Chapter 57 Early Sakura Boys (33)

Mu Yu's heart skipped a beat, Nanting and he...

The thoughts in his heart were a little complicated, and when Mu Yu realized it, his back had been severely burned to the wall.

The drizzle in front of the porch was mixed with the breeze and splashed on the face, which was icy cold.

However, after a while, a figure pressed in front of him.

He... was slammed by the wall...

Nan Ting's handsome face was enlarged in front of Mu Yu's eyes, and Mu Yu could clearly see the slender hairs on Nan Ting's face.

"You..." Mu Yu's words were still on his lips, and Nan Ting suddenly moved a little closer.

The breathing was a little entangled, and Mu Yu's eyes flashed, Nan Ting, this is...

"Ayan, I... seem to..."

Nan Ting finally didn't say the words "I like you". He just looked at Mu Yu quietly, admiring the brilliant colors in his eyes.

The curvature of the corners of the lips is a little sinister.

At that moment, Mu Yu's heartbeat actually missed a few beats.

Then consciousness started to blur...

Lying grass, what's going on!Mu Yu floated in the air and looked at the two people who were posted very close below.

"Host, you may have accidentally touched something, the original owner's soul has gone back." The system's words were still mixed with Kaba Kaba's voice.

It's a bit like...eating melon seeds!What's going on with this state of watching a play!

"The original owner has gone back!" Mu Yu hurriedly floated to the side of the two of them. "System, can you give me two catties of melon seeds~"

The original main reason is to see myself being so walloped, tsk tsk tsk, this plot is really interesting and caught off guard.

"..." The system did not expect such an attitude from its host.

"Lying grass, why didn't Lin Yan push Nanting away!" Mu Yu's eyes began to light up, as if he had accidentally caught some adultery!
"Ahem, cough, I don't know, there seems to be such a passage in the original book."

As the system spoke, a paragraph of text appeared in Mu Yu's mind.

Nan Ting pressed Lin Yan against the wall, and the two stuck together in an extremely intimate posture.The autumn rain outside the corridor wet Nanting's entire back, but Nanting was unmoved at all.

He just looked at Lin Yan softly...

"Are you so sure that the normal BG plane is arranged for me!" Mu Yu began to doubt life a little bit.

"Ahem, ahem, of course, these are a few strokes that the author has added in his spare time. It's nothing special... Lying grass, host, kiss, kiss!" The system said with a trembling tongue.

Oh my god, the soul of base rot was burned up all of a sudden.

Mu Yu was also dumbfounded. Just now, Lin Yan suddenly stepped forward, touched Nanting's lips, and then left quickly.

"Nanting, you provoked it first!

What's the matter with this domineering and black-bellied temperament!Mu Yu was completely dumbfounded, my mother!

"Mu Yu, don't get close to my Nanting, I've been...watching you." After these words suddenly sounded in his mind, Mu Yu was pushed into Lin Yan's body.

sky!Lin Yan must have coveted Nanting for a long time.

While Nan Ting was still in a daze, Mu Yu pushed him away. "You, I, um, it's okay." Mu Yu didn't know what she was talking about, and hurried inside.

However, after running a few steps, he unexpectedly met Feng Yu, who...he must have seen it just now.

Mu Yu didn't want to explain, and ran away after a hasty look.

Feng Yu frowned slightly as he watched his fleeing back. The one who kissed Nanting just now should be...the real Lin Yan.

School of fish: 586026279
(End of this chapter)

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