Chapter 96
Datoumei now has no other choice but to go up: "Whoever dares! Whoever dares is a grandson! Don't be shy when you talk big."


Ye Qianxing broke off another branch casually and closed his eyes.

The big-headed girl was a little confused by Ye Qianxing's actions, but as a fighter, it was impossible for her to admit defeat.

Acting first, without a weapon, the big-headed girl raised her fist and slammed Ye Qianxing fiercely like a bull.

This time, he was about to be hit, and Ye Qianxing estimated that half of his body would be smashed.

Many people closed their eyes, not wanting to see such a miserable side.

Nan Nan also looked nervous.

[I didn't even dare to look at it. According to the blogger's F-level physique, he would be killed with a single punch. 】

But before this menacing punch reached him, Ye Qianxing dodged it lightly.

"One." Ye Qianxing said lightly.

With another punch, Ye Qianxing turned sideways: "Two."

Datoumei missed two punches, and her face flushed with anger, and everyone blushed: "Hit her! Datoumei!"

"Beat her!"

"Kill her!! What are you going to do?"

"Not yet?"

Ye Qianxing calmed down, moved the branch in his hand slightly, and even touched the small hair next to him: "Stay away, wait until the dog hurts you."

Ye Xiaoxiao stuck out her big tongue and rolled Ye Qianxing's finger.

The golden cat eyes looked at Ye Qianxing, full of enthusiasm and obsession, her heart was beating crazily as if it was about to jump out of her chest.

Never, never has anyone been able to make Ye Xiaoxiao feel so obsessed.

Ye Qianxing's whole body seemed to be burning with flames, making her small eyes unable to leave her body for a quarter of an hour, scorching hot and charming.

This time, the big girl kicked Ye Qianxing's heart.

But Ye Qianxing lightly raised his wrist, and tapped the big-headed girl's shoe with a branch.

"I told you three tricks, now it's my turn."

Everyone watched Datoumei kicking a branch continuously, and everyone was so annoyed that they wanted to step forward to replace her.

"Big head!! What are you doing?"

"You work hard!"

"Hurry up and fuck her! You are crazy!"

"Why are you pretending to be stupid, you idiot!" Everyone was so angry that they thought it was a bloody shame, but this idiot actually gave food to someone.

But the big-headed girl herself is suffering and can't tell, she has already tried her best, really, very hard!
I tried my best, but the branch just didn't move.

And not only did she not move, she also found that her feet were sucked and she couldn't pull them out at all. She tried so hard that the veins on her face came out, but she still couldn't.

The next moment Ye Qianxing moved, a branch made her dance into a long sword.


Ye Qianxing picked up the big-headed girl's face and beat it, and slapped it with a branch.

Everyone laughed: "How high is the physical level of the big-headed girl, and she wants to hurt the big-headed girl with just a small branch?"

"This is a funny comparison sent by the ancient country, hahaha."

But the next moment, there was a scream from the big-headed girl: "Ah!"

Ye Qianxing went over with a branch, and even directly slapped Datoumei's face to pieces.

"I may not have made it clear before, but my hands and feet are pretty good."

"This stick method has a name in the ancient country, it is called the dog-beating stick method, and it is specially used to beat ungrateful dogs."

"There are 108 strokes in this stick technique, so please bear with it."

Ye Qianxing didn't give the big-headed girl a chance to react at all, so she whipped people around, and the branch in her hand seemed to be hardened.

There were so many hard chops, but it didn't break.


(End of this chapter)

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