Magic Item Master

Chapter 472 The Gay Knight

Chapter 472 The Gay Knight
"South of the city, someone is fleeing the city!"


"In the north of the city, there are also people fleeing the city!"


"Someone is flying over to your left!"


As soon as Zhang Sen finished speaking, the trillion magic eye emperor said quickly.

These people are undoubtedly contestants. After learning the rules, they immediately choose to stay away from the crowd.


Zhang Sen locked on to the contestant who flew away, and immediately turned and walked into the window of space.

The contestant flying in the air has a pair of demon wings, and when flying, it will leave a faint red gas. This gas is highly poisonous and can block the enemy very well.

It's a pity that Zhang Sen is almost invulnerable to all poisons. He quickly chased after him, his body suddenly became bigger, and he opened his hand to grab it.


The contestants could feel the change of the wind without looking at it, and at the same time realized that the danger was approaching. After yelling, the body turned around, and then the speed of the dive increased, trying to get rid of Zhang Sen's attack.

Although Zhang Sen was huge, he was not bulky. At the moment when the contestants changed, his eyes froze and he opened his mouth to spray a large amount of poisonous gas.

The poisonous gas sprayed out in a straight line, directly submerging the contestant.

Get it!

The Kingdom of Pasteur, which is adjacent to the Kingdom of Dang Clew.

A man in silver-white knight armor was holding a two-meter-long knight spear in his hand, and he was staring into the distance.

In the valley far away, a strange green-skinned creature with a large number of curved horns is swinging. Its dinosaur-like head bears the official emblem of Infinity War.

"Hehe, it looks like I'm lucky..."

The man looked at the monster and couldn't help smiling, while tightening the knight's gun in his hand.

According to the rules, a heterogeneous creature will appear every day, and by killing the heterogeneous creature, you can get a powerful artifact or powerful ability.

It can be said that each alien creature is a strategic resource, and whoever finds and kills it first will have a greater advantage.

The number of viewers in the Forever Kingdom increased dramatically, and many people flocked into the man's live broadcast room.

Enthusiastic audience Li Shang: "Light Knight's luck is great, the world is so big, the only alien species unexpectedly appeared near him."


An unenthusiastic audience, Xiaoan: "Guangqi is so handsome, I want to have a monkey with you..."


Little fairy Xueqi: "This alien species looks so scary, won't light riders be killed by it?"


Murloc descendant Lan: "Guangqi is one of the most powerful existences among the contestants this time. He should not be killed, but the outcome is hard to say. After all, this alien species does not look weak."


The audience talked a lot, but the man didn't know.

In fact, Light Knight is just a title given to him by the audience. His name in the game is Wright, which means light, and his profession is knight, so everyone calls him Light Knight.

Wright is not only a dieter, he is also a rare strange messenger, just like General Buddha Butterfly back then.

The strangeness of his contract is actually his mount, a white horse without any variegation, named Guogap Horse.

The gaping horse is definitely a rare monster. Not only does it have a strong vitality, but at the same time, when it runs, the flow of time will slow down, and everything around it will be played in slow motion.

And this reaction to the outside world is astonishingly fast like The Flash.

With Wright's ability, it can be said that he is the nemesis of all crispy skins. As long as he is faster than him, there is only one dead end.

"My friend, the next battle will not be easy, let's go!"

Wright patted the white horse next to him, then got on the horse calmly, holding the rein in one hand and the knight's lance in the other.

The gaping horse and Wright were connected, and immediately charged after Wright was ready. When it was running, everything began to slow down. The surrounding leaves seemed to be moving frame by frame, and the speed was surprisingly slow.

In a blink of an eye, the horse in the gap brought Wright to the front of the alien species.

Light Wheel Cannon!
Wright's eyes had already locked onto the alien species, and he directly pulled out the knight gun. The body of the knight gun was covered with a thick layer of golden light. The golden light spun wildly like an electric drill, and instantly broke away from the knight gun and bombarded the body of the alien species.

This blow was extremely terrifying, the huge body of the alien species was sent flying upside down, and hit a mountain fiercely, causing a [-]-meter crater to appear on the mountain.

Originally, Wright thought that this blow would be able to eliminate the alien species, but the next moment the alien species rose from the pit, opened its mouth and let out a roar, and the sound directly formed a shock wave.

However, Wright drove the gaping horse away from the alien species at the moment it jumped up, so he was not injured by the shock.

"What a tenacious vitality, worthy of being called a different species."

Wright sighed with emotion, and suddenly felt a white light in the corner of his eyes. He instantly drove the horse to run, and he still had time to turn his head to look.

A bullet was flying, spinning in the air, at a very slow speed.

However, this bullet is not simple, it is actually an armor-piercing bullet, and from the perspective of craftsmanship, it is already very mature.

