lazy tang

Chapter 681 Hot War

Chapter 681 Hot War

Gao Huizhen has [-] Goryeo warriors and [-] servants.These people include Khitan people, Jie people and so on.These people formed a solid line of defense around Anshi City.

Li Er led his generals up the hill and looked up to see the towering towers in the camp of the Koreans in the distance.The trench was dug wide and deep, and pairs of Koryo soldiers patrolled around.

Putting down the binoculars, Li Er sighed, "Gao Hui really deserves to be a famous general in Korea!"

Yun Hao is also watching, but more of a sight.He knew this land so well that later generations served as soldiers under this mountain for three years.This mountain was called Tangwang Mountain in later generations. It is said that Li Er, who burned the buns, once commanded a battle here.Looking at the location of the barracks, it was still in the original prehistoric state.Yun Hao even saw a herd of wild boars being hunted down by black bears.

Farmland is basically invisible, and the development of Liaodong these days is much worse than that of later generations.Looking at Anshi City in the distance, the city wall is very high but the distance is too far. Even with the help of a telescope, only an outline can be seen.

Huh!What is that? Yunhao is not far from the south of Anshi City.Seeing something like a pyramid, the height even exceeds the city wall of Anshi City. Could it be that there is also a pyramid in this place?I wipe!This thing is amazing!
"What is that?" Yun Hao pointed to the pyramid building in the distance, and asked the old cow beside him suspiciously.

It’s okay not to point, but this finger points out the problem.A large group of princes and generals of the Tang Dynasty fell into a state of madness, shouting and killing one by one.Li Er was even more exaggerated, and suddenly drew a knife and cut a big gash on his face.With red eyes, he raised a knife and roared!


Li Er's roar did not reverberate between heaven and earth, but it was still full of power.When the emperor was angry, the corpse floated thousands of miles away, and Li Er was undoubtedly angry.

Damn, if you get angry, you will get angry because Mao wants to stab yourself in the face.As a younger brother, I will cut it or not.That bastard Yu Chigong was the most fucking heroic, he took out the dagger and slapped himself, almost poking his cheek.Does this guy want to open his mouth again and eat faster when eating?
Li Xiaogong and Li Daozong took out their daggers one after another, gesturing on their own faces without thinking.Yun Hao touched it helplessly... he didn't even have a fruit knife on his body.He shrugged helplessly, it seemed that he couldn't keep up with the big slip this time.

There was a chill on his face, and then a heart-rending pain.The old cow next to him had a look of grief and indignation, and roared after Li Er with a knife in his hand.He didn't even look at Yunhao, as if the knife had nothing to do with him.

"Uncle Niu, what the hell is this?" Yun Hao whispered after everyone calmed down, covering his cheeks.

"The former Sui million troops, do you think they were all killed on the battlefield? Let me tell you, many of them became captives of the Koreans. But none of these people returned to their hometowns. Most of them built the city of Anshi It can be said that the majestic Anshi City was piled up by the corpses of my Han family men.

The thing you see is the Jingguan piled up by the corpses of the soldiers to show the martial arts of the Koreans! "The old cow said bitterly. He was full of contempt for Yunhao's ignorance, and looked at Yunhao as if he was looking at a pile of shit.

your sister!I really don't know, the ancients are quite perverted.Li Yuan killed Wu Duan'er back then, and also set up such a Jingguan.Yun Hao still remembered that the instigator was Liu Wenjing who had been buried in the ground.

Thinking of the Jingguan on the edge of Anshi City, Yun Hao also felt a little useless.The corpses of their own Paoze were piled higher than the city wall, and they had to show off their martial arts.These bastards have made them show off for so many years.

"Which general is willing to take the lead and pull out the nails on the edge of Anshi City. Let the army go straight to the foot of Anshi City!" Li Er waved his big hand and pointed to the Koryo military camp five or six miles down the mountain.If this stronghold is not eradicated, the army will not be able to advance to the city of Anshi.Surrounding Anshi City, there are more than a dozen such forts.These are Anshicheng's outer defenses!

"The last general is willing to go!" Li Xiaogong was the first to stand up.

"The last general is also willing to go!"

"The end will be willing to go!"

"The last general...!"

With the first one, the veterans challenged one after another.At this time, attitude is the most important.

"The last general wants to go!" A young man suddenly appeared among a group of gray-bearded grandfathers, looking very abrupt.

