Chapter 143 Punishment
"I'll punish you to write me a letter every day." Yinzhen had a small smile on her face, let go of her hands holding her face, and gently squeezed her cheek.

"You... want to travel far?" Yanhua stared at him blankly, her heart stopped, and she suddenly felt a little bit reluctant.The emperor is now on a tour to the south, is he going to rush there too?

Yinzhen shook his head, smiled lightly and said, "Can't you write a letter because you can see it every day? Just write how you miss me. For example, you miss me so much that you can only fall asleep when you think of hugging the quilt I covered. For example, you How much you like me in your heart... Every time you write a sentence in the letter, you will listen to my words and stop taking my words as a deaf ear..."

Yanhua was dumbfounded when she heard that, he...he was forcing her to write that kind of nasty love story to him?He...has such a habit...

The corners of her eyes twitched several times, as if she didn't hear clearly, she asked repeatedly: "You want me to write... a letter like a love poem?"

Yinzhen was thinking about his own request, and when he heard her suspicious tone, he turned cold with displeasure: "You are ruthless to me? Don't you like me?"

He asked in a dignified manner without the slightest bit of blushing, which made Yanhua feel that she was too petty, so she hurriedly nodded her head: "Sentimental, I like it, I like it, I like it very much..."

After she finished speaking, she felt that she had fallen into his trap, and was about to refute, but after seeing him give him a cold look, she choked her words again and did not rush out.Well, if she likes it, she likes it, and it's only natural that she likes her husband.But, is it really good to write those words every day?
"...Remember, you must write down every day that you will listen to my words in the future, and stop taking my words as a deaf ear..." Yinzhen breathed out very comfortably, and looked at the playful expression on Yanhua's face laugh.

"I'm already very obedient, aren't I?" If she was asked to write down those embarrassing words in black and white, if an outsider saw her, where would she put her face?It's fine to say what you want in private, if you want her to talk about love, just say a few words as much as possible when she is in bed, why do you have to write it down?
Thinking of this, Yanhua asked in a negotiating tone: "Master Belle wants to hear the slave say something like that. Is it okay for the slave to say it in private? Don't you need to write it?" Her voice was very low, because she was already ashamed. Had to bow his head.

Yinzhen didn't say yes or no, just raised his eyebrows and said: "Then you can say something right away and I'll listen to you."

Yanhua raised her eyes in surprise, and immediately lowered her eyes again.She thought for a while, before she walked forward panting lightly, stood on tiptoe and leaned into Yinzhen's ear, murmured a few words like gossamer.

Yinzhen didn't hear what she said at all, but saw that she was already standing up with blushing face and bowed her head to the side, and asked suspiciously: "Is it finished?"

Yan Hua nodded shyly, and buried her face even lower.

"What did you say? I didn't hear it."

Hearing what he said, Yan Hua glared at him angrily, only knowing that he did it on purpose, she snorted softly and walked to the south window, turning her back and not looking at him.

Yinzhen was helpless, this time he really didn't hear it, he almost doubted whether she had spoken just now, it was even softer than the sound of mosquitoes and flies flapping their wings, how could he hear it?
"Chanchan~" Seeing her showing her face again, Yin Zhen softened his voice, "You spoke too softly just now, I really didn't hear you."

Yanhua is also a person who accepts when he sees a deal, hearing the helplessness in his tone, she snickered and turned around slowly.She walked up to him lightly again, looked at him shyly, and said in a low voice: "I wish you a long life, and we will be together forever~"

A smile slipped across the corner of Yinzhen's mouth, and he immediately said seriously: "Well, this poem is very good, I like it quite a bit. How did Chanchan recite the poem so well for me to listen to?"

Seeing his innocent eyes, Yanhua couldn't help but get angry.He made her angry by making it like this. He knew everything, but why did he always tease her like this?

In this anger, although she still felt shy, she stopped being coy like that, and said angrily: "It was Lord Baylor who asked me to say something nice to you. Do I write letters every day? If I have something to say, I just need to talk about it face to face, I don’t need to write to read it, it’s a waste of time!”

Seeing that she was angry, Yinzhen stopped teasing her: "No, you are getting more and more courageous, and you don't take my words to heart anymore. I want you to remember them for a long time. Well, yes, in the letter It must also be added that I am a good person, so don't think of me so badly."

Yanhua laughed, this time out of anger, which good person would force others to say that he is a good person?Is this person in front of him really the cold-faced fourth prince of Baylor as rumored by others?

She raised her hands angrily, and tugged on his cheeks, as if she wanted to tear off the skin from his face.Until Yinzhen snorted coldly: "What are you doing?"

Only then did Yanhua shake her hands and regained her sanity, but she still forced herself to calm down and said: "This servant always puts Lord Baylor's words on top of his heart, when did he dare to be disobedient? Dare to think badly about Lord Baylor."

