Chapter 448
Yinzhen was reviewing papers in the study at this time, while Yanhua was cooking soup, he had called Prince Yi to meet him, and after discussing state affairs for a while, he invited Prince Yi to have dinner with him.

When he was in the palace, he still had three meals a day according to the custom of the Han people. Now that he is an emperor, he follows the former emperor and eats two meals a day. Now there is still some time before the sunset, but his stomach is still Already hungry.I ate late for dinner today, so it seems that the snack at night can be skipped.

After someone came to tell the story that Concubine Xi's fish soup was ready, Su Peisheng hurriedly passed on the dinner to the emperor.

The emperor usually had dinner at the end of the day, just after the hour, Su Peisheng asked whether to pass on the meal, but Yinzhen waved his hands one after another, saying that he would wait for Concubine Xi's fish soup.Prince Yi is also here today, because of Concubine Xi's fish soup, it's already half an hour later than usual, if the emperor and Prince Yi are both hungry, Su Peisheng will make people quicken their movements, for fear that the emperor will be hungry He Prince Yi made them angry.

Shisan didn't intend to eat here at first, but because of a dull pain in his leg, he delayed.Xiao Qi treated him very well, and spent so many difficult years with him, he didn't want to be sorry to Xiao Qi anymore, so he always wanted to deliberately avoid Yan Hua, but he didn't want to see her.But fate is always playing tricks on people, the more he hides, the more she will appear in front of him unexpectedly.

The thoughts hidden in his heart were like a shameful scandal, which made him uncomfortable.Sometimes he would feel sorry for his fourth brother, because he had such undeserved thoughts on his woman; more often he would feel sorry for Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi was so good, he felt sorry for him. But he still can't let go of his love for Yanhua.

However, fortunately, he has always been an upright person, so no one around him seemed to suspect him, and every time he saw Yan Hua, he would cover up his inner panic very well.

People love to be cheap, and they will always feel turmoil in their hearts if they can't get it, and they will feel beautiful and flawless if they don't have it.

But, hey, he sighed secretly, she was really beautiful, like a flawless jade, always shining a soft and non-glare light in his heart.

"Huh? Lord Thirteen is here too?" She was used to calling him Lord Thirteen, but always forgot to change her words. Thirteen never reminded her and just let her go.

"Hehe, Shisan has something to do, so I left him to eat together. Thirteenth brother, you are lucky. I caught this fish today, and she made this soup. It is unique in the world." Yinzhen There was a large space on the table in front of her, just for her to put the soup.

As soon as the lid was opened, the savory aroma came straight into his nose, and Yinzhen couldn't help moving his throat, feeling even hungrier in his stomach.

Thirteen took a deep breath and said with a smile, "Concubine Xi is good at cooking, this fish soup is really fragrant."

Yan Hua's eyes widened triumphantly: "Of course, Your Majesty, Thirteen Lords, please try it quickly. This is the first time I cook soup, but it's very good. It's full of color and fragrance. Although it's not as exquisite as the ones in restaurants, But the concubine cooks it with her own hands, and all her heart is in the soup."

"First time making soup?" Yinzhen raised his brows, and gave her a half-smile look, "How do I remember that you cooked soup for me no less than a hundred times when I was in Qian Mansion? Do you remember Thirteenth Lord? You have also done it for many times. Hehe, let me just say, how can your craftsmanship be so good, so you didn't cook it yourself?"

Yan Hua just got carried away with complacency, she slipped her tongue for a moment, now she hastily bit her tongue in regret, and said vaguely: "It was also cooked by my concubine before, this fish pond is... the first time my concubine cooked it after becoming Concubine Xi, This is what the concubine means. Your Majesty, taste it quickly, it will lose its flavor when it gets cold."

"In such a hot day, it won't cool down so quickly." Yinzhen didn't pursue it anymore, and after someone filled him with soup, he scooped up a spoonful and put it into his mouth.

Both Yanhua and Shisan stared at him, Yanhua wanted to see what ecstasy expression he would show after drinking the fish soup, and wanted to hear his praise, while Shisan felt that he would listen to Yinzhen's evaluation first. Drinking it is more appropriate, if it is not good, he can just taste it.

This sip of Yinzhen took an extremely long time, he took several sips before swallowing it all.Seeing Shisan gave a questioning look, he nodded heavily: "It's very fragrant and delicious."

Yan Hua immediately burst into laughter when she heard him praise so directly.

During the meal, Yanhua saw that the temples of the two of them were already graying, she was quite emotional for a moment, whispered something to Shaoyao, then she saw Shaoyao nodded and quietly retreated.

It was a night of ups and downs, ups and downs.The two probably ate and drank enough for dinner, and drank a little wine, so they were very energetic this night, and without the eunuchs in the respect room listening outside, Yanhua was also very interested , has never been called tired.When the moon hung in the sky and the cool breeze blew in through the window, the two of them finished their work and fell asleep with their bodies covered in fragrant sweat.

