Magic Item Master

Chapter 35 Storage Dimensional Safe!

Chapter 35 Storage Dimensional Safe!
Miracle energy?

Zhang Sen couldn't help being startled, and then he subconsciously put down the seal, and the small screen also disappeared.

He blinked, picked up the seal gun again, and sure enough, a small translucent screen appeared in front of him again, asking whether to absorb the miracle energy.

This seal looks a bit like an antique, with a few ancient characters engraved on it, it seems to be a Yamaha layman or something.

He didn't choose to absorb miracle energy rashly, but wanted to figure out why the so-called miracle energy existed in this seal.

Observing from the material, structure and other aspects of the seal, he found that there was nothing special about the seal, it was just a seal made of gold.It probably belonged to some arty local rich man in ancient times. Anyway, he had never heard of the name 'Yamaha Jushi'.

Then he tried to touch other gold artifacts in the safe, but none of them would display a small screen. Obviously, these gold artifacts do not have miraculous power.

This shows that the miracle energy should have nothing to do with the material, but other special reasons.

Zhang Sen held the seal again, and then chose to absorb the miracle energy.


He waited a moment, and the seal neither dimmed nor changed visibly with the naked eye.

It's just that he put down the seal and picked it up again, but this time he didn't pop up the small screen to ask him if he had absorbed the miracle energy. Obviously, the miracle energy had been absorbed by him.

He opens his properties:
Name: Zhang Sen

Sex: Male
Age: 21
Category: Carbon-based life

Race: Eastern Human

Talented Occupation: Magic Item Master (Unique)

attribute chapter
Fine: 8
Chi: 6
Body: 9
Min: 6
Skill chapter
Magic attribute granting: Randomly add magical attributes to the item to change its ability, and consume 1 singularity point each time.

Currently have:

Singularity: 7
Singularity Daily Recovery Count: 1
Special energy:

Miracle Power: 1
Under the attribute of singularity, there is actually an attribute of miracle energy.

Zhang Sen turned off the attribute, thought for a while and picked up the scimitar studded with gems, but the instinctive feeling did not change. Obviously he can consume singularities to create magical props, but it has nothing to do with miracle energy.

So what is this miraculous energy for?

At this moment, Zhang Sen especially hopes to have an instruction manual. This feeling of relying entirely on guesswork is really too bad.

This is the time to brainstorm.

He walked out of the room to find Lina, told her about the miraculous energy, and the two discussed it.

"Old Zhang, since the name of this energy is miracle energy, do you think it is trigger energy, for example, when you are very desperate, consuming miracle energy will trigger a miracle, and finally gain hope or something like that." He guessed with his brain open.

When Zhang Sen heard it, he felt that it really seemed like that.

Since the name of this special energy is a miracle, it may have the ability to cause miracles.

"Or... the singularity can only be used on objects, so could this miraculous energy be used on people?" Lina thought for a while and guessed again.

When Zhang Sen heard it, he felt that it really made sense.

But then he took Lina's hand and tried to give it the ability, directly killing this possibility.

Obviously miracle energy does not work on the human body.

"Old Zhang, I thought of another possibility. Do you think this miraculous energy will be similar to the strengthening stones and strengthening charms in online games, and can strengthen the magical props you made?" Lina proposed at this time new possibilities.

When Zhang Sen heard this, he felt that this possibility was also possible, but at this moment he really wanted to complain, Lina's brain had really broken through the sky, and she could beat him by several blocks.

He thought about it for a while, took off the oath ring, and then held it in his palm to try to see if he could use any special ability.The next moment, a small screen appeared in front of him, which displayed: Do you want to consume miracle energy to strengthen the golden ring of the oath?


A blind cat meets a dead mouse.

He decisively chose no, and then told Lina about his discovery.

"That is to say, it is really possible to strengthen magical props? Then I think about which props are more suitable for strengthening." Lina immediately thought about it.

Zhang Sen couldn't help touching her head, and said with a smile: "Actually, I have already thought about what props to strengthen, although this prop has not been manufactured yet."

"What props?" Lina asked curiously.

Zhang Sen smiled and said, "Safe box!"


Lina thought that Zhang Sen would talk about swords and swords, but she didn't expect this answer.

In fact, when Zhang Sen found the safe in Jin Shunli's lair, he already had a similar idea in his mind.

In the future, there will be more and more magical props he will manufacture, and there must be a safe enough place to store them, otherwise these magical props will be too harmful if they fall into the hands of malicious people.

Zhang Sen expressed his thoughts, and Lina also agreed with this note.

In the future, there will definitely be more and more residents on Lanhuang Island. The temptation of magical props is too great, so they must be kept properly.

When the two came to the safe, Zhang Sen pressed his hand on the safe, and with a thought, the singularity was completely consumed, and the next moment a huge heat flow was transmitted to the safe through his arms.

He then opened the attributes, and his brows could not help but frown:

storage safe
Durability: 10/10
Magic attribute: storage chapter can store everything you want to store, but does not include life forms.

Remarks: This is a safe with unlimited capacity!