He quickly looked in the direction of the bullet, but he couldn't find anyone.

Obviously, the opponent didn't know what method to use to shoot the shot, and then ran away.

This is trouble.

If he wants to deal with the alien species, he must go all out. After all, although the alien species is not as fast as him, the attack power and defense power far exceed him. Once he is caught by the alien species and loses his speed advantage, he will only die.

But now there is a sniper hiding and watching, how could he not be distracted.

"Take out the sniper first!"

Wright immediately made a decision, controlled the gaping horse to run, and began to circle around the alien species, while constantly expanding the circle.

Carpet search.

This is the most stupid search method, but it is also the most effective search method at present.

Wal-Mart held a hand-crafted sniper rifle in his hand and observed Wright's actions with a scope on a mountain top. When he saw Wright turned into a white whirlwind, he immediately felt bad.

She is a strong player in the technological system, and she is a sniper with every shot.

In fact, this competition was very unfavorable to her. Almost all of her methods were useless. In order to give full play to her own advantages, she spent half a year building the sniper rifle in her hand. In the end, she had to manufacture the bullets herself. This is very troublesome work.

Every bullet of hers is very precious, and no waste is allowed.

She wasted a bullet just now, but now she didn't have time to feel sad, so she turned around and ran away.

There are two kinds of pharmacist abilities she got, one is positioning teleportation, and the other is color skin.

The first ability allows her to move between two fixed positions. With this ability, she avoids Wright's search.

It's a pity that she underestimated Wright's strength. It only takes a few seconds for Wright to find her hiding place.

She took off her clothes while running, but the audience in Eternal Kingdom didn't want to see it at all, because when she took off her clothes, the color of her body had already changed, and she directly became a transparent existence.

At this time, she was lying on the hillside, holding the sniper rifle tightly in both hands, facing the ground and back to the sky, and directly merged with the stone next to her.

Hold your breath and wait!
The footsteps of the galloping horse came from a distance, but in fact, the horse had already reached the mountain.

Wright glanced at the grass out of the corner of his eyes for a moment, and saw a camouflage uniform. He squinted his eyes and drove the gaping horse to run fast.

The mountain was searched quickly, and he didn't find Wal-Mart, so he searched again.

"Damn it, I didn't have time to clean up my clothes, and the other party found out."

Wal-mart cursed secretly, changed his body angle slightly, and the sniper rifle was ready to shoot at any time.

The opponent's speed was too fast, and she couldn't guarantee that her bullet could hit the opponent.

"The sound of hooves is on the other side of the mountain."

Wal-Mart pressed one ear to the ground, making judgments in his mind.

The voice was inaccurate and had a huge delay. The problem was that besides relying on the voice, she didn't dare to show her head at all, and she might die if she made a slight mistake.

Wright also lost his patience at this time. He directly inserted the knight gun into the ground and plowed the ground forward. As long as the enemy is still in this land, he will definitely be attacked by him.

"not good!"

As soon as Wal-Mart heard the change in the voice, it immediately realized Wright's plan.

Her teleportation has not yet cooled down, and she can't teleport to another location. Now she can only give it a go.

In an instant, she got up from under the stone, jumped on top of the stone in a somersault, and half-kneeled on the ground as if aiming.

Wright appeared from the other side almost as soon as she was ready, and with a small sound, the bullet was fired from the chamber.

A white light flashed, and Wal-Mart fell directly to the ground.

The bullet hit the ground after the Wal-Mart fell, and it had been cut in half.

Wal-Mart obviously underestimated Wright's ability. Although the bullet is going in the opposite direction to Wright, it is difficult for Wright to dodge the attack of the bullet. It is like two people sprinting at each other at the same time, and it is difficult to change direction at the last moment to avoid each other.

But Wright's own reaction nerves can match the gap horse, so although the bullet is fast, he can still hit the bullet with the knight gun, and even cut the bullet through the impact.

However, Wright's live broadcast room was directly occupied by Wal-Mart fans after the collapse of Wal-Mart. All of a sudden, a group of demons danced wildly, and all kinds of ridicule and abuse began to spread across the screen.

So in addition to light riding, he got another nickname: Gay riding.

But even if Wright knew the nickname, he wouldn't care. After all, a game is a game. If he showed mercy, he must have a brain problem.

After finishing off the sniper, Wright quickly returned. The alien species had gone far away, but no matter how far it was for Wright, he caught up with the alien species with a single charge, and then the light round cannon blasted out again.

The alien species was suddenly angry, turned around and slapped it, its claws covered with thick scales swept across the ground behind it, flying sand and rocks for a while, and large swathes of mud blasted out like a mudslide.

It's a pity that its attack couldn't hit Wright at all. When it turned around, Wright had already run in front of it.

Light Wheel Cannon!
Needless to say, Wright shot again.

(End of this chapter)

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