Disguised as a man: I am not your wife

Chapter 1111 23 things about the Ming family

Chapter 1111 Anecdotes about the Ming Family (Part 8)

Ming Yuzheng gritted his teeth and said, "Don't just look at the appearance, but look at the inside. If you have the ability, you can look at it after today!"

From Ming Yuzheng's body, there has always been an aura that strangers should not enter. If there is not a happy event in the Ming family today, and there are many people who come here, and they all need to watch the ceremony here, otherwise, it will be directed at Ming Yuzheng. There must be no one willing to stay within three or five steps.

But at this moment, someone gently tugged on Ming Yuzheng's sleeve.

"Brother, why are you wearing foster father's clothes?" Li Li raised his head and asked with pure eyes.

"Your adoptive father's clothes?"

Ming Yuxi looked down, and he was wearing a rare bright purple dress that represented the status of the Ming family. However, Ming Yuxi was embroidered with colorful phoenixes behind him, while his was very ordinary. .

"Who is your adoptive father?" Ming Yuzheng couldn't help asking while looking into those eyes.

Mo Li raised his hand and pointed at Ming Yuxi who was saluting, and it was only then that Ming Yuzheng realized that the other hand of this little girl was still holding Yun Zhuohua.

He suddenly thought that Ming Yuxi once told him that he was the adoptive father of Yun Zhuohua's child. According to his seniority, this child should not be called his brother.

"It's not your adoptive father's clothes, it's mine." Ming Yuzheng replied very seriously.

Then, he immediately added, "Also, I'm not an elder brother, I'm your adoptive father's younger brother, you should call me uncle."

Yun Zhuohua next to him said "Huh?", tilted his head and asked Cang Yu, "Should I be called Uncle?"

Who knows, Cangyu said coolly, "I don't have a younger brother."

What Ming Yuzheng said just now made him even more uncomfortable, and then he gritted his teeth and said, "Wrong, you should call me uncle!"

Yun Zhuohua and Ming Yuxi became brothers and sisters with different surnames, and Ming Yuzheng's "uncle" was naturally justified.

Regarding this, Yun Zhuohua didn't say anything more, it was a tacit agreement.

On the other hand, Mo Li looked at Ming Yuxi and then at Ming Yuzheng, and after a long while, he called unwillingly, "Uncle."

For some reason, Ming Yuzheng felt extremely relieved when he heard it.

When Yun Zhuohua went to see the bride with his female relatives, he saw that Gong Rujun's appearance was indeed first-class, and his style was also brought up by everyone from a famous family, so there was nothing to criticize.

She thought Ming Yuxi was really blessed, and said a few auspicious words to Gong Rujun, but when everyone was about to go out, she was stopped by Gong Rujun.

As if making a promise, Gong Rujun said to Yun Zhuohua very seriously, "I will be with him for the rest of my life and make him happy."

"One lifetime?" Yun Zhuohua smiled slightly.

Gong Rujun seems to be a bold girl, but she is just a girl, and the girl's thoughts are always in a thousand turns. Judging from Ming Yuxi's expression when he mentioned Nanwu and Yun Zhuohua, Gong Rujun has already noticed something.

Although that kind of feeling was already very shallow and was replaced by another kind of feeling that could be called family affection, but Gong Rujun noticed it.

But so what.

She just met Ming Yuxi later, and Ming Yuxi also chose her. There is nothing that makes her happier than this.

She will never forget that when she first saw Ming Yuxi, that man who was astonished as a heavenly man smiled at her, and then said, "Go back to Nanzhao to get married."

"Yes, for the rest of my life, I will make Ming Yuxi happy for the rest of my life." Gong Rujun solemnly promised.

"This is also what I expected." Yun Zhuohua also said with a smile.

 This is the end of the Ming family episode, I don’t know if you still like it

(End of this chapter)

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