Magic Item Master

Chapter 27 Cave

Chapter 27 Cave
The main castle will take three weeks to complete.

Zhang Sen was a little curious about how the main castle was created from scratch, so he came to the set construction location.

Originally, the location he set was a forest, but when he came here, the trees had all disappeared, and there was only a flat open space.

He stood on the edge and waited.

After about half an hour, the ground suddenly seemed to be attacked by some energy, and it sank in an instant. Stone pillars appeared in the ground, and then slowly rose like bamboo shoots.

Next, huge blocks of stone grew out of the ground, which were the foundations of the main castle.

Seeing this, Zhang Sen already understood that the main castle must have grown out of the ground bit by bit, and the process was probably similar to the guardian tree.

"Msanggong, Captain Tiesan came to you and said he found a cave!"

At this time, Xiao Shuang'er came over, she jumped on Zhang Sen's shoulder, grabbed Zhang Sen's collar and said.


Zhang Sen was taken aback for a moment.

Because of what Zhou Yiping said before, he sent Tiesan and others to search the entire Lanhuang Island carefully, and it has been a long time.

He immediately returned to the villa, and after seeing Tie San, he asked, "Shuang'er said you found a cave?"

"My lord, this subordinate obeyed your orders. This time, we carried out a blanket search of the entire island, and finally found a cave on a slope. This subordinate has asked Tie Wu Tie Liu and others to guard the entrance of the cave, and come back first to report to your lord." Iron Three quickly replied.

Zhang Sen nodded and said, "Take me there first."

"Yes." Tie San responded immediately.

Under the guidance of Tiesan, Zhang Sen came to the north of Lanhuang Island.

This is a steep slope, and the trees are very dense, and it is all trees at a glance.

Thanks to his small size and light weight, Tiesan could walk directly on the steep slope, but Zhang Sen couldn't. He tied a rope to a tree and tied the other end around his waist, and then walked down a little bit.

Probably in the middle of the steep slope, there is a cave about three meters high. The entrance of the cave is covered by trees. If you don't pay attention carefully, it is really difficult to detect.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, Zhang Sen took out his flashlight and took a look inside the cave.The cave was deeper and more complicated than he expected. Even if the flashlight shined in, he could only see the brown moss and wet stones inside, and what was around the bend could not be seen from the outside.

"Have you guys gone in to check?" Zhang Sen looked at Tie San and asked.

Tie San shook his head and said, "My lord, you just ordered us to look for suspicious places or creatures, but you didn't tell us to investigate and contact them, so we didn't go in to investigate."

"Well, very good, don't startle the snake for the time being, but you stay and guard here, if any creature comes out of it, notify me immediately." Zhang Sen was very satisfied with Tiesan's answer, and ordered after thinking about it.

Then he went back to the villa, thinking about how to deal with the cave problem.

If there is a terrifying existence in the cave that even Jin Shunli is extremely afraid of, then they are all there to deliver food, and it is obviously imperative to strengthen their strength.

At present, the only way to increase strength is to create magical props.

He now has 25 points of singularity, and at least five points should be reserved for emergencies, so he can use [-] points of singularity.

There is a room in the villa, which is specially used to store the items that Gu Chen collected for him.

He walked into the room, and then began to think about what to choose.

While it's likely that the chosen object has absolutely nothing to do with the final magical property, there will occasionally be magical items with associated properties.

For example, his mobile phone is the best example. The magical properties do not act on the mobile phone itself, but appear in the mobile phone in the form of an APP. Obviously, it is because of the special item of the mobile phone that the magical properties of the APP are born.

He has more free time recently, and the time for thinking also increases accordingly.From the magical attributes of the APP that appeared on the mobile phone, he deduced a rule for generating magical attributes, that is: useful!

As long as it is a magical prop, it must have its usefulness, and it must be usable.

If the lord game app is put on the mobile phone, will the app still work?

Obviously not!

After all, antique mobile phones like Big Brother don't even have screens.

Therefore, the manufacture of magical props, no matter how large or small the function is, must be a prop that can be used, and will not give you a magical prop that cannot be used at all.

The key is to see how you use it.

Zhang Sen picked up a plastic shield, and then activated the ability:

Repair Shield
Durability: 10/10
Magic attribute: Repair Chapter Passive: Even if it is damaged, it will slowly repair itself
Remarks: Anyone who can't kill me will tear me apart.

Zhang Sen put the shield on the ground, then picked up a stick, and pushed it down with force, the shield cracked with a 'snap'.

He waited for about 10 minutes before the shield was restored.

"It's really tasteless."

Zhang Sen looked at the shield speechlessly.

Who has time to wait for 20 minutes during the battle? Does the enemy have to wait for your shield to be repaired before attacking again.

