Magic Item Master

Chapter 1138 Stop fighting!

Chapter 1138 Stop fighting!

Queen Felicity's wings are very special. After Zhang Sen stepped forward to obtain consent, he gently pinched Queen Felicity's wings and began to observe.

There is a very special power in these wings. After Zhang Sen got started, he felt the deep and introverted power. This power is like illusory smoke, which exists and does not seem to exist, like a dream. magical.

Zhang Sen suddenly thought of everything in Jilong's dream world when it collapsed, and it felt exactly the same!
In an instant, Zhang Sen understood the reason. It was obvious that Queen Felicity was affected by the Jilong dream world, and thus mutated. This power was actually similar to Jilong's dream power.

However, the source of this power is actually Jilong's dream world, so now that Jilong wakes up, Queen Felicity temporarily loses the ability to breed Dream Charms.

Creating something out of nothing, reversing cause and effect, and reversing logic, these are the special abilities of those who are detached, those who return to one, and those who return to the source.

Zhang Sen said: "A good news, a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"Bad news." Queen Felicity pondered for a moment, then replied.

Zhang Sen nodded and said: "The bad news is that the Mengmei you bred may not be able to go to the real world, because they are essentially the creations of the Jilong dream world, which means that they are actually a part of the Jilong dream world, although they are not the Jilong dream world. Created by the dragon, but the source is the dream of the extreme dragon."

"So what's the good news?" Queen Felicity was silent for a moment, then asked.

Zhang Sen replied: "The good news is that Mengmei's abilities are basically possessed by these little Mengmei, that is to say, as long as they don't go to the real world, they can still enter other people's dreams, and as long as you don't leave Jilong's dream world , this reproductive ability will not disappear, your wings will automatically absorb the power of the dream world, and thus continue to breed dream charms."

"Why does this power appear on me?" Queen Felicity asked.

Zhang Sen scratched the back of his head in distress, thought for a while and said cautiously: "You should know that there are often many dragon people and dragon clans in the area where Jilong is located. This is a phenomenon where the power of high-ranking people infects low-ranking people. You Strictly speaking, it is infected by the power of Jilong."

When he faced Jilong, he almost became a prisoner of Jilong. He knew very well how terrifying Jilong was. Jilong never bothered to hide its terrifying power, so many people who faced Jilong became fanatical believers of Jilong.

Although Queen Felicity did not become a fanatical believer in Jilong, it was actually more or less the case.

To put it bluntly, Queen Felicity is no different from those creatures that have mutated into dragon people, but she is more special.

Queen Felicity finally understood, she nodded and said, "That is to say, I can only rely on Jilong in the future?"

"Actually, you can leave, but these little Mengmei can't." Zhang Sen explained.

Queen Felicity smiled wryly, "What's the difference between me and me?"

She definitely can't abandon these little Mengmei and leave alone, so it's not that she can't leave in the end.

Zhang Sen sat back in his seat and said, "Actually, I have a way to make you no longer need to rely on Jilong, but you can still only get limited freedom."

"Forget it, this result is actually good. Jilong is not a strong man with a strong desire to control, and it is not bad under its protection. As long as the Daxie civilization is resolved, Jilong's dream world is actually not bad. Whether it's a dream or a reality, in the end it's just a choice in life." Queen Felicity shook her head and refused.

She guessed what Zhang Sen was going to say, so she blocked Zhang Sen directly.

Zhang Sen didn't continue talking. His solution was actually to take the Mengmei clan as his own. Queen Felicity had already seen through his thoughts, so he couldn't force it.

Next, the two talked about cooperation for a while, mainly Queen Felicity provided information, and Zhang Sen was responsible for the confrontation with Daxie civilization.

Finally, Zhang Sen bid farewell, and Queen Felicity delivered to the door.

Queen Felicity sighed slightly after Zhang Sen left. Although in her opinion, Zhang Sen was a good partner, she also had a serious concern. After all, Zhang Sen was not a good man and a faithful woman. The feeling of seeking skin from a tiger.

But this is the best chance in thousands of years. After all, there is no existence in the dream world that can fight against the Daxie civilization, and the strong outsiders will not easily enter the dream world of Jilong.

So she can only cooperate with Zhang Sen to try to eliminate the Daxie civilization.

Zhang Sen knew Queen Felicity's thoughts like the back of his hand, but he still had some integrity. He knew Queen Felicity's concerns clearly, but the other party was a great help, so he wouldn't go too far.