Li Er saw Yun Hao at a glance, and this was the first time that this kid took the initiative to ask for a fight.Reminiscent of Zuo Wuwei under his command, he immediately pointed to Yunhao and said, "Thank you, Yunqing!"

This was the top spot. Many people looked at Yunhao with jealousy in their eyes.It was still the Yun family who won the holy family, so the opportunity to show their face should also be given to the Yun family.Naturally, there are also many people who take pleasure in other people's misfortune. It is not so easy to attack a city.They were waiting to see Yunhao's head bruised and bleeding under the deep ditch and high fortress, and then they had to make a good joke about Yunhao.

The eldest Sun Shunde is the one who smiles the most treacherously.

Yun Hao didn't have time to pay attention to their eyes, now is his chance to show his face.The emperor is on the mountain, and he wants to put on a good show for all the officials of the Tang Dynasty to see.

Hit the horse and go back to the Zuowuwei camp, and get together with the horse without saying a word.Three thousand cavalrymen rushed towards the Koryo army barracks.

"He wants to charge the camp with cavalry? He didn't see the trench?" Liu Hongji said in surprise.He is an old soldier, and he knows that the advantage of cavalry is in field battles. This kind of siege battle is definitely a nightmare for cavalry.No matter how powerful the cavalry is, they will never be able to break through the deep trench.

"Fantasy boy, it's a pity that I'm an elite Tang Dynasty." The elder Sun Shunde shook his head with a look of compassion.

Li Er didn't speak, Yun Hao came to Li's house when he was eight years old.It seems that since leading the army, he has never lost a battle.These years, shepherding troops and herding horses can be regarded as veteran soldiers, so they should not make such mistakes.If it is really because of his wrong command that Zuo Wuwei suffered massive casualties, it is impossible to say that he will also be punished by military law.

When the Gaoli army saw the cavalry of the Tang army brigade pressing over, they immediately assembled the whole army.A lot of soldiers went up to the wall to defend, and the entire army gathered in the camp, ready to rush to the wall at any time to support more.

"The general of the Tang army is a lunatic. This is the opportunity for the brothers to get promoted and make a fortune." Seeing that the Tang army actually sent out thousands of cavalry, not a single infantryman was sent out.Colonel Gao Li, who was in charge of defending the walled city, was so happy that his nose would bubble out.It's time to build your own career today!

When Yun Hao saw that the wall of the Gaoli Military Village was full of people, a cruel smile appeared on his face.

"The rocket launcher is ready, cover shooting! The trebuchet is ready, and the blasting shells are aimed at the wall of the village." Yun Hao calmly gave orders, and Master Sheng Yan conveyed the orders one by one to the entire army of Zuo Wuwei.

The cavalry came forward to lure the Koreans to the top of the wall.Now the soldiers in the barracks must also gather the whole army and become a lump.At this time, it is perfect to cover the shooting with rockets.

"Get ready! Let go!"

Following Sheng Yan's command, the soldiers holding torches immediately ignited the explosives of the rockets.Immediately, an orange-red flame shot out from the iron-headed and wooden-bodied rocket, and then it dragged black smoke and headed straight for the Koryo military camp.Rockets are powerful and can be launched in large quantities at one time.But there is only one bad thing, that is, the accuracy is not high.

There was a strange whistling sound, and thick smoke immediately billowed from the rocket firing position.Li Er and the others looked at this scene in amazement, thinking that an accident had happened if they didn't know it.The guards surrounded Li Er, ready to escort Li Er to retreat at any time.

The rockets dragged black smoke over the heads of the cavalry, and smashed into the Koryo barracks one after another.There were explosions one after another, and the billowing smoke was not a puff, but a puff of smoke rising from the Koryo military camp.The flames and explosions in the Goryeo barracks became one, and the violent explosions covered up the screams of the Goryeo people.All I could see was the broken limbs and arms of Gao Lijun, who was blown up by the rockets, flying all over the sky with the smoke.

Almost at the same time, the catapult that was pushed forward also began to launch.This kind of explosive bomb is full of iron spikes. Once it is thrown out, it will be nailed to the wooden wall of the village, and then the explosion will smash the wall of the village.This thing was specially developed by Mr. Yu to deal with the wooden wall of the village, but he didn't expect it to come in handy in the first battle.

It was just a covering shot, and there was no life in the Koryo Army Stronghold.The walled city of the Koryo army was also bombed with many openings.The left guard cavalry rushed up like the wind, but stopped before reaching the trench.Waiting to shoot those Koryo soldiers who came to repair the wall!
There is no one, and the Koreans don't even have a person who can get up.Apart from the "crack" of the flames, there was no sound in the entire military village.

