Chapter 199
After the emperor returned to Beijing, Wang Hongxu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, delivered two secret memorials in June and September respectively, all of which were about the sale of women by officials in Suzhou, but he was very careful not to mention it these two times. Prince.

Because once the buying and selling of women started, those poor but beautiful women were bought and sold at will like anything.Some people bought beautiful women to send to the capital, while others bought them to send to the mansions of officials and gentry. There were complaints for a while, and the daughters of the poor families were all panicked, for fear that if they were fine today, they would be killed by their parents and brothers tomorrow. It was sold for money.

After the emperor learned of this, he sent someone to investigate, and when he found out that it was true, he was so angry that he dropped his cup immediately.What annoyed him even more was that the investigators inadvertently found out that not only were there many beauties in the prince's other courtyard, but they were also constantly singing and dancing.

The emperor was furious, and sent someone to seal the prince's other courtyard outside the palace, and all the women inside were sent away from Beijing.

The prince was terrified and panicked. Fortunately, the other courtyard was under someone else's name. After all, the emperor still cared about the prince's face. When the other courtyard was sealed up, people found other reasons.He reprimanded the prince in private, because he was too angry, and when he scolded to the point of excitement, because his emotions fluctuated too much, he didn't catch his breath and fell straight down.

This frightened the entire harem, and the empress dowager was also alarmed, and hurried to the Qianqing palace.When she saw the prince, she guessed that the emperor was so angry with him. After a few words of reprimand, she punished him to kneel outside the Qianqing Palace: "Your emperor Ama is reluctant to punish you, so I will punish you! Doing nothing all day long, the bigger you are, the bigger you are." There is no future!"

The crown prince was so reprimanded that he didn't dare to say a word, and knelt outside Qianqing Palace for a whole night...

The emperor was so angry that he rested for several days before going to court.The princes visited the palace one after another, and after seeing that there was no serious problem, Yinzhen asked for leave to go to Linyin Temple to pray for blessings, and the emperor agreed.

Ever since Ulanara and Yinzhen talked about the issue of heirs that day, and after a few days of cold war with Ulanara, he suddenly remembered Shisan's words.This time he had a few days free, so he asked Yanhua to pack her things, and wanted to take her to Linyin Temple to beg for a child.

Linyin Temple is located at the foot of Xiangshan Mountain in the western suburbs of Beijing. The inside is extremely simple, but there is a spotless statue of Songzi Guanyin.This small forest hidden temple is hidden in the jungle green trees, hence the name.

Yinzhen did not explain the purpose of this trip to Yanhua, but simply said to take her to the temple to pray for blessings.

Yanhua didn't doubt that he was there, she packed her bags happily and got on the carriage: "Is it going to be for a long time? Do you still need to pack Huanxi's clothes?"

Because Yinzhen didn't want this trip to be inconvenient due to his status as a fourth beile, he changed his normal clothes and asked Yanhua to go to Xiangshan in Han women's clothes.Along the way, Yinzhen didn't speak much, but occasionally responded to Yanhua's chatter.

It wasn't until he poured a cup of tea and handed it to Yanhua to quench her thirst that Yanhua realized that she had talked too much.After she finished drinking, she leaned against Yinzhen's side, pouted her mouth cautiously and asked softly, "Are you in a bad mood today? You didn't even laugh when I said so many interesting things."

Yinzhen was frowning and thinking about something, and didn't listen to her carefully at all, but now he heard her talking obediently beside him, so he listened.He stretched out a hand to pull her into his arms, stared down at her black hair for a while, and said in a deep thought: "Huang Ama is ill, I'm a little worried."

He thought for a long time, but finally said nothing else.

But Yanhua is so smart, when she arrived at Linyin Temple and saw the Son-Send Guanyin, she understood everything.She felt pity in her heart, but she didn't show it after all.She is twenty-eight years old, at the prime of her youth, although she is still very young, but she has been in the mansion for three years.It's really worrying to have nothing out of my stomach for three years.She thought Yinzhen didn't mind this matter, but she didn't expect him to care after all.

So without waiting for Yinzhen to say anything, when she walked in front of Linyin Temple, she spontaneously wanted to enter Linyin Temple to worship: "I want to go in and worship."

Yinzhen nodded, and after a reply, he stood in the courtyard of Linyin Temple and waited for her.

There were many people in the temple, after Yanhua took the incense, she waited for a while before it was her turn.

The Son-Song Avalokitesvara is about three feet high. The Avalokitesvara statue has a graceful demeanor, kind eyebrows and kind eyes, wearing a crown, a heavenly garment, and a close-fitting Luo Qun around the waist.She held a doll with a thick head and a tiger head in her arms, with a bunch of black hair on top of her head, and a red bellyband on her body. The way her eyebrows and eyes were curved made people feel pity in their hearts when they saw it.

Yanhua looked up at the dignified Avalokitesvara statue for a while, and beside her was a pious woman begging for a child, who seemed to be almost thirty.When she piously held up the long incense sticks to make a wish, she saw Yan Hua kneeling on the side in a daze, and hurriedly reminded: "This girl, staring at the Buddha statue like this is not considered respectful, so stop looking at it."