But this shelter, he will definitely get his hands on it, at most a small piece, but he has to get it anyway, because this is the source of his strength to become stronger, and it is also a way out.

Not only did he have to think about himself, he also needed to think about more people. Yu Shenhu and the others followed him, so naturally he couldn't let them down.

So what should be done, even if it violates his principles, he will continue to do it.

Besides, does he have principles?


How can a wizard have principles? He has done countless disgusting things, but they are not humane.


Jilong's awakening was very short, like being disturbed by a mosquito, waking up in a daze, and then continuing to sleep after finding out that it was a mosquito.

When Jilong fell asleep again, the dream world was born again, just like what was written in the Bible, after God said 'Let there be light', there was light.

Countless worlds have sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain. They have grown from scratch, from primitive simplicity to maturity and complexity. The flow rate of each world is different. Some worlds blink for thousands of years, and some worlds have reached the verge of destruction in the blink of an eye.

Some worlds were too close to each other, so the barriers of the two worlds collided, and the creatures began to fight for the other's world, but in the middle of the battle, the two worlds burst apart, and all the creatures disappeared into nothingness in despair.

At this time, a distortion gradually appeared in the void, and then the Daxie Fortress was slowly formed in the distortion, and the power of countless dreams was drawn in, the world continued to be broken, and the broken pieces became part of the Daxie Fortress, and finally Daxie Fortress The Western Fortress is assembled.

There was a sudden explosion, and the green mist exploded from the center of Daxie Fortress, and all the buildings contaminated by the green mist were quickly covered by moss spores.

Countless spores were wriggling, and then fine particles spewed out from the spores one by one, and these fine particles quickly combined into a whitish appearance.

"Dead and alive, alive and dead, born from nothingness, and finally returned to nothingness, this experience is too unique." Bai Qi floated above the residential area of ​​Daxie Fortress, looked at his hands, and muttered to himself language.

It's not that he hasn't died before, he was resurrected by the evil god cup when he died, but now the feeling is even more special, because his life form has changed. Originally, he was a creature from the outside world, but this time he grew out of nothing and became dream creature.

At this moment, he seemed to touch the edge of detachment. This feeling was indescribable, but extremely wonderful. It seemed that he could detach himself with one step, but he couldn't take this step. It seemed that something was blocking the front.

"what exactly is it?"

Bai Qi looked at the ever-changing particles in his hands, thinking hard in his heart, but there was no answer.

At this time, he thought of his true love, so he immediately forgot about detachment and went to find his true love.

Bamdis has changed her name and surname. After all, Daxie Fortress now has many strong men from his previous world. Some of those strong men know her name. Once she says the name of Bamdis, the other party probably will Can guess her details.

So her current name is Sim.

After she came back to life, she immediately felt someone approaching from behind, she turned around and met Daxie's eyes.

Daxie came to look for Bai Qi, mainly because Bai Qi's strength increased too fast. He felt the surging power when Bai Qi was resurrected, which has become an uncontrollable existence.

He has a feeling of leading a wolf into his house, but he has no way to repent now, because the world has just been formed, and Daxie Fortress is still unstable.

But he didn't expect to see such a lovely person instead of Bai Qi. He slowly stepped forward and said, "Let me guess your name, Sim?"

This is one of his abilities, meet famous.

As long as he has met the other party, he can know the other party's name.

Sim took a step back. She knew exactly what kind of person Bai Qi was. If Bai Qi saw this scene, the consequences would be very serious.

But when she retreated, she immediately fell into Bai Qi's embrace, Bai Qi looked at Daxie, and Daxie looked at Bai Qi, both of them saw the determination in each other's eyes.

In the words of the domineering CEO, that's the woman I want to marry.

"It seems that we need to have a good talk, whether it's about you or Sim's." Daxie said slowly.

Bai Dian nodded and said, "We really need to talk about it, who will have the final say in the future of this city!"

The atmosphere on both sides instantly became tense.

Bamdis said at this time: "Can you stop fighting? How about this, whoever can kill Zhang Sen first will belong to him."

"You can only belong to me, but I respect your idea." Bai Qi said domineeringly.

Daxie looked at Bamdis, smiled and said: "A considerate woman can always get more favors, I accept your proposal, then it depends on who kills Zhang Sen first."

"Then I will win." Bai Qi said to himself.

This time, born from death, his spirit has been sublimated, and his strength has been greatly improved. The so-called half-step transcendence is probably his current mirror world. Air pressure Daxie one.

(End of this chapter)

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