Zhuohua hummed a little tune to relieve herself. She only heard Xi Jiangyue sing it once, but she didn't remember it clearly, it was vaguely such a melodious tune.

The little monk grew up in the Buddhist language, and he had never heard such an affectionate tune. He turned around and praised without hesitation, "This tune is really good."

Yun Zhuohua was praised, and hummed even more vigorously. After humming Xijiangyue's songs, he also dug out the ones he had learned at home from deep in his mind. don't feel tired.

"Have you ever been to Southern Wu? Or, someone in your family has been there?" Listening to Yun Zhuohua's song, Cangyu couldn't help but wonder.

"Nan Wu?" How is it possible, "I don't know if anyone in the security agency has been there, but I haven't been." If possible, Yun Zhuohua really wanted to go out for a walk, but his parents restricted Yun Zhuohua's activities. It's all circled, and you can't take more than one step.

This trip to Changle is the first time for Yun Zhuohua to go out so far. It’s nothing more than a long trip. It’s new if you haven’t been there. What’s hateful is that you have to bring a troublesome guest dart with you. What a god. Do not help me.

"Then where did you hear this song? It doesn't sound like the tune of our Great Song Dynasty, but it sounds like it's from Southern Wu." Cangyu had been to Southern Wu before, so she had a good understanding of the customs and customs. , this tune contains the unique gentleness and tenderness of Southern Wu, and it is a ballad used by women to coax their children to sing.

This is not a program that will be performed in public. Unless you have come into contact with women and children in Southern Wu and are very close, otherwise, generally no one will sing it openly for others, and it is even more unsuitable to sing for others.

Yun Zhuohua pressed his chin, frowned and squinted his eyes for a while, then muttered to himself, "Yeah, where did I hear it, why can't I remember it, it's so familiar."

When she was young, she raised the family alone, and her mother did everything by herself, and even a servant girl was not spared in the room, so only her mother could sing to him. Hua could still hear their zithers singing in harmony, but Yun Zhuohua couldn't remember the tune.

In fact, Yun Zhuohua is also justifiable, his father urged Yun Zhuohua to practice martial arts every day, in order to strengthen his body, and Yun Zhuohua's mother arranged for her to play piano, chess, calligraphy, poetry, poetry, etiquette and music every day, in order to cultivate her Her heart is also to keep her from being bored.

She got up early every day, and when she passed her father's gate and passed her mother's gate, she was naturally out of spirits.

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(End of this chapter)

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