Chapter 471
According to Song's words, Honghui's death was not an accident, but man-made.

Yanhua kept covering her mouth and nose with a handkerchief, feeling terribly stuffy, after she calmed down the turmoil in her heart, she said with bright eyes: "Concubine Qi."

Her tone was not questioning, but rather affirmative.If Honghui's death was really artificial, then Concubine Qi would have the most motives.The Song family would not be so stupid as to tell her that he killed Honghui as a bargaining chip, so the culprit must be Concubine Qi.

She didn't know what the situation was like back then, but she knew that Concubine Qi would definitely fight ruthlessly in order to let her son win the position of the eldest son.She couldn't imagine how thrilling the scene was at that time, but she heard that because of Honghui's death, the queen once cried blood and tears, which is why she got eye disease.

"You actually knew." Song looked at her in disbelief, feeling that she had really underestimated her. This concubine Xi looked immature and innocent, but she had already seen everything in her eyes.

"Now that things have come to an end, don't think about how to bargain anymore. It is a great gift to you to come and see you. You know the bad things you did back then. I know you don't want to die. I don't want you to die either." Yu Pin glared at her for a long time, and was finally dragged by Yan Hua out of the smelly place.

After walking a long way, Yu Pin and Yan Hua took off the veil covering their mouth and nose, and took a few mouthfuls of fresh air.Seeing her pale face, Concubine Yu patted her hand distressedly: "Honghui is dead, and hearing the details will only increase fear. I know you don't want to hear it, but why should you be so afraid."

Yanhua shook her head, her lips were gray and pale, and there was no color at all, it was because she had been covering her mouth and nose just now, and her breathing was not smooth.But she was really afraid, she had a child she had never met, and at that time she was so heartbroken that there was no day in the sky, let alone the situation of the Queen and Hong Hui?If we haven't met each other, we will lose the warmth when we get along. After she has the smile now, she is grateful to the emperor in her heart. He was the one who cheated her for a long time. If not, after seeing that child, she would , I'm afraid it will be more difficult to let go.

"Sister, we must protect several children, they are all innocent." She now knows that the matter of the nanny has nothing to do with the queen, so she feels more at ease about raising Xiaoxiao in Yongshou Palace ...

Ever since Yanhua wore the eunuch's uniform once, she often appeared in the Hall of Mental Cultivation in that attire.When Yinzhen critiqued the scriptures, she sorted out the paperwork beside him, and when the cinnabar he used for critiquing the scriptures ran out, she helped to study some more.In fact, facing this cinnabar, she still has lingering fears in her heart. Although the imperial doctor said that this substance is non-toxic and can calm the nerves, Yanhua does not believe it. She would rather believe in Bai Zhi, eating too much will make people go crazy!However, she helps to grind some cinnabar ink, and there is no need to eat it, so there is no need to worry.

Yanhua witnessed Yinzhen's emotional changes towards Nian Gengyao all the way. Although she hadn't seen those excerpts, she knew that Yinzhen had already begun to have doubts about Nian Gengyao.

In May, the excerpts praising General Nian were still flying all over the sky like snowflakes. Only two months later, there began to be secret melodies saying that General Nian was arrogant because of his favor, and he didn't know how to restrain himself.However, Yinzhen still relied heavily on Nian Gengyao, and turned a blind eye to the words of Mizuo.

When Yinzhen got angry, he couldn't help scolding twice.

Every time at this time, Yanhua would step forward to squeeze his shoulders for a while, and then comfort him softly for a while, the same as when she was in the mansion before.Yinzhen was so angry that he didn't like to talk, he propped his head and remained silent.Yanhua didn't force him either, she just accompanied him meekly and rubbed his forehead.

No matter how angry he was, he would not vent his anger on her, at most he would go out for a walk by himself, but every time he came back after dispelling the boredom in his heart, Yanhua was still waiting for him in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.Every time he was moved, he wanted to say something heartfelt to her.

At the beginning of August, Yanhua's third brother, who was the guard of the Qianqing Gate, thought of a way to send her a message, saying that their Ama had offended someone and had been referenced in several books.

Yanhua's Amaniu Hulu?Ling Zhu used to work as a civil servant in the Ministry of Rites and never participated in government affairs.In view of the fact that he had done a post-style post before and knew Manchu, so after Yanhua became the concubine Xi, Yinzhen prepared to promote Lingzhu, and finally picked a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy to be his dangdang. Need to do some things to compile and write history, not to participate in government affairs.

Yanhua is very satisfied with this, and feels that with her Ama's upright temperament, she can't get along in the officialdom.Besides, he is getting older, so it's good to be a fourth-rank official, less involved in those intrigues, and do more things he likes to support his life.But she really couldn't figure it out, who would offend her Ama's stuffy temper, who would offend if she only dealt with those writings in the Hanlin Academy on weekdays?What's the point of fighting against an old man if he's too full to eat?
Her mother-in-law has always reported good news but not bad news. Ever since she married Yinzhen, her mother-in-law has never caused her any trouble. If her third brother hadn't informed her this time, she would have been in trouble at all. Didn't know that Ama was recruited.After Qian Gui found out the whole story from her third brother, she knew that her Ama had been wronged.