Seeing her angry, Yinzhen didn't try to coax her, just walked to the side of the couch and sat down: "Then tell me, I asked you to live in Yonghua Palace today, why did you sneak back?"

"I... Lord Belle clearly knows that the servants cannot sleep tonight, the servants..."

"Did I tell you to sleep with you?" Yinzhen interrupted her in a cold voice, filled with righteous indignation, and displeasure appeared on his face again.

Yan Hua stared at him blankly, and after a while she could reply competently: "No..." She just felt that she had lifted a rock and hit her foot, and the pain was so painful that she couldn't even cry out.Also, when did he say he wanted her to sleep with her?It's because she's in a daze, and she has to think about serving the bed, so... But, if you want her to stay in the Yonghua Palace, you don't want her to serve the bed, but what do you want?
Thinking of this, she felt a little more confident in her heart, and felt that the anger she had just had was justifiable.

"Then why do you think I will let you sleep in this situation?"

"Because..." She was suddenly speechless, and she didn't know why she thought this way, but she thought of that possibility first, so that thought never lingered.

"Forget it, just do what I said just now. You can take a good rest today, and send it to the study tomorrow. If you still feel unwell tomorrow, just let the servants send it to you." Yinzhen didn't have the heart to continue After playing with her, he couldn't help but finalize the matter, got up and took a look at the small bamboo forest outside before leaving.

After going through all this trouble, Yanhua has already forgotten the embarrassing things before, and she is fully thinking about how to write those nasty words.

After writing and writing, she only felt ashamed after reading the words that were too explicit, and immediately threw them into the charcoal stove to burn them; It would be bad if the punishment was heavier, so they were also thrown into the furnace and burned.After tossing and tossing like this, it wasn't until bedtime that she managed to write a slightly satisfactory masterpiece.

After finishing writing, she let out a long breath of relief, and was angry with him, so she picked up a pen and wrote on another piece of paper: cheapskate!After writing these three characters, I felt a little more at ease, and then picked up the pen and drew a outline of a man's profile by the side of the characters, with deep eyebrows, thick sword eyebrows, and a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, not Yinzhen. Who is it again!

After dissipating, she rubbed up the piece of paper and prepared to throw it into the stove for burning.

After thinking about it, she suddenly felt reluctant to burn it again, spread out the paper again, tapped Yinzhen's head in the painting with her fingers, smiled smugly, and asked Yingxiu to find a piece of paper. There was only an empty box, and I carefully put the piece of paper in it...

On the second day, after Yan Hua finished paying her respects, she saw that it was still early, and Yinzhen should have not returned from court, so she wanted to go back to Wanfu Pavilion to rest.

Huaying suddenly called out to her mysteriously: "Ge Ge! Ge Ge! This way!"

She waved at Yan Hua, beckoning her to go to a small side room of the Hall of Harmony.

Yan Hua was puzzled, looked left and right, and trotted over in a hurry: "What's wrong? But what happened? Why are you yelling here?"

But Huaying smiled at her inexplicably: "Didn't Gege say yesterday that the bed attendant is not good enough?"

"Ah!" Yanhua hurriedly raised her hand to cover Huaying's mouth, turned her head to look around, and complained, "Why do you say such things casually? How bad it is to be overheard !"

But Huaying gave her an ambiguous smile, pulling Yanhua into the ear room.

"What are you doing? Don't let others think that we are sneaking around in the Hall of Harmony and doing shameless things! Go back quickly, and we can talk about it when we have something to do." Yan Hua said that she was about to open the door and go out, but was caught Huaying stopped her.

Huaying pursed her lips, motioning Yanhua to look behind her: "Ge Ge, this servant specially found someone to give Ge Ge a good talk."

"Huh?" Yanhua didn't notice anyone in the room just now, but when she heard Huaying being so mysterious, she turned her head and looked curiously.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it or not, but after seeing it, she was so ashamed that she fumbled all over the place: "Mother...why are you here?"

I saw Zhao mama sitting calmly on a chair by the window, slowly flipping through a booklet.After hearing Yan Hua's voice, she turned her chubby old face, put the booklet on the table without any seriousness, and said in a rough voice, "Ge Ge! Please sit down!"

Yanhua secretly winked at Huaying, annoyed that she had to find someone casually!Huaying pretended not to see it, and purposely averted her eyes.

Zhao Nanny had already taught her how to have sex, and she already knew it, so what does it mean to find Zhao Nanny again!
"Gege, Mammy knows everything, just ask her! Gege, let's learn from Mammy, and I'll just send this letter to the study!" Huaying took the letter in Yanhua's hand with a smile, and rushed Seeing Mammy Zhao say "I'm sorry, Mammy", she briskly closed the door and ran out...

(End of this chapter)

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