Chapter 804 Paternity Test (2)
Thinking of this, Lin Dongyang felt relieved.

Mi Qifeng turned around and just looked at Su Anning like this. He could see the worry and concern for him on her face.

"Well, I want to do a paternity test with you. With your social status, it shouldn't be difficult to do it in this hospital. I need to hurry up." He has no memory now, his previous social status and connections , he couldn't even remember, so he wanted to find them out.

"...Paternity test? Do it with us?" Su Anning and Lin Dongyang spoke in unison again, both of them couldn't believe it, why did Mi Qifeng make such a request.

This request is really unbelievable, both of them think so.

Su Anning always thought that her son was dead, but Lin Dongyang only knew that the child he had with Su Anning had already been killed by her when she was still in Su Anning's womb.

He had been brooding about this matter for a long time, and finally forgave her. After all, she made such a choice. As a mother, she was more sad than him. What's more, he understood that she did this. In fact, it was also for him.

So, why did Mi Qifeng suddenly ask for a paternity test with them?

Either it was Su Anning, or he, Lin Dongyang, it couldn't be the two of them together.

However, he believed in Su Anning's character. Since he was the only man in this life, she would not have children with other men. Lin Dongyang was an asshole when he was young, but after getting to know Su Anning, he was still very happy. From the beginning to the end.

Mitchfeng ignored their surprise. He walked to the chair in the corridor and sat down, "The previous car accident caused me to lose my memory. I lay in bed for at least half a year before waking up. After waking up, I only had one memory in my mind. Fragment, when I was three or four years old, on a rainy night, I was taken to a place called Fuxing Welfare Institute by a woman. When I waved goodbye to that woman, I saw your face, Mrs. Lin, so , When I saw the news about you and Mr. Lin on TV, I came to Kyoto. I hope to get Mrs. Lin's help to restore my memory as soon as possible. I don't need anything else."

Mi Qifeng spoke very calmly and calmly. However, Su Anning beside Lin Dongyang could no longer calm down. When she heard the name Fuxing Welfare Institute, she completely collapsed.

Only she and her son know about this, so, is Mitch Peak in front of her really the child she thought had died in the sea of ​​fire?
If her son is still alive, logically, the dean of the orphanage would not deceive her. At that time, when she knew that there was a fire in the Fuxing orphanage, she rushed there immediately and learned that her son was dead. In this fire, she collapsed several times, it was Lin Dongyang's call that calmed her down.

She didn't even deal with her son's ashes, but asked the dean to help her deal with it. This was the thing she regretted most in her life. Crash again.

So, her son is not dead?

Even, it appeared in front of her once, but she didn't know it.

"I came to you, not for you, but for a girl named Mi Aili, she is my sister, maybe you have heard about Mi's family, then you should know her too." Mi Qifeng continued to say expressionlessly with.

Lin Dongyang and Su Anning: "..."

Facing Mi Qifeng's indifference, both of them were a little speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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