Chapter 249 Ghost Road (11)

However, they don't know that the power of this black mist is not real harm, but a kind of harm that can confuse people's hearts.

That's why it is called the ghost road, because this black mist can confuse people's minds, draw out the demons in the deepest part of people's hearts, and make people crazy.

In fact, many demons who passed by here died because they couldn't pass the test of their own demons, not because of homicide.After all, a person who became a demon must have committed a lot of killings during his lifetime, and his mind cannot be pure, so it is difficult to kill.

And how many people are free from inner demons?
Fengbeibei, Nangong Qingyue, demons and ghosts, they all have them. After all, life cannot always be smooth sailing, and it is impossible to go smoothly.

Especially powerful people must have experienced many hardships before they can become talents, and in this process, they will always encounter many psychological obstacles-that is, demons.

And Demon Venerable knew this, so after entering the black mist, before his mind was confused, he escaped very quickly, so he was not harmed.

Everyone was very calm at first, but gradually, their eyes became blurred.

People, hidden in a lazy half-sleeping state.

Then, fantasies abound.

Feng Beibei's inner demons began in the year when she was selected to train as a killer. In that year, she was six years old, and she was just a girl who was not harmonious in everything.

Simple, only know how to eat and play.

But in that year, she experienced a car accident and her parents died. She became an orphan and was sent to an orphanage. Later, she was picked up by the killer organization and taken to training.

The killer's training, the first step, does not teach you the skills to kill, as others think.

To become a killer, the first step is not to learn, but to dare to kill.

If you don't even have the courage to kill, then it's useless to learn.

She was pushed out and asked to kill a man, a grown man who didn't know martial arts.If she can't be killed, she doesn't have to live.

That day, she squatted in the downstairs corridor of the grown man for a whole day and night, she was hungry and frightened to death, she didn't know whether she should kill that man or not.

I don't know if I can kill that person.

How could a six-year-old child kill a man in his thirties?
But if she didn't kill her, she couldn't go back, and, no matter if she went back or not, she had to die. Although she was only six years old, the organization made this very clear and made her very clear.

In a word: If a man does not die, she dies.

Therefore, it must be killed.

She cried for a long time, her eyes were red from crying.

However, no one felt sorry for her. All the people who passed by regarded her as a little beggar and stared at her strangely. Occasionally, a kind person would throw a bun to her.

She has been thinking about her parents and the happy life in the past. At that time, she was like a princess, living under the care of her parents.

But overnight, everything disappeared.

She remembered that her mother used her warm body to hold her tightly and protect her. Therefore, in that car accident, her parents died, but she was not injured at all.

Mother only left her one sentence: live well!

Live well!

Yes, live well!

Mom saved her with her life, she couldn't just die like this.She wants to live, live well.In his eyes, something seemed to ignite.

(End of this chapter)

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