Magic Item Master

Chapter 62 Diamond Necklace of Iron Wall

Chapter 62 Diamond Necklace of Iron Wall

Chen Zhongxiang swallowed his saliva, watching Zhang Sen approaching him a little bit with a soldering iron in his hand.

"I said it, I said it all," he yelled immediately, just as the iron was about to touch him.

Zhang Sen showed a satisfied smile, pointed the iron at Zhu Benzheng, and said to the torturers, "Gag his mouth."

The torturer immediately took out a piece of cloth and stuffed Zhu Benzheng's yelling mouth, and then tied it around with a rope to prevent Zhu Benzheng from pushing the cloth out with his tongue.

"Okay, the world is quiet now, tell me... who sent you?" Zhang Sen looked at Chen Zhongxiang and asked with a smile.

Chen Zhongxiang wept and said, "My lord, the little one from... ah bah, you are still young if you want to pry information from me. Even if you die, you will not tell you any information."

The changes in his expression can be described as colorful. One moment he had a dog-legged expression, the next moment he became ferocious, and then he slammed his head into the cross behind him, causing his own head to bleed.

Zhang Sen avoided Chen Zhongxiang's saliva, and said coldly, "At first I thought Zhu Benzheng would be more difficult to deal with, but I didn't expect you to be the real old fried dough stick. Grab his head and don't let him die."

The two torturers immediately pressed Chen Zhongxiang's head, but Chen Zhongxiang was already dying at this time, and thick blood mixed with saliva flowed out of his mouth.

One of the torturers grabbed Chen Zhongxiang's chin and took a look, and said, "My lord, he bit off his own tongue."

"My lord, he died."

Another torturer found that Chen Zhongxiang seemed to have stopped breathing, felt for his pulse, then looked at Zhang Sen and said.

Zhang Sen frowned, Chen Zhongxiang would rather die than tell what power he came from, which made him feel a little heavy.

Now there are only two possibilities. The first is that Chen Zhongxiang is innocent and he is not a spy.

The second possibility was much more terrifying. The organization he was in was very strict, and could even be described as cruel. Chen Zhongxiang would rather die than betray any information about that organization.

At this time, Zhang Sen thought of reversing the gavel. He reached into the safe and took out the gavel. He walked to Chen Zhongxiang's side and tapped the hammer lightly on Chen Zhongxiang's forehead.

He wasn't sure that the gavel could reverse life and death, but since the gavel said it could reverse attributes, he would give it a try and see if he could reverse Chen Zhongxiang from death to life.

With this hammer down, Chen Zhongxiang's body seemed to be shocked by an electric shock for a moment, his body trembled, and then his eyes slowly opened.

Zhu Benzheng was whining in a frenzy, but his eyes widened when he saw this scene.

"You think that if you die, everything will be settled. I won't allow you to die. It's even hard for you to die!" Zhang Sen looked at Chen Zhongxiang and said lightly.

Then he took out the regenerative bow and shot an arrow at Chen Zhongxiang. The wound on Chen Zhongxiang's body healed quickly, and his spirit gradually recovered from the sluggishness. He showed a bitter expression and said nothing.

He found that he had really fallen, and it was very thorough.

Even death is useless, what else can he do?
"I'm not interested in talking to you now, so you should reflect on yourself first." Zhang Sen stamped the branding iron on Chen Zhongxiang's body, and then signaled the torturers to gag Chen Zhongxiang's mouth.

At this time, he looked at Zhu Benzheng who was trembling again, took out a cup of water from the safe and sprinkled it on the mark, and then took off the cloth stuffed in Zhu Benzheng's mouth, Zhu Benzheng gasped for breath immediately.

"This is my last chance with you. Do you choose to say...or not?" Zhang Sen looked at Zhu Benzheng and asked calmly.

In fact, he doesn't care much about the two spies anymore, and his mind is on the gavel. Now that it has been confirmed that the gavel has the effect of reversing life and death, the next biggest problem is that the attributes selected by the gavel are completely random, so he must find a way Confirm the results that can be obtained every time the hammer is lowered.

For example, the ability of predicting, knowing that at that time point, you can get the effect you want with one hammer, and then strictly implement it.

Zhu Benzheng gasped and said, "My mother and I have been poisoned with a special poison. If I betray, my mother and I will die immediately."

"Can't disclose the other party's information in any form?" Zhang Sen looked at Zhu Benzheng and asked with a frown.

This is a bit troublesome. If Zhu Benzheng is telling the truth, then there is no point in continuing to force him. After all, once Zhu Benzheng leaks information, he will die immediately, and the information they can get will be quite limited.

"No." Zhu Benzheng shook his head.

Then he raised his head again and said, "This time I'm telling the truth, please believe me."

"Why are you willing to say it now?" Zhang Sen asked curiously. Obviously, Zhu Benzheng would rather be tortured to death than leak any information for his mother.

Zhu Benzheng looked at Zhang Sen's hammer and said, "You can bring the dead back to life!"