It is said that the first time she was admitted was because her Ama cursed a few times when she was reading history books in the Imperial Academy, as if scolding a certain emperor of the previous dynasty for being stupid.In the end, I don't know who listened to it. She, Amam, had no emperor, because she was old and disrespectful, Zhezi was thrown aside by Yinzhen and ignored him.

The second time he was recruited, it is said that he was the one who participated in the Amabai salary and was idle all day long.As a result, Yinzhen sent someone to investigate, and she, Ama, had been in the Imperial Academy for more than a year, but compiled more literature and history than other people during this period.Yinzhen refuted the participants with a few words, but did not pursue further.

The content of the third performance was even more absurd. It even said that as a member of the Imperial Academy, she, Ama, did not bathe all year round, and her body smelled bad.Yanhua is really speechless about this, let's not say that her mother is a clean person, but from the point of view of her mother's strict control, she will not allow his mother not to bathe all year round, otherwise her mother will definitely not Let her, Amma, come into the room to sleep.

The fourth time was that she was unsmiling and always had a straight face, which affected the mood of other colleagues in the Imperial Academy when they worked with her... In short, it was all nonsense. Participated nine times, all of which were unnecessary things.

Her third brother asked her to think about it, but did she offend anyone, especially the Nian family?Because when she, Ama, complained to her third brother, she said that most of those who participated in him were currying favor with General Nian.

As soon as she said that, Yanhua understood.This matter must be due to Concubine Qi's provocation continuing to work.

The people who bullied her in Jingren Palace before, now bully her family members, go around, just don't directly try to bully her!What exactly did Concubine Qi say to Concubine Gui that time?The imperial concubine was obviously quite friendly to her before, but now she is suddenly targeting her like this.No wonder the emperor looked at her in the past two months, he always hesitated to speak, it turned out that it was because of her Ama's affairs.

In fact, if he had to demote her position as Ama, she would not blame him.She, Ama, is not someone who likes to lead a luxurious life, she is old and rotten, and she has the sour smell of a scholar all over her body.The so-called literati look down on each other, and his Ama is a typical example.

What a headache, now she just wants to protect Hongli to grow up well, and hold Yinzhen's hand to grow old together, how come so many things always happen, she really can't help but sigh.

Concubine Qi, it seems that this person also has to be eliminated.Should she take advantage of Honghui's death to make the Queen and Concubine Qi fight?

This thought had just arisen, and she shook her head resolutely.No, now that Xiaoxiao is being raised in Yongshou Palace, she really can't bear to push the queen into the fire pit.The queen is virtuous, she shouldn't live in such a day.

She and Concubine Yu had mentioned Qianxuan in front of Concubine Qi before, and during that time Concubine Qi had restrained herself a bit, but now it seems that Qianxuan's hopes for Concubine Qi had no effect.

In September, Yanhua's Ama was played for the tenth time. The reason was that Ling Zhu relied on Concubine Xi's power to forcibly seize the people's fields and build mansions outside.This time, Yinzhen was finally angry.

Yanhua was waiting on the side at that time, Yinzhen directly threw the folder to Yanhua to read, Yanhua's face turned pale after reading it: "Your Majesty, it's impossible, Ama is full of scholarly arrogance, she will definitely not do such a thing."

Yin Zhen's face was livid with anger, and after staring at her for a while, his face softened a little.He has just reviewed a lot of papers, all about how officials from various places rely on their power to amass wealth, and various malpractices of corruption make him angry.The way to be an official is to do things for the people with two sleeves, and now those officials are aiming at two sleeves, which is really ridiculous!
He was in a fit of anger, so he saw Ling Zhu doing such unrighteous things, so he got angry.

After he regained his breath, he pulled the "eunuch" with red lips and white teeth to his side: "Chanchan, did you scare you just now? Blame me for being angry at you. Don't take it to heart."

Yanhua shook her head: "The concubine is not angry with the emperor, so the emperor should not take it to heart." She thought that he still had to read those trivial memorials, such as the ones that her Ama didn't take a bath often. Zhezi felt that it was really not easy for him to be the emperor, he was simply the chief steward of all the officials, and he had to worry about everything.

"I still need to send someone to investigate this matter. It's not that I don't believe you, but that I have to give an explanation to the participants." He explained very naturally.He didn't need to tell her about this kind of thing, but Ling Zhu is her Ama, and sooner or later she will know that he sent someone to check on her Ama, and she might have some misunderstandings, so it's better for him to say it in advance .

He didn't know when he would always explain something to her.In the past, he didn't bother to explain to others at all, because he felt that explaining this matter was really unnecessary. Those who believed in him would always believe in him, just like Shisan, they would not doubt him.For those who don't believe him, why does he bother to explain.

Yanhua curled up her mouth and smiled: "The emperor just dealt with it fairly, and the concubine has no objection."

For some reason, she was really worried that her Ama would have something to fall into other people's hands. What if something happened to her, how would she save her.

(End of this chapter)

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