Yanhua saw the kindness and softness of this Avalokitesvara statue, and was amazed by the dignified aura of this Buddha statue for a moment, so she froze there.Hearing the reminder from the woman next to him, he quickly lowered his head, smiled at the woman, thanked her, and then held up the incense and respectfully began to make a wish.

When Yanhua got up after making her wish, that woman happened to get up too.She smiled at the woman and thanked her again.

Seeing that Yan Hua was not very old, the woman approached a few steps with crooked eyebrows: "Sister looks young, did you come to beg for a child so early? This place is very spiritual, I have come to beg twice and I am pregnant." Well, the girl will definitely get her wish."

Yanhua looked at her stomach in surprise, it was slightly swollen, and said happily: "This sister is very lucky, is she here to fulfill her wish this time?"

The woman nodded, with a mother's kindness in her eyes.When they walked out of Linyin Temple together, the woman saw Yanhua beckoning at Yinzhen, and asked, "Is that man your husband? He looks like a noble man. My sister is so lucky that my husband can come with you." Begging for a child, it can be seen that it hurts you very much. Don’t worry, sister, you are still so young, you will definitely be able to conceive soon. Let me teach you a way, eat more nourishing things on weekdays, and relax when you have sex. Nervous, let nature take its course and soon I will be pregnant..."

Seeing that she said the word intercourse in an open manner, Yan Hua couldn't help feeling a little shy, her face blushed, but she couldn't help her kindness, she thanked her a few times shyly and then parted with her, and went to Yinzhen walk around.

It was the end of September, and in the late autumn, the maple leaves on Xiangshan Mountain were glowing red, which was really beautiful.At this moment, Yinzhen raised his head and looked up the mountain with a calm expression on his face.

After Yanhua walked over, Yinzhen raised his hand to touch her eyes, and slightly bent his mouth: "What were you talking about with that lady just now? Are you smiling so happily?"

Yanhua blushed and buried her head in his arms, and said sullenly: "She's praising you for your good looks." In the public, she couldn't say the word intercourse.

Yinzhen chuckled, raised his eyebrows slightly: "What about you?"

Yan Hua let out a muffled laugh, and thumped his chest lightly in his arms: "Hmph! How can there be someone like you? It's so obvious that I should praise you."

When the passers-by saw this pair of affectionate people, they couldn't help but glance sideways.

Embarrassed to be stared at like this, Yan Hua hurriedly buried her head in his arms and said in a muffled voice: "Let's go quickly."

Yinzhen looked up and said softly: "I'm going to the Xiangshan Temple on the mountain to pray for Huang Ama. If you have the strength, you can go up with me. The red leaves on the mountain are growing quite well, and the scenery must be very good of."

When Yanhua heard this, she immediately felt that she had wrongly blamed him.Perhaps, the purpose of his trip was not because he cared that he had not been pregnant, but because he had been bullying the emperor to pay homage to Xiangshan Temple, and brought her here to pay respects to Guanyin.

Thinking of this, the little bit of depression in Yanhua's heart was instantly swept away.She hastily took Yinzhen's hand and left Linyin Temple in a hurry, and walked towards the stone steps leading to the top of the mountain: "I am strong, and I want to pray to the emperor."

Yinzhen glanced at the slender hand that was holding him, and his slightly cold eyes gradually became warm.There was a warm smile on the corner of his lips, looking at the back of Yanhua's head with some disdain: "If you're too tired to walk later, don't cry."

Yan Hua suddenly looked back at him slyly: "I'm the one who is pulling you away right now, but remember! If I can't move later, you have to pull me away too." ? That's only fair."

Yinzhen sneered twice, and hurriedly pulled out his hand: "I don't need you to pull it."

However, Yan Hua tightly held onto his hand and refused to let go, her eyes were narrowed with a smile: "If you want it, hurry up, it's getting late."

When we climbed to the half-hillside, looking around, the mountain is covered with dark red maple leaves, covering the land one by one, which makes people intoxicated.The mountain is filled with the aroma of maple leaves, which smells refreshing.From time to time, one or two maple leaves fall on the stone steps, like decorations, paving a beautiful mountain road.

When Yanhua walked halfway up the hill, she was exhausted, her legs were as heavy as if filled with lead, she was panting so hard that she couldn't even act coquettishly, but she held Yinzhen's big hand tightly and refused to let go, I was afraid that he would really leave her here alone.

She felt a little regretful, looked up at the sky, it was getting late, and with her speed, she might not even have time to pray after going up the mountain.Thinking of this, she couldn't help pouting, and murmured guiltily, "I'm sorry."

Yinzhen knew that she was tired, so he didn't tell her, he just sat down on the stone steps suddenly: "I'm tired, let's rest for a while."

Yanhua's heart warmed up, knowing that he was accommodating her, she felt even more sorry.Panting for breath, she was about to sit down, but Yinzhen suddenly raised her hand to rest on her hip.Yanhua's face flushed, and she looked at him puzzled: "You..."

Yinzhen didn't say anything, just stretched out his legs, and then pulled Yanhua onto his lap to sit down. After she settled down, he whispered in her ear: "It's cold on the ground."

To be so considerate, Yanhua's nose ached, and she regretted, "It's all my fault, it's getting late, and I'm afraid we won't have time to pray for blessings when we climb up. You see, there are only people going down the mountain, and no one going up the mountain."

(End of this chapter)

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