Chapter 228 Restoration
The king of Zhijun was ordered by the emperor to revoke his title of county king because of the matter of suppressing Yan Yinreng and the other princes.After hearing about this incident, Concubine Hui, Eniang, the King of Zhijun, was desperate and begged the emperor to bring this "unfilial son" to justice, but the emperor couldn't bear to kill his parents and children after all.

At the end of October, the emperor went to Nanyuan for a walk, thinking that Yinfeng was with him every time in the past, but this time, many princes were missing in a row, and he couldn't help feeling sad.Furthermore, when the autumn wind blows, he suddenly catches the wind and cold, and has been bedridden for days.

Liang Jiugong knew that Yinfeng was always on his mind, so when the emperor was so depressed that he refused to take the medicine, he suggested in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the second elder brother has been asking to see the Emperor."

The emperor was moved, since everything was caused by the big brother's suppression of nightmares, since Yinreng was abolished, he has been suffering from nightmares continuously, and his spirit is not good.Thinking of this, he nodded immediately.

Yinfeng still remembered that before he was abolished, he was mistaken for murder because he eavesdropped outside the tent, so when he saw the long-lost emperor, he cried bitterly: "The emperor Ama scolded my son and minister for other things, There is nothing wrong with it, and I dare not deny it, but the only thing that I can't do is murder!"

The emperor thought for a long time afterwards, and he believed what Yinfeng said at this moment.The king of Zhijun was full of ambitions, so he played so many Yinreng stories at the time, and there were indeed many falsehoods.

From then on, the emperor often summoned Yinreng, and every time he summoned him, his heart felt better, there were fewer nightmares at night, and his spirit became stronger day by day.

In mid-November, the emperor ordered civil and military officials to select a candidate for the crown prince from among the princes in the court hall. That's it."

Unexpectedly, more than half of the civil and military officials recommended the eighth prince, but the emperor was furious: "Yinhu was born to a bitch Ku bitch! He has been sinister since he was a child, and now he still borrows the words of his face Zhang Mingde, He wants to confuse the public and take the opportunity to get the crown prince! He also wants to hire someone to murder Yinfeng and conspire with that rebellious official and thief (big brother). Now that the matter is revealed, he must hate me to the bone! Such a sinister, far worse than Yinfeng What a fault! How good and capable he is, how can he inherit the great rule! The kindness between me and Mrs. Yinhu is so great that you can no longer recommend him!"

Brother Jiu heard the words, saw that the always gentle and jade-like Lao Ba also turned green when he heard this reprimand, and hurriedly stepped forward to speak well for Lao Ba.Sensing his actions, Lao Ba hurriedly tugged at the hem of his clothes secretly, and shook his head sadly the moment he turned his head.

Without Shisan by his side, Yinzhen became even more alone.

Longko glanced at him, saw that he didn't look at him, his mouth trembled twice and then he didn't say anything.

The matter of recommendation ended without a problem in the emperor's fury...

Yinzhen hasn't been to Wanfu Pavilion since the day Shisan was imprisoned, even the small letters she sent to the study every day, he piled them there without looking at them carefully.

Yanhua still grinds ink for him every day, but he seems to have suddenly suffered from blindness, no matter how Yanhua dangles in front of him, he deliberately does not look at her directly.

Yanhua endured, endured again and again, and finally broke out on this day.

But this time Yinzhen was really thinking about something, he was staring at the "Sun Tzu's Art of War" in his hand in a daze, but Yanhua didn't know that he was thinking about it, after posing in front of him for a long time without him looking him in the eye, she raised her hand Then he took the booklet away from Yinzhen's hand!
Yinzhen's thoughts were interrupted, and he couldn't help frowning.

Looking up and seeing Yan Hua's suppressed tears, he was stunned: "What is this?"

There was the usual coldness in the tone, but it was very alienated in Yanhua's ears.

She felt pity in her heart, the unbearable grievances spread from her nose, and the sadness rippled from her heart, hitting her mind wave after wave.

Seeing her appearance, Yinzhen couldn't help lowering his voice: "I'm thinking about things. There are a lot of things in court recently. If you are left out in the cold, don't take it too seriously. Now that Chanchan has grown up, she is no longer a She was that crying little girl back then, wasn't she?"

If he doesn't comfort Yan Hua, she can bear the pain in Yan Hua's heart by herself.But now, he comforted her with a voice, and he was so gentle.The grievances in her heart suddenly surged like a tide, overwhelming!

She didn't dare to speak, for fear that she would choke up when she opened her mouth.

But the grievance in her heart was like boiling water, bubbling and bubbling, making her feel uncomfortable and her internal organs were sore and bitter.

She didn't know what mistake she had made, and she didn't know why he was crazy. It was an unbearable torture to be left hanging like this all day long.But he acted like a normal person, turning a blind eye to her ardor.

How easy she was to be satisfied, now that he made a little far-fetched explanation, she was completely defeated.It's not that he wasn't busy before, no matter how busy he was, he would find time to talk to her, how could it be like this time, he even looked at her stingily.

Is she old and fading?Or was it because she hadn't given him a boy and a half girl yet?If she is wrong, why can't he say it outright, or at least give a hint?Guessing and guessing all day long, it is easy to get distracted and let her do something wrong, which makes her feel tired.

She thought, she couldn't surrender so easily, she had to be stronger, at least she couldn't cry in front of him.Because he just said that she is an adult now, and she can no longer cry like she used to.