Putting the shield aside, he then picked up a solar charging treasure, thought for a while and activated the ability again:
Battery life solar power bank

Durability: 10/10
Magic attribute: Endurance Badge Passive: absorb one hour of sunlight every day, and can activate the derived attribute charging badge for props with limited usage times.

Derived attribute: Energized Chapter Increases the number of times a specified item can be used.

Remarks: Come on, take a sip of milk, you can fight another round!

This prop is quite practical.

Whether it is the shoes of the wind or the anesthesia scalpel, once it can be used again, it will definitely turn the tide of the battle.

Zhang Sen put the charging treasure in his pocket, and then looked at other objects.

What he actually wants are props that can increase defense and increase attack.

But although there are many items here, there are very few weapons, and even less armor.

Besides, he doesn't intend to use these weapons and armors immediately, at least until he has stored enough singularities before using them.

He looked at a carpet, feeling a little speechless in his heart, did Gu Chen think he could make Aladdin's flying carpet?
But he was a little lucky in his heart, reached out to pick up the carpet, and then activated his ability. When he checked the attributes, his eyes couldn't help but widen:

The Carpet of Mystery

Durability: 10/10
Magic attribute: God's Hidden Chapter Passive: It can cover up all signs of existence, so that no one can find your existence.

Note: Do not use this prop to play hide and seek!

Zhang Sen immediately walked out of the room with the carpet.

He found Lina who was combing Fei Ya's hair, and said, "Look at me!"

Lina looked at him puzzled, and he immediately put the carpet on his shoulders, and he disappeared in an instant.

"Old Zhang?" Lina looked around in surprise, then called out.

Zhang Sen stood at the original position. Seeing that Lina was looking for him, he walked up to Lina's side in a mischievous manner, and stretched out his hand to pinch Lina's face.

"Old Zhang, how old are you? You still look like a child." Lina let Zhang Sen pinch her face. Although she couldn't see Zhang Sen, she knew that Zhang Sen was by her side. She couldn't help but rolled her eyes and said angrily Said.

Zhang Sen let go of the carpet and said with a smile: "This thing is amazing."

"What's the difference between this and an umbrella?" Lina asked after glancing at the carpet.

Zhang Sen was at a loss for words for a while, it seemed that the functions of these two magical props overlapped a bit.

Because the umbrella has always been in Lina's hands, so he almost forgot that there is such a prop.

"No, if the function of this carpet is exactly the same as that of the umbrella, then its name should be the carpet of shelter, but its current name is the carpet of Shenyin, and there must be a difference in function." Zhang Sen thought After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said.

He laid the rug flat, then walked into the rug, looked up at Lina and asked, "Can you see me?"


Lina discovered that Zhang Sen disappeared out of thin air, and the carpet disappeared together, and only then did she discover the specialness of this carpet.

Because she knew the location of the carpet in advance, she approached and smelled it, and there was no smell of Zhang Sen at all. She walked into the place where the carpet was, and couldn't help but frowned, because the place was empty.

"Old Zhang, have you moved?" She asked.

Zhang Sen looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment, and Lina disappeared in front of him.

The two are definitely not very far apart, but they can't hear each other's voice at all. They seem to be in two different spaces. They know that each other is by their side, but they will never see each other.

Zhang Sen walked out of the carpet, and then waved to the carpet, and Lina walked out of the carpet immediately.

"What a weird situation. Just now I thought you moved with the carpet secretly." Lina looked back, and this time she could see the carpet again.

Zhang Sen nodded and said, "It's really special."

Then the two experimented and found that they could still attack people inside the carpet, which showed that the carpet only had a strong invisibility ability, but it did not have other functions.

But even so, this carpet is still very strong.

At night, Zhang Sen asked Gu Chen to test again, to make sure that even if Gu Chen entered state [-], with his sense of smell greatly enhanced, he still couldn't find the person hiding in the carpet.

With the Shenyin carpet, you can finally boldly explore the mysterious cave.

Originally, Zhang Sen planned to go there by himself, but after telling everyone about the cave, Gu Chen went directly, because Gu Chen did not allow Zhang Sen to take any risky actions.

As a lord, Zhang Sen puts safety above everything else, so don't even think about such a risky thing.

Unless one day there will be no problems even if Zhang Sen's territory is lost, Gu Chen will always protect Zhang Sen tightly, even if he dies, he will die before Zhang Sen.

The next day, Zhang Sen and others came to the steep slope where the cave was located, and then fell one by one to the entrance of the cave along the rope.

Gu Chen was wearing a combat power index measuring device, covered with a Shenyin carpet, holding a flashlight in one hand and a scalpel in the other, and entered the cave cautiously.

To be honest, entering this kind of cave is a test of courage. The environment inside is so dark that even with a flashlight, the visibility is still very low.The passage is tortuous, and there are many forks. If you don't pay attention, you may never find the exit again.

(End of this chapter)

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