Many arms and legs fell in the trench, and there were many on trees half a mile away from the barracks.

"Send someone to clean up the barracks. I guess there are no living people inside." Yun Hao rode on his horse proudly, ready to report to Li Er.

A rocket bomb with a fifty-pound high-charge charge hit the barracks, and there was a shock wave.Yu Lao is still inside, adding countless steel balls and iron nails.Some of them are even filled with glass shards.Even if they are not taken care of by these things, they will be shocked to death by the huge explosion power.

You know, since tinkering with nitro explosives.The explosive power has increased geometrically!
"Report to Your Majesty! Resume!" Yun Hao came in front of Li Er, at this time the left guard infantry had already begun to fill up the trench.The Koreans in the military village did not respond!
"Uh...!" Li Er didn't know what to say, he couldn't believe it was over.It's so fucking scary, the concentrated launch of the rockets with strange howls has such a great power.Li Er couldn't believe his eyes!

There are many famous ministers and brave generals all over the mountain, but none of them spoke.What happened in front of them has subverted their understanding of war.

In the past, this kind of battle could not be won without filling the trench with corpses.Now……!Zuo Wuwei actually had zero casualties!If you fight like this, then it's a fart.Personal bravery will completely withdraw from the stage of history.Yu Chigong's complexion was particularly ugly, these people made their living by being brave.The world will become like this in the future, how can they still mess around?
"There are no living people?" Li Er thought for a long time, and finally came up with such a sentence.

"This kind of explosion, shrapnel damage is second. The most powerful damage is the shock wave. Even if you lie on the ground and escape the shrapnel, you will be shocked to death by the explosion." Yun Hao said calmly.

The scene became embarrassing again, and all the famous officials and generals of Datang were speechless.If the battle is fought like this, then it's a fart.In this way, there is no need to fight the city defense battle.Because the side that defends the city is dead!And even if you are fighting in the field, you will be tortured to death by airships chasing and killing in the sky.

The people on the top of the mountain did not speak, which gave people a strange feeling.

Gao Huizhen in Anshi City didn't speak, but stared blankly at the military village in the distance billowing in thick smoke.He really wanted to know what happened there, but none of the scouts he sent came back.The series of explosions made him feel that the walls of Anshi City were trembling.

I heard that Datang had a weapon called gunpowder before, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful.For the first time, Gao Huizhen felt doubts about whether she could keep Anshicheng, Anshicheng!The city that became famous by itself, the city wall of Anshi City back then was not so high.There are not so many defenders under his command.

However, he still withstood the repeated attacks of Hu'er, the famous general of the Sui Dynasty. At that time, the corpses of the Sui army were almost piled up to the height of the city wall.At night, you can hear the sound of the belly of the dead exploding.If you are unlucky, you will be hung on your body by flying intestines.

A few months after the battle, Gao Huizhen still couldn't smell the stench of corpses.

Gao Hui was really immersed in memories, and a few scouts under the city wall were galloping back to Anshi City.Those with sharp eyes can still see that two of them still have crossbow arrows stuck in their bodies.

"Marshal!" The deputy general came to Gao Huizhen's side and bowed to salute.

"How is the army village? The police are also able to fight. It's not like they can't stand it for a while!" Gao Huizhen asked with some concern.

"Marshal! The entire army of the Communist Party has been wiped out. The military camp... the military camp has been occupied by the Tang army." Deputy General Ji Qi Ai Ai replied.

"What? He has 4000 people under his command!" Gao Hui really thought that her lieutenant had gone crazy, or had hallucinations.

"The 4000 people... all died. The scouts reported that the camp was almost completely destroyed. They were even attacked by the cavalry of the Tang army. It was a fluke to escape. Commander, do you want to send troops to take back the camp?" The lieutenant said helplessly.

The forts around Anshi City are arranged in a circle, and now it is dangerous to break through a little bit of the other forts.Either send troops to take back the camp, or withdraw all the soldiers in the camp, there is no third way to choose.

"They're all dead...?" Gao Hui muttered as she put her hands on the city wall.

No one answered him!Everyone is waiting for Gao Huizhen's order, whether to take back the camp.Some cavalry even started to prepare and rushed out of the city to drive the Tang army back.

"Bring everyone back!" Gao Huizhen said quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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