Magic Item Master

Chapter 1242 [Postscript]

Chapter 1242 [Postscript]

How long does it take for a seed to grow from germination to a towering tree?
The answer may be a hundred years, but sometimes the answer may be only a second, or even a second is not needed.

Senluo Universe, this is the backside of the tree-like universe, a new universe was born based on the tree-like universe, it is consistent with the tree-like universe, and can communicate with each other through certain means.

But what is different from the tree-like universe is that the Senluo universe has a master, and his name is the master of the forest.

No one knows where the Lord of the Forest is, but occasionally some strange things appear in different worlds inexplicably, bringing about huge changes to those worlds. Many people think that those things come from the Lord of the Forest.

Gradually, practitioners are used to pushing all incomprehensible things to the Lord of the Forest.

For example, there is a world where the laws suddenly change, such as spiritual recovery, gamification, etc., as long as they can't find the mastermind behind the scenes, people will directly think that the master of the forest is playing tricks.

Not to mention that some people suddenly and inexplicably time travel, and occasionally time travel can still carry cheating fingers.

It is said that the Master of Forest likes to play with others like this the most, and this is purely because he is bored and wants to have some fun.

According to legend, the master of the forest lives in the myriad phenomena, but no one knows what the myriad phenomena are.


Senra universe.

A huge white elephant is carrying a forest on its back and is slowly moving forward with ten thousand legs.

This magical white elephant is named Vientiane, and the forest on its back is named Senluo. In the deepest part of the forest is a simple wooden house with overlapping spaces.

Zhang Sen was sitting on the grass not far from the wooden house, looking at the Almighty Elf with a displeased face, when did he modify the laws of the world, when did he revive the aura of those worlds?
Slander, all slander!

Unhappy, he typed out a long paragraph of clarification with "Papa Papa", and then got a bunch of "Yes, Yes, Yes, you are right" replies. This kind of perfunctory reply made him very unhappy.



In the wooden house, the sound of a woman playing mahjong can be heard from time to time.

Zhang Sen glanced back, then looked at the sky and sighed, why did he feel like a salted fish after being detached...

(End of this chapter)

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