But her firm mind just now was completely thrown away before Yinzhen's next move.

Seeing her crying in grief, Yinzhen's eyes tightened, revealing a look of distress.He secretly let out a breath, stood up and reached out to hold her hand, but Yanhua ignored her and avoided it awkwardly.

Yinzhen frowned, reached out with his long hand, grabbed her arm, and brought her into his arms: "Hey, cry if you want to. I know I haven't found time to talk to you these days. I'm happy, but there are too many things recently, and my thirteenth brother can't go out of the house, so I feel very depressed..."

Yan Hua hadn't been in contact with him for two months, and now she felt the strong warm breath from his body, the tears in her eyes seemed to melt suddenly, rolling down her cheeks with a splash.

She was crying after all.

While crying, she couldn't help complaining: "Why can't you tell me when you're bored? Although I can't give you good ideas, I can always help you solve your worries. If I treat you like this, you You must be scolding me coldly. I don't like you. You keep quiet and don't tell me what happened. I just think that I did something wrong and reflect on it every day in the small letter. , but you never read..."

She cried more and more fiercely, and when her eyes were dim with tears, Yinzhen pinched her chin and forced her to raise her head.

Before she could finish speaking, Yinzhen's kiss fell down.At first it was just a light touch, followed by a storm of kisses.Falling on her eyes, kissed away her salty tears; fell on her cheeks, kissed away her wet tears; finally returned to her soft lips, lingering, pressed against her lips and teeth, drove straight in, finely The tongue traced her white teeth until...

Yanhua cried so tragically that the snot couldn't be controlled by her. Under the pleasure, it quietly slipped out of her nose and flowed straight to Yinzhen's lips, which were... sticky and a little The baby is warm, but it does not slip off as easily as tears.

Yinzhen's body stopped suddenly, and he withdrew all the impulse that was about to be uncontrollable in disbelief.He opened his eyes, saw the daze and embarrassment in Yanhua's eyes, frowned, and immediately let go of her.

A waterline as transparent as a spider's silk, when Yinzhen retreated, was drawn from Yanhua's center to Yinzhen's upper lip, and was pulled by Yinzhen for a full foot before breaking with a "click".

The voice was so small that it seemed unheard, and Yinzhen didn't hear it, but the snot line that was so vivid broke under his eyes, and he felt sick after all.

Seeing the obvious disgust in his eyes, Yan Hua hurriedly took out her handkerchief and raised her hand to wipe the snot on his upper lip, regardless of the embarrassment on her face.

But she accidentally shook her hand, and she accidentally wiped the snot on his clean lower lip!

Yinzhen instinctively raised his hand and pulled away Yanhua's troubled hand, and said in a deep voice with a green face, "Chanchan!"

Yanhua's face became hot, and her face was flushed red by his burning gaze.

She quickly admitted her mistake, her attitude was so good that she didn't feel wronged at all: "I... didn't do it on purpose, I just accidentally..."

"You did it on purpose!" Yinzhen caught a glimpse of her snot about to slip onto her lips, quickly grabbed her wrist, forced her hand to turn back to her face, and wiped her nose up, down, left, and right.

With this rubbing, Yan Hua also turned green.Her snot was still safely accumulated on the edge of her slightly raised upper lip, but after being touched by Yinzhen like this, her snot had already covered all around her mouth - including her mouth!

Yinzhen's hands trembled slightly, and she let go of her wrist embarrassingly, then there were two obvious disgusts in her eyes, she turned around and asked Liangchen to fetch water to wash her face.

Leaving Yanhua alone, messy in the wind.

It's all caused by the snot, the good warmth is disturbed by such a farce...

The next day, Yinzhen asked to restore Yinreng's crown prince status. The emperor looked at him silently, then turned to all the officials: "What's your opinion, dear friends? Do you agree with the fourth proposal?"

After what happened yesterday, no one dared to raise any objections, let alone the matter of recommending the eighth prince.When Yinreng was called to Changchun Garden, he was humble and respectful, just like he was not a jerk when he was young, and his good attitude made the emperor very satisfied.

Amidst the clamor of false flattery from all the people, the third elder brother Yinzhi was the only one, hiding in the corner and looking at Yinreng coldly, his eyes full of jealousy.

Everyone said that he had always been on good terms with Yinfeng, and even this time he was the one who reported the eradication of the elder brother, but no one has ever seen how he was bullied by Yinfeng for so many years.This is not the result he wanted.

Just when he was resentful, Yinzhen's gaze fell on the third elder brother's face in a neutral manner.After he glanced at the third elder brother, he immediately opened his eyes, and together with everyone else, he smiled slightly with the corners of his mouth bent.

In the first month of the 48th year of Kangxi, the emperor was full of joy because of Yinreng's restoration of the crown prince, and sent officials to offer sacrifices to the heaven and earth, the ancestral temple, and the community, to inform the ancestral temple, and to issue an edict to the world.

In February of the same year, the emperor ordered the second elder brother to be the crown prince, the third elder brother to be the prince of Cheng, the fourth elder brother to be the prince of Yong, and the fifth elder brother to be the prince of Jinheng... The eighth elder brother was stripped of his title earlier, but this time he was able to Restoring the title of Dorobeile, the fourteenth brother was promoted to be the son of Gushan...

(End of this chapter)

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