This is similar to the infinite space storage ring in some online novels. The problem is that what he wants is actually a defensive attribute. It is best to improve the security level of the safe, such as the ability to recognize the owner.

But now, although this safe can store unlimited items, the security level has not been improved. Once someone knows the password of the safe, they can still steal the contents of the safe without anyone noticing.

He gritted his teeth, pressed his hand on the safe again, and prayed in his heart that the attribute he wanted would appear. A small screen appeared in an instant, asking whether to consume miracle energy to strengthen the storage safe. He directly chose: Yes!

In an instant, the space around the safe was distorted, and the entire safe disappeared.

Both Zhang Sen and Lina opened their eyes wide, what's going on?

But at the next moment, Zhang Sen instinctively felt something, and he slapped his hand forward, and the safe reappeared in its original position, and the ground shook violently when it landed.

Zhang Sen looked at the attributes of the safe again, and sure enough, it has changed:

storage dimension safe

User: Zhang Sen
Durability: ∞
Magic attribute: storage chapter can store everything you want to store, but does not include life forms.

Miracle Attribute: Dimension Chapter Can hide in an unknown dimension that cannot be reached, and only the user can access items regardless of distance.

Remarks: No one can steal a single piece of yarn from me!
After reading the attributes, he instinctively pushed the door of the safe, and the space around the safe was distorted, and he once again disappeared into the unknown dimensional space.

Now he finally doesn't have to worry about the safety of magical props. With this safe with an infinite security level and unlimited storage space, as long as he doesn't reveal the safe, others will never be able to get the props in the safe.

Zhang Sen told Lina the energy of the safe with a smile, and at the same time reached into the unknown dimension to take out a necklace and put it on Lina's white jade neck.

"Wow, this is amazing. This ability is like a golden treasure. Old Zhang, why don't you just think of a way, can you shoot all the things in the safe to attack the enemy, so it will be more like it." Lina After listening, he said with bright eyes.

Zhang Sen thought for a while, the ability of this safe is indeed somewhat similar to that of Wang Zhibao.

But unless he is brain-dead, he will never shoot out all the magical items in the safe. After all, there is no owner of the magical items. Anyone who gets them can use them. If he pretends to shoot them out, the enemy will take them It would be a joke if he used magical props to fight back.

Next, he put magical props such as the angel's armor and the gun of the laughing craftsman into the safe, and at the same time put all the objects in the room that can be used to make magical props into the safe. In the future, he will slowly use his ability to transform them all. Into a magical prop.

This is destined to be a long and protracted battle.

At night, Zhang Sen told Gu Chen and Tie Huayan the information about Miracle Energy, and at the same time demonstrated the ability of the safe.

There is nothing to hide about this ability, after all, he will use it frequently in the future.

"The material of this seal is ordinary gold, and I can't see anything special about it. I'll ask Zhang Yong to try to melt it tomorrow to see if there is any special substance in it." Gu Chen looked at Zhang Sen from the safe. The seal that was taken out said with a frown.

Zhang Sen took out a piece of potato chips from the safe and stuffed it into his mouth, saying: "To be honest, miracle energy actually has advantages and disadvantages. Any item that uses miracle energy will add a miracle attribute, but it will also automatically bind me as the only one. Users just don’t know if this is a separate case of the safe, or if all props that use miracle energy will be automatically bound.”

"There is no answer to this question now, unless you can get more miraculous energy." Gu Chen thought for a while, and then said.

Zhang Sen took a sip of tea from the safe and put it back. He nodded and said, "Well, after that, I will touch as many things as possible to see if I can discover more miracle energy."

"Now let's talk about the territory. Lantong Town is already our territory. What are your plans?" Gu Chen looked at Zhang Sen and asked.

Zhang Sen took out a lollipop from the safe and put it in his mouth, he said, "I have no plans for the time being, but we need to check regularly to eliminate the gluttonous people who come from other places."

"What about the town next door?" Gu Chen raised his brows, and then asked.

Zhang Sen stuffed the lollipop back into the safe and took out a piece of chewing gum. He thought about it and said, "I'm going to send the Peanut Man to investigate. Let's see what's going on in the next town first, and then make plans."

"Is it fun?" Gu Chen asked at this time with the veins on his forehead slightly raised.

Zhang Sen looked at Gu Chen in puzzlement, with a bewildered expression on his face.

"I said it's fun for you to take things in and out like this?" Gu Chen roared unbearably.

From the very beginning, Zhang Sen has been taking out all kinds of things from the safe and putting them in again, and some things even made his brows jump when he saw them. It is obvious that this safe is a strategic artifact, and what the hell is Zhang Sen putting in it.

Of course, although part of the reason for his anger was that Zhang Sen was too reckless, more of it was because Zhang Sen didn't look like a lord at all, and he didn't have the bearing that a lord should have at all.

To be honest, it is also a terrible thing for subordinates to get angry.

At this time, Zhang Sen could only be disciplined obediently, listening to Gu Chen's long speech on the basic qualities of a qualified lord.

(End of this chapter)

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