"I understand." Zhang Sen instantly understood Zhu Benzheng's words.

Zhu Benzheng looked at Zhang Sen and asked, "Can you let me go back?"

"No, you are my prisoner, I will never let you out, but if you sneak away by yourself, then there is nothing I can do." Zhang Sen turned around and said lightly.

Then Zhang Sen and Gu Chen left directly.

The two left the dungeon, Gu Chen looked at Zhang Sen and asked, "Do you think he's telling the truth?"

"Basically, it is certain that he wanted to fool me before, using 'we' to mislead the structure of his forces, but later he found out that I can resurrect the dead, and his mind changed." Zhang Sen took He took out the umbrella and held it up, reached out with one hand to pick up some snowflakes and put them in the safe, and said with a smile.

Although the territory's system is not democratic, at least Zhang Sen is not a fool, so the atmosphere in the territory is very good, much more enlightened than most forces in other places.

Zhu Benzheng was being enslaved, and he was sent to act as a spy under the threat of his mother. Naturally, he would not really be loyal to that force. Now that he saw the hope of breaking the situation, how could he not fight.

And he should also understand that Zhang Sen will never let him go. Once he dies, his mother, as an old and weak woman, has no value at all. She will probably be abandoned by that force and will not be able to survive.

Only by relying on Zhang Sen can he have a chance of survival!
Gu Chen nodded and said, "When will you let him out?"

"The guards in the dungeon are a little more relaxed tonight. Send Clairvoyance and Qian Chaoyang to follow him. If something goes wrong, you can retreat immediately." Zhang Sen thought about it, and then made arrangements.

Both Qianliyan and Qian Chaoyang are members of the Guchen Special Forces. Qianliyan can ensure that Zhu Benzheng will never escape, while Qian Chaoyang's ability is scaly skin. His skin can grow a large number of scales, and his defense is very strong. Being able to delay for a while is enough for clairvoyance to ask for help.

Gu Chen nodded, and continued: "Let Zhao Jiang follow along. Recently, Zhao Jiang and Qian Chaoyang jointly developed a nirvana, which may be effective at critical times."

"Well, let's do it this way." Zhang Sen agreed.

Gu Chen went to arrange tasks next, and Zhang Sen slowly returned to the lord's castle with an umbrella in his hand, thinking about the gavel.

At present, there are three magical props in his hands that can be called artifacts, namely the oath ring, the dimensional safe, and the reversal gavel.

These three props all have extremely powerful effects.

The oath ring can endow him with many powerful supernatural powers, directly affecting his strength.

The dimensional safe can ensure that his magical props will not be stolen and used by others.

The reversing mallet can reverse life and death, although the probability is not known how high.

Although other magical props also have their own functions, they are far less important than these three.

The abilities of the oath ring and the dimensional safe belong to a very stable type, and there will not be any particularly huge variables, but the reversible gavel is different.

The effect of the reversal gavel is to select one of the attributes of the target to reverse. Because the selected attributes are completely random, there are many uncertainties. This makes Zhang Sen a little distressed. He must find a way to solve this problem.

Predicting the result and increasing luck, these are the only two ways he can think of.

Of course, given the miracle power, he'd be happy to try it out and see if he could make a stable version of the Reversing Maul.

After returning to the castle, he produced a diamond necklace.

This diamond necklace is not a masterpiece, but a masterpiece of a certain master. It is said that the wearer can increase luck to a certain extent.

But Zhang Sen didn't believe this rumor at all, because Gu Chen found this necklace on a female corpse that was hung above a street lamp. The female corpse had obviously suffered countless abuses during her lifetime, and her death was extremely horrific.

The reason why Gu Chen was able to recognize the origin of this necklace was because he had seen this necklace at an auction, and later this necklace was auctioned off by a local tyrant.

"Boutiques will come out at three o'clock, and super boutiques will be out at six o'clock. Come on, luck...necklace!" Zhang Sen held the necklace with one hand, closed his eyes and muttered to himself, and activated his ability on the diamond necklace.

After activating the ability, he didn't open his eyes immediately, but took a deep breath. After all, he used up six singularities in one breath, and he still felt a little pained.

At this time, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the necklace:
Iron Wall Diamond Necklace

Durability: 10/10
Magic attribute: Iron Wall Chapter Passive: After wearing the necklace, the body's defense is greatly improved, and an invisible iron wall is formed on the body surface, and the defense power is 50.00% of its own.

Remarks: Don't, don't, someone help me! ! ! !
This is probably the resentment of the dead woman.

Although this attribute is not what Zhang Sen wants, there is no doubt that this attribute is quite powerful.

This necklace is a women's necklace, but it can't be seen when it is hidden in the clothes. Zhang Sen directly wears the necklace on his body. He never has too many life-saving props.

Then he called the butler and ordered the butler to punch him with all his strength.

The housekeeper didn't ask why, but directly punched him in the chest, and he found that he didn't feel it.

He immediately took out an ordinary dagger and handed it to the steward, ordering: "Sting me!"

(End of this chapter)

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