The Buddha of the Stars

Chapter 687, Insect Genius

Chapter 687, Insect Genius
The black worm king soon dyed Pippi black. Pippi got angry and became the same color as the rogue worm, and sank directly into the water to clean himself.

The black worm king also sank with Pippi, and then the two were not fat enough, twisted into a ball at the bottom of the water and began to bite.Yan Mumu waited for the underwater battle between the two of them on the shore, which lasted for more than half an hour.

If it weren't for the spiritual world, feeling Pippi's full fighting spirit, would have thought that the two of them would have died together under the water?Yan Mumu had a plan, and didn't intend to waste too much time on planet 6S——CZ560.

"Pippi, it's almost enough to play."

"Yes, mother bug!"

The calm river surface began to bubble with big bubbles, and Pipi jumped ashore from the bubbles, and then the river water began to surge, and the body of the black worm king was rapidly expanding.

After a while, the body was squeezed to the surface of the river. Compared with the not fat shape, now it looks like a real insect king. The insect king suddenly moved his head and glanced at the Sanskrit flute in Yan Mumu's hand.

Unexpectedly, he turned his body a few times, and there was a string of football-sized objects floating in the gap on the water surface. Yan Mumu's mental power immediately sensed that it was the insect eggs laid by the insect king, and the number was more than expected. There are fifteen.

Yan Mumu was not greedy and only took five, which made the insect king look better at her. When he left, he threw a lot of black crystals from the river. Although they were not precious, they were used as barbecue charcoal But it's not bad.

After completing the egg collection task, Yan Mumu took Pippi out of the cave, and Pippi cursed the bug king all the way, from a hooligan to a liar, and finally turned into a pervert.

"Pippi, the Zerg's egg laying is also a natural instinct, why is it a pervert? You have already chosen to be a female, so why don't you want to give birth to Pippi in the future?"

"I'm a high-level Opportunity Bug. How could I lay eggs like ordinary Zergs?"

Opportunity Zergs seal their bodies before ending their lives, waiting for the next chance to be reborn, and do not rely on reproduction.

"I also hope that you will be able to give birth and become a big traffic light family."

Yan Mumu looked at Pippi with some regret. She has become a female but can't be a mother, so it's better to choose to be a male. If she can't be a mother, at least she has a chance to be a father.

I don't know how Pippi was fooled by Yue Ge and chose a female body. She actually looks forward to having a handsome son of a bug after Pippi completes the third form.

Back on the ground, the battle was coming to an end. The earthworms and meat worms invaded by small nematodes were the existence of training partners, allowing the team members to hone their combo skills.

After collecting the worm nuclei, these earthworm flesh worms are left to the small nematodes. Yan Mumu plans to keep them on planet 6S—CZ560, to balance the number of earthworm monsters to reproduce, so as to protect the development of the planet.

Squadron 9E8181 did not stay on planet 6S——CZ560 for a day, and went to the mission destination again. The destination to be reached was three ephemeris years away from the space station of Tianji planet, and it would take six stars to go back and forth. over the years.

If the lifespan of this human race is not extended, then they can't casually mix in the interstellar, otherwise, they can't complete a few tasks, and their lifespan will come to an end. It took more than ten years for the alien invasion of the Abyss S34 star field.

I don't know how long it will take to clean up this time. The space garbage in the star field she is in charge of has accumulated for tens of thousands of years. It is quite difficult to clean up the huge meteorites floating in space with conventional methods. .

Yan Mumu intends to check the situation after arriving. The conventional method is not easy to use, so she can only use unconventional ones, and the Zerg Legion, which can devour stars, is a good choice for her.

In the star field with star tracks, the battleship group sailed smoothly. According to Yan Mumu's plan in advance, he landed on many Zerg planets to kill several birds with one stone. The overall strength of the 9E8181 squadron is rapidly improving.

The eggs of Yan Mumu's sanskrit ring have accumulated to a huge amount, especially the eggs produced by the king of insects, and two of each kind have been cultivated.

It's not about nurturing, but using Buddhist scriptures to open up wisdom and nourish with supernatural powers. Pippi's worms are fed with ability stones and carefully fed. Although they are still at the young level of the kindergarten class, they can still be regarded as young geniuses in the Zerg race.

Pippi was promoted to a senior in one fell swoop, acting as the chief executive of the worm geniuses. Except for sleeping in the Sanskrit ring, they basically followed Pippi to learn the culture of the zerg and the human race at other times.

"Captain, I think Pippi's eloquence can be used as a lecturer for Squadron 9E8181."

Leng Yunshuang is very optimistic about Pippi's ability now, so she wants to raise a few Zergs, which can relieve boredom if she has nothing to do, but after seeing Xue Ziyan who has a bug heart and is still bullied by those bug bastards, she rests. Thoughts.

"Well, we can arrange it to teach us in the future, so that we don't have to go to Xingwang to hold the Buddha's feet when the annual cultural comprehensive assessment comes."

They have all graduated for so many years, and they still have to take a comprehensive cultural assessment, which is really annoying.

"Who doesn't know that our 9E8181 squadron is a concentrated team of scumbags who graduated from various colleges, and there is a comprehensive assessment every year, which is obviously aimed at attacking our squadron!"

The launch of the first annual cultural comprehensive assessment naturally cannot do without Yi Moer's proposal, because she made the 9E8181 squadron ranked last in the comprehensive score, not to mention the last place in the ninth team, all the teams in the Tianji planet Also ranked last.

Their team suddenly became an existence of uneducated and despised suspension cars, which felt worse than being a scum in the academy.

"It's better to think more about the good. It's good to have a big assessment every year. At least it can help the players check for omissions and fill in the gaps, and know where there is a lack of understanding."

Yan Mumu also knew that this was Yi Mo'er's counterattack, making her lose face as the captain, and her team was also excluded.But she didn't resist the idea of ​​holding the annual comprehensive assessment, and the suspension car was not completely without benefits.

At least they can keep a low profile and not make people feel that they are obstacles that will get in the way, which is conducive to their development.

"But I hate the comprehensive assessment!"

As Leng Yunyan, who usually only cares about gossip news, her assessment result this time is No. 2 in the squadron, which is a pity that she is the last one, which hurt her face a bit.

"I hate it even more."

Han Renle had just arrived in the command cabin, just in time to hear Leng Yunshuang's complaints, and couldn't help expressing his personal grievances, he was No.1 from the bottom.

Becoming the lowest and lowest existence in the culture of Tianji Planet, and being regarded as a model of education by the top ten battle groups, I hate this comprehensive cultural assessment.

"Hey, Han Renle, as soon as I see you now, I immediately regain my confidence, and I don't feel so annoying about the assessment. Anyway, there is always someone worse than me."

(End of this chapter)

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