On the second day, when Yinzhen woke up, Yanhua also woke up early.Yinzhen asked her to sleep a little longer, but she insisted on getting up.When the eunuch came to comb Yinzhen's hair, Yanhua took the comb from the eunuch's hand and combed Yinzhen's hair herself.

At this time, Shao Yao came in carrying a tray with a shallow dish on it, which contained a mass of black things.Last night, she asked Shao Yao to tell Su Peisheng that she would find a prescription for hair dyeing from the imperial physician, and she wanted to dye Yinzhen's hair.Su Peisheng also took it seriously, and asked the imperial physician to prepare the things and send them to Yuanmingyuan overnight.

"What's this?" Yinzhen glanced at the bluish-black thing, with a look of disgust in his eyes.

"The concubine wants to give the emperor a surprise." After she finished speaking, she asked someone to take the mirror away, and then dipped the thing into Yinzhen's hair and combed it.Fortunately, the imperial physician understood that the thing was for the emperor, so it smelled very good, with a slight bitter fragrance, which was refreshing after smelling it.

When Yinzhen saw her actions, he immediately guessed her intentions, he didn't move, but he sighed: "Chanchan still thinks I'm old."

She paused, and then blushed and said: "How old is it, the emperor... was very brave last night." She said this just to make him happy, otherwise, she wouldn't be so unrestrained Talk about that kind of thing.

Sure enough, he looked back at her in surprise when he heard the words, and immediately laughed loudly: "You... Chanchan is getting thicker and thicker!" However, he was still happy in his heart, which man would not like to hear such words? , I'm happy even if it's flattery.

After Yanhua dyed half of his temples into black hair, she braided his long hair with her own hands.

"Is the emperor going to court today? Do you want to see all the officials?" Yan Hua suddenly asked something strange.

According to the laws of the Qing Dynasty, the harem is not allowed to participate in politics.But Yinzhen knew Yanhua's character, so he didn't think her words into political affairs: "There is no need to go to court, Zhang Tingyu, Ertai and others will come to play in the Old Summer Palace... What is Chanchan asking this for?"

"That's good, that's good." She murmured twice secretly, seeing him looking back at her slightly sideways, she hurriedly said, "The emperor has suddenly become much younger, but it's a pity that many people can't see it."

She suppressed a smile and tied a bow at the end of his braid, and then showed him a mirror.After his temples were dyed black, his old and haggard look immediately faded a lot, and the brilliance in his eyes, against the backdrop of black hair, became more sharp and heroic.

He looked sideways at his temples with satisfaction, and he looked much younger indeed.He nodded in satisfaction, and went to the study after having breakfast with her.Yanhua looked at his back, and couldn't help laughing at the bow on his braid.

This little prank finally ended in the eyes of Prince Yi.The military ministers in front left after finishing their important matters, but Shisan always discussed with Yinzhen for a long time.Thirteenth is now the Minister of Prime Minister Affairs and Yinzhen's auxiliary minister. Before the death of the first emperor, the treasury was in an astonishing deficit. I am very nervous.

When the two discussed matters, their expressions were serious and the atmosphere was oppressive. When Shisan accidentally saw the emperor's braided headband tied with a bow, he froze there for a moment.When Yinzhen looked over strangely, he pointed to Yinzhen's braid: "The emperor's it tied by Concubine Xi?"

Yinzhen touched his temples and saw that his hands were not stained with dirt, so he asked without answering, "Thirteenth Brother, did you realize that I am a little younger today?"

Thirteen didn't expect him to ask such an irrelevant question so bluntly, he looked at it carefully for a while before nodding his head: "It seems that he is indeed much younger, could it be that the emperor has returned to his old age after drinking the fish soup made by Concubine Xi yesterday?" Already? Hehe~"

"She dyed my hair gray." Yinzhen didn't pretend to be, and directly said that he had gray hair.

Shisan just squinted his eyes for a closer look, and then said with emotion: "Fourth brother... the emperor is so blessed. The younger brother let Xiao Qi look at her white hair, and instead of saying a few nice words, she even pulled me. I also found a few hairs, saying that she is growing old with my younger brother, she is not worried, what is my younger brother worried about? Could it be that he wants to go out and provoke the little beauty? Hehehe..."

Yinzhen has told him many times that it is better to call him fourth brother in private, but he abides by the etiquette of a monarch and his ministers, and is still used to being called the emperor.Yinzhen corrected him several times, but the next time Shisan still called him the emperor, but in the end he had no choice but to follow Shisan.

Hearing this, Yinzhen suddenly remembered what Yanhua had said to him to grow old together, and suddenly said happily: "But Chanchan still thinks I'm old, take a look, otherwise why would he want to dye my hair for me?"

Thirteen was silent: Maybe, she is looking forward to your aging slowly, and wants you to wait for her, so that she can grow old with you...

Yinzhen was never someone who pampered himself, so he stayed in Yuanmingyuan for two nights and then returned to the palace.

Everything seems to be as usual, nothing unusual.It wasn't until Yanhua went to the Queen's Palace to pay her respects for the first time after returning to the palace that she knew how much trouble she caused in the harem during the two nights that she stayed with Yinzhen in Yuanmingyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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