Chapter 1083

Zhang Sen looked at Xia Yehua, and before Xia Yehua could answer his last question, he asked, "Do you... like women?"

"Don't...don't talk nonsense, could women!" Xia Yehua stammered nervously in denial with a look of being caught in the middle.

Zhang Sen's eyes gradually turned into fish eyes. He looked at Xia Yehua and said, "As like women, you are a pervert."


Xia Yehua was silent, his face became more and more red, and gradually seemed to turn black, he said to himself: