The Buddha of the Stars

Chapter 487, reciting the mantra

Chapter 487, reciting the mantra
Yan Mumu looked at his mother in front of him, even though he already knew that everything in front of him was illusory, he was still a little reluctant to break it, and really wanted to be with his mother forever.

However, the fake will never be true, and she will not allow herself to indulge in this illusion, forget the lonely shadow in front of the Buddha, and forget her classmate Jin Ge who is responsible to the end.

"Mom, let's recite Buddhist scriptures together for a while, thank you Buddha for taking care of us all the time, how about it?"

Yan Mumu seemed to want to thank her sincerely, looking at her mother with red eyes, wanting to remember her happy appearance firmly, hoping that she will have such a happy smile in her next life.

"Young people nowadays, who still recite Buddhist scriptures, you don't have to recite these things in the future."

My mother objected unwillingly, and tried her best to pull Yan Mumu away to prevent her from reciting Buddhist scriptures.

"Let me read it to you for the last time, written by Namo Satata. Sugataya. Arahadi. Samyak Sambodha.

Bo Tuo Bo land.Sa stomps the disadvantages.

South without Sadonan.Sanliu Sanboduo.All know Nan, Sasara Poka.Sanghalan, Namo Luji Arhat Duonan, Namo Sulu Duoponara, Namo Luji Sanchao Gaduonan."

Yan Mumu stood firmly on the spot and looked at his mother, and recited the Shurangama Mantra in a slow and gentle voice. In fact, she rarely recited this kind of Buddhist mantra, and in the Buddhist scriptures, the Shurangama Mantra is the king of all mantras. .

The whole mantra is the Buddha, and the whole Buddha is the mantra. Reciting the mantra with one heart is the shortcut to becoming a Buddha. Its effect is so fast that it is far beyond the reach of any classics.

Each sentence is the crystallization of the past Buddhas and the sacred heart mantra of enlightenment. When you recite it, you can get the empowerment of the Buddhas and move all the dharma realms. It is the wisdom of the Buddhas, that is, the nature of all living beings. Hold the present evidence to realize the way.

She knew that her cultivation in Buddhism was not so high, that she could not reach the heavens above, the nether world below, and all obstacles. She only hoped to get rid of the illusion in front of her eyes, and followed each line of chanting.

The old mother who had a happy smiling face in front of her eyes gradually showed a terrified expression on her face, and then her body began to twist again, and along with the twisting, there were familiar scenes around her.

When everything in front of her eyes disappeared and the surroundings returned to calm, Yan Mumu wiped off the coldness on her cheeks. A dream lasted for a thousand years, but her dream lasted more than a thousand years. Her mother and classmate Jin Ge are eternal in her heart obsession.

It is deeply imprinted in her heart, if there is no such big loophole as her father, maybe she will really lose herself and choose to indulge herself in that plain and warm happiness.

Yan Mumu collected his thoughts, and looked at the scattered team members around him with some surprise, why all of them came in, and looked at the happy, sad, excited, and frustrated expressions on their faces.

Are these still immersed in their respective environments?The spiritual attack of this underground city is really powerful, even for a person like her who has two lives and has strong spiritual power.

She could fall into the illusion without knowing it. If she hadn't used the Buddhist scriptures to break the illusion, she might not be trapped in the illusion. Thinking about it, she was afraid for a while, but she woke up smoothly.

But what about her team members?Generally, for people who have fallen into a mental illusion, except for finding a loophole to wake up, the effect of external interference is actually not great, and she doesn't know how to help.

I am reciting Buddhist scriptures to break the illusion.Therefore, Yan Mumu turned on the voice control function of the bracelet, sat cross-legged and continued to recite the Shurangama Mantra. Under the voice control of the bracelet, the voice of her chanting mantra echoed throughout the underground city.

As time passed, the expressions on the faces of the team members began to gradually calm down. The first one to wake up was Han Ren'an, who opened his eyes in a daze, and stood there thinking for a while.

Then he ran to Yan Mumu and sat down next to Yan Mumu, looking at Yan Mumu's face with a silly smile, just now he had a sweet date with the captain in the illusion, the captain is such a gentle bird Depending on people.

It greatly satisfied his dignity as a big man, and the feeling of taking care of the captain in his arms was really wonderful. If the captain hadn't suddenly made a sound, captured him and woke him up, maybe he could go further with the captain.

After waking up, he naturally knew that he had fallen into a dangerous illusion just now. However, if the illusions were so sweet, he would not be afraid of danger and would be happy to fall into it a few more times.

When Yan Mumu received Han Ren'an's idiot-like gaze, he couldn't help feeling cold with black lines all over his head. Why was this stupid guy the first to wake up?

In this way, her mind is the simplest one?If you don't want to admit that your IQ is worse than an idiot, you might as well close your eyes and chant sutras.

After Han Ren'an woke up, several of his brothers also woke up one after another, and then Lin Yufei, Xue Ziyan, and Qi Xiaojian also woke up one by one, and no one disturbed them.

They sat down around Yan Mumu one after another. They also needed some time to calm down and think about it. After Qi Ruixiao and Mei Qiu woke up, Yan Mumu stopped chanting.

After taking the water that Lin Yufei handed over, he took a few gulps to relieve his dry throat, and stood up to take care of the last two people who woke up. Qi Ruixiao looked hopeless, and his face was as pale as a ghost.

On the other hand, Mei Chou was just the opposite, with a face of dominating the world and being self-respecting, even a little distorted with excitement, it can be seen that the fantasy life that these two people have just experienced is extremely rich.

Qi Ruixiao calmed down for a while before his face returned to normal. He stood in front of Yan Mumu and saluted seriously.

"Captain, thank you."

"You're welcome. If you don't understand anything in the future, you can recite Buddhist scriptures more. It is also very good to cultivate your mind."


Qi Ruixiao nodded, maybe he really needed to recite more Buddhist scriptures to get rid of the grievances in his heart, recalling that in the illusion he almost took the road of killing his brother and father, his body couldn't help but tremble a little.

"Captain is amazing. The Buddhist scriptures you read can actually break the illusion. If I hadn't heard your voice, I would probably have been indulging in the illusion forever. If it was serious, I would never wake up again."

After Mei Chou was excited, she felt a little afraid. The illusion was too beautiful and terrifying, and it was too easy for people to be addicted to it.

"Otherwise, why am I the captain? I must have some powerful means. Well, now is not the time to worship me, so I should quickly find out the situation of this underground city."

Originally, most of the team members were left on the ground. If something unexpected happens, and someone will come to rescue, then we know they are still careless. A random sand trap will almost wipe them out.

(End of this chapter)

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