minister on skirt

Chapter 144: Ask for Your Own Blessings

Chapter 144: Ask for Your Own Blessings
"You don't know anything about the Ling family's affairs, so why do you claim justice!" Xu Lan sternly said, "Wu Ninghou didn't go to ask for responsibility, did she kill anyone, and what did she do? Is it relevant!
"If she is guilty, shouldn't the court judge her by law? Even if she made a mistake, the ancients would say that knowing the mistake can make a big difference. How does her concealing her identity hinder you?!"

"It has nothing to do with me, but you can't say that it was my fault that I exposed her!"

She had also had enough of humiliating and begging for justice in front of him for so many years. "When did it become a crime to accuse a murderer? I know Ling Yuan and Huo Rong are waiting to find out about me. It doesn't matter! At worst, I won't be this general anymore, I'll go back!"

"This is not your personal matter! The emperor sent Marquis Wu Ning here to deal with those people from the Water Transportation Department. If you succeeded before and forced the Marquis to have nowhere to go, then he must continue to seek revenge with Changying, or Regardless of cover up!

"If he shields her, it is very likely that people from the Water Transportation Department will use it to counter him! He has become passive as an imperial envoy. How can Nankangwei still be on the job?! This can be solved by you quitting the job." something?!"

Su Xinrong's heart trembled, she didn't think so much. "Then he can choose to seek revenge! Force Shen Changying away!"

"She earned this meritorious official position by herself, why should she leave?! Besides, after she left, wouldn't this trouble exist?!"

Because Xu Lan was injured in her ribs, she couldn't help coughing as she covered her chest angrily.

Su Xinrong was a little flustered. She wanted to reach out to help him, but he slapped him away and took two steps back.

Her eyes were hot, she bit her lower lip, and suddenly thought of Liu Wei.

The news of Ling Yuan's attack on Shen Changying was revealed to Liu Wei by her because she was eager to know Shen Changying's secret.

Xu Lan said that Ling Yuan was affected by this incident, so it shows that Liu Wei deliberately contributed to the flames behind the scenes.

And Liu Wei is a member of the Prince's family. Whatever he does, no matter what he does, it will never be beneficial to Nan Kangwei!

In this case, it's not just that she thought about the big deal before and went back to the Su family to solve it. She finally understood why Ling Yuan glared at her several times before. From this point of view, it is very likely that the entire Su family will be killed by her. Drag comes in!
"You wait for the people from the Hou's Mansion to come to your door." Xu Lan managed to calm down his panting, his voice was colder than ever before, "As a general of Nankangwei, you listened to rumors from outsiders to disrupt military discipline and intend to interfere with the administration of imperial envoys. will pay the price.

"I only hope that you are not colluding with someone from the Water Transportation Department, otherwise, you are just asking for luck!"

"Xu Lan!"

Xu Lan left her behind, covered her wound and walked out slowly.

Su Xinrong staggered two steps, her face turned ashen.

Changying walked in after Xu Lan left, and saw Su Xinrong squatting against the wall with her knees hugged, she was in tears and lost her mind.

She strode over and stopped in front of her.

"Shen Changying?" Su Xinrong straightened her back suddenly, staring angrily at the person in front of her, "How did you get in here!"

It is impossible for the servants of the Su family to allow her to come in easily.

"It's about this time, do you think anyone will dare to stop me if I want to come in?" Changying said coldly, "I don't have time to chat with you, and I'm not interested in adding insult to injury to your failure. I only came here for one thing, you How did you know so many things about the Ling family? Who passed the news to you last night?!"

"Why should I tell you!" Su Xinrong stood up, staring at her red eyes and said angrily, "You are a murderer, I have cleaner hands than you, but now you are ganging up on me!"

"Cleaner than me?!" Changying sneered, "You want me to catch Huang Huiqi and let you dog eat dog, and find out what you have been doing in private all these years?!

"You have been my colleague for more than two years, and you have disliked me in every way since you came in. When have I ever talked to you? You have the face to say that your hands and feet are cleaner than mine!"

Su Xinrong was stunned.

She bit her lower lip tightly, tears came out as she bit her teeth, she wiped it twice, but it didn't stop.

She is the general of the defeated army, and she has nothing to refute.

But she had reason to be wronged, she was just telling the truth, and what happened on the pier was not something she could have expected.

Although she had also guessed what Liu Wei would do, she never expected that Ling Yuan would shield Shen Changying, let alone that Huo Rong would be able to produce a marriage letter that had Shen Changying's fingerprints on it four years ago!
Even she herself thought that the Ling family would not betroth Shen Ying silently, so how could others doubt it?
But if Liu Wei was not sure, he would not dare to release the news at the pier.

"You are always too confident, thinking that you can judge the situation and see the opportunity. But often you will always only see what is in front of you. In the end, you even feel innocent when you are used as a gunman. It is the fault of the whole world! It is the fault of the world. You are helping me while you are blind! But you never thought about what responsibilities you still have on your shoulders!"

There was a bright light under Changying's frown, and she approached half a step: "I won't talk nonsense, let me ask you, is that person Liu Wei?"

Su Xinrong used her teeth a little bit harder, and there was a fishy sweetness in her mouth.

... Changying left the Su's house and stood outside the door for a while.

Among the three people involved in the incident today, she is the most insignificant, the most important are Ling Yuan and Huo Rong.

She believed that the subsequent disasters of the Ling family and the Huo family would not be for no reason. Ling Yuan was tied up because of her, and Huo Rong was locked up because of her. And these two people, no matter which one is affected, will be affected in the end. All are emperors.

On the road of the emperor and the crown prince Gu's family seizing power, she is in the same direction as them.

Based on this, the result of the theft case will have to change a bit no matter what!
Huo Rong left the Ling family and was still thinking about Ling Yuan's last interrogation, the corners of his lips curled slightly, and he entered the room and took off his robe.

It is impossible for him and Ling Yuan to talk about everything. Although they can communicate with each other on certain matters, based on the standpoint of men, there is still the biggest conflict between them.

So in the end, the answer he gave was to ask him to check it himself. He believed and expected that Marquis Wu Ning could find the answer he wanted.

Guan Sulai reported the arrival of a new batch of seamen at the wharf, and Tong Qi came over to ask how to move around with the Shen family in the future.

The marriage certificate has been made public, and the relationship between husband and wife already exists. It is reasonable to think that they can do whatever they want, but obviously the two have not reached that point yet, and she still thinks that this is an expedient measure for him, and he can't act too hastily.

Before the meal was finished, people came to the pier again. In addition to delivering the documents, they also mentioned that the ten days promised by Qian Yun would arrive tomorrow.

Just about to go to the pier to have a look, Guan Su said, "The young lady is here."

A whole room of people immediately bowed out to greet them, and stood in two rows from inside to outside.

As soon as Changying stepped into the courtyard gate, it was like entering a prince's mansion, the atmosphere was so solemn and solemn.

(End of this chapter)

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