Chapter 80

In the interstellar era, there is a huge explosion of information on the star network, and each person has only one identity information, so it is impossible to hide their identity.

So if you dare to report, you must be prepared to face retaliation.

[Anchor I took a history class some time ago, and I happened to read an old saying in an ancient country in a history book: A gentleman does not violate the Tao and has no shame. 】

This sentence originally meant that a person of moral character, whether he is an official or an idler, only does things with a clear conscience.

In fact, what Ye Qianxing expected was right, she was indeed not the only one who caught the camera, everyone was also facing this scene, there were countless quarrels on the pop-up screen, but no anchor stood up.

Ye Qianxing looked at the quarrel on the pop-up screen, and the corners of his mouth twitched. In fact, the culture of the ancient country was most in line with the fairyland Ye Qianxing stayed in before, but it was a pity that the clan had already been exterminated.

"Actually, there is an old saying in the ancient country: A gentleman should do something and not do something, and he must do something." Ye Qianxing finally stood up.

"Staff, my live broadcaster captured the picture just now, and it was indeed he who pushed the person down."

In this noisy and weird atmosphere, Ye Qianxing's clear voice was like a spring walking in the desert.

All the hotness and embarrassment were washed away in an instant.

After Ye Qianxing stepped out, another girl also stood up, she lowered her head, looking very frightened, but still stammered: "I... I... saw it too. "

"He pushed the man down."

When the murderer heard this, he went mad immediately, and was about to push the girl with his hand, his face was grim: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Don't dare to talk nonsense, I'll kill you, believe it or not?"

The girl staggered from being pushed, and everyone around screamed and backed away. There was a star beast below, and Siyu died when she fell.

Ye Qianxing soared into the sky, stepped on everyone's shoulders, walked through the crowd, picked up the girl's collar, and returned to the original place.

distance from the murderer.

At this time, the staff also arrived and subdued the man: "You are suspected of murder, and we will hand you over to the FBI."

"Please come with us."

In fact, how could the staff not find out, even if the anchor did not stand up, they would deal with it later, they just gave the anchor a chance. Although this kind of thing happened was not what everyone wanted, it was also a hot spot of the show.

But these words somehow stimulated the man again, and he suddenly became manic.

Struggling desperately, his face was red, his ears were red, and his eyes were red, like a beast: "Let go!!"


"Do you know who my father is? Let me go!"

"He's not in the right state. He may be taking a new type of drug. Please back down a little."

"Staff call for support."

After all, Gaifeng stepped forward to help and subdue the man. When the staff took him away, everyone still had lingering fears.

But the girl who had the best relationship with Siyu walked up to Ye Qianxing and bowed deeply: "Thank you."

"No need." Ye Qianxing pressed the opponent's shoulder.

Then the girl walked towards the bridge. She was about to retire, so she didn't go down.

Then two more retired.

They become a small Internet celebrity, and small anchors can also make money. They don’t need to work hard, and if they die, they will lose everything.

There were only 30 people left in the original team of 20 before passing the first level.

Everyone was terrified of what was going to happen next.

Ye Qianxing was the first to break the silence, and continued to lead Ye Xiaoxiao forward. Looking at the handsome figure in front of her, Ye Xiaoxiao unexpectedly flashed a hint of pride in her eyes, and followed with her tail wagging.

(End of this chapter)

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