Magic Item Master

Chapter 11 Escape

Chapter 11 Escape
The Body Honkai Fist is Silver Fox's trump card.

The principle is actually very simple. The silver fox can directly assimilate the flesh of other humans without any side effects without physiological rejection.

Body Houkaiquan is to inject phagocytic cells into the target's body, which will cause the target's body to reject it, and eventually cause the target's body to collapse.

Under Yinhu's punch, a large piece of white skin immediately appeared on the arrogant man's chest. The arrogant man's body trembled crazily, and even the whites of his eyes turned blood red.


The arrogant man's claws pierced through Yinhu's chest in an instant, and the originally confident smile on Yinhu's face was replaced by shock.

But when the arrogant man and the silver fox hurt each other.

call out!
An arrow shot out from the field, grazed the arrogant man's ribs and hit the silver fox's arm.

Lina has been waiting for an opportunity, no matter whether it is the arrogant man or the silver fox, the movements are too fast, and she dare not pull the trigger without stopping.

The pause between the two sides may be the only chance this time, and this arrow can be said to be her pinnacle.

The two abnormal people who were supposed to continue to fight to the death suddenly changed their style of painting after being hit by the arrow, holding their hands together uncontrollably. The silver fox looked up in surprise, and saw that the lion head of the arrogant man was still in a state of rage, but then The two of them took three steps to the left and three steps to the right, with their heads up and their chests raised and they circled around...

The immune people in the field were all dumbfounded, why did they suddenly dance?

"Run if you don't want to die, and don't forget that there are more than the two of them who are abnormal." Zhang Sen rode on the bicycle and hugged Fei Ya, the arrogant man's daughter. Lina pulled out the sword of youth and immediately sat in the back seat, leaving a few words , the three walked away.

The other immunized people reacted one after another, and hurriedly chased the two away on their bicycles.

Zhang Sen doesn't intend to leave the city. The battle between the fat dragon and the giant dragon will definitely cause a chain reaction. The most important thing now is to find a temporary shelter.

Leaving the city now is likely to meet abnormal people in other cities who are attracted by the sound.

The choice of temporary shelter is particular, and it must not be close to buildings that are too luxurious, because buildings with luxurious appearance are often the favorite residences of arrogant and abnormal people.

High self-esteem is a common problem of most arrogant and abnormal people, and they will never wrong themselves to live in a poor and simple house.

"The people behind have been following us, it's too dangerous, warn them!" Zhang Sen said to Lina while looking for a house where he could hide temporarily, and glanced at the people behind him.

He understands the mentality of these people very well, and it is nothing more than a sense of security following him, after all, he has very magical abilities.

But he is very aware of how much he weighs, and he has no ability to protect anyone. It is half luck and half due to enough caution that he can live until now.

Lina immediately raised the waltz crossbow to warn the people behind her, then Zhang Sen turned around and immediately turned into an alley.

In the end, they temporarily hid in a small warehouse.

After Lina made sure that no one was following her, she turned around and walked in front of Zhang Sen, threw herself on Zhang Sen, and directly kissed Zhang Sen's mouth.

"To be honest, my heart almost jumped out just now. As expected, it is the most correct choice for us to form a team." After the kiss, Lina blushed and said, her tone was very excited, but she deliberately lowered her voice, which was a bit like It's flirting.

Zhang Sen's mind was a bit messed up, and he was actually a little excited, but as Lina said, teaming up with two people is indeed the most correct choice.

Without Lina's foresight, he might have died in the battle between the fat dragon and the giant dragon, and without him, Lina might not have escaped death in this chaotic environment.

The two rested for a while, and then felt a burst of hunger. They hadn't touched a drop of water since morning. The situation was too dangerous just now, and neither of them realized that they were hungry. When they relaxed, they were suddenly hungry.

"Old Zhang, do you have anything to eat?" Lina asked weakly, leaning her head on Zhang Sen's shoulder.

Zhang Sen took out three chocolate candies from his pocket and said, "That's all that's left."

"I'm so hungry, let me have a piece first!" Lina immediately reached out and grabbed a chocolate candy in her hand, then opened the package and put it in her mouth.

Zhang Sen looked at Fei Ya and asked, "Do you want chocolate candies?"

It's a pity that Fei Ya didn't seem to have the idea of ​​communicating with him, so she sat obediently beside him, holding the clothes tightly with both hands.

"Don't worry, your father is so strong, he will be fine." Zhang Sen comforted.

Lina nodded with a chocolate candy in her mouth and said, "Old Zhang is right. Your father is as strong as a pervert. He will definitely survive. All you have to do now is eat obediently and wait for your father to come back."

"Come on, open your mouth." Zhang Sen unwrapped the chocolate candy and brought the chocolate candy to Fei Ya's mouth. Fei Ya hesitated for a while and obediently opened her mouth to eat the chocolate candy.

Zhang Sen smiled slightly, then took apart the last chocolate candy and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Old Zhang, what shall we do next?" Lina asked softly, holding Zhang Sen's hand.

Zhang Sen held the chocolate candy in his mouth, thought for a while and said, "Let's observe the situation first. Anyway, we still have the last card in our hands. If we don't have to leave, I personally prefer not to leave. After all, the outside world is not a paradise."

"Well, and we have too few hole cards, and only these few cards are really used." Lina nodded in agreement.

In fact, they were both exhausted, not only mentally and physically exhausted, but also physically exhausted. They leaned against each other and just rested quietly.

They didn't sleep, and screams and roars could be heard from outside from time to time. Although they could tell that they were far away from the sound, neither of them dared to take it lightly.

Today is obviously not suitable for going out to find food. Although they are all very hungry, they can only endure it.

As the sun set, the sky gradually dimmed, and the whole city gradually returned to calm.

Suddenly Lina stood up and aimed the waltz crossbow at the warehouse door. Zhang Sen stood up quickly, holding the scalpel in his hand.

"It's me, open the door." The arrogant man's voice came from outside.

Zhang Sen glanced at Lina, then stepped forward cautiously, reached out to remove the steel bars behind the door, and slowly opened the door.

Outside the door, the arrogant man was holding a bag in his hand, and there was a huge scar on his chest. He looked very embarrassed.

"Come in." Zhang Sen didn't ask how the arrogant man got here, but stepped aside and said.

The arrogant man walked into the warehouse, Zhang Sen closed the door, and then propped it behind the door with steel bars.

Both sides did not speak, Zhang Sen returned to Lina, and the two of them understood each other's thoughts through eye contact.

The arrogant man hugged his daughter Fei Ya directly in his arms, his body trembling slightly, he put Fei Ya on his lap after a while, and opened the bag, which turned out to be mineral water and biscuits.

"Fiya, you must be hungry. Come on, drink some water first." He whispered, unscrewed the cap of the mineral water bottle, and carefully brought it to Feiya's mouth.

Although the four of them were all in the warehouse, they were actually distinct, as if there was an invisible wall separating each other.

(End of this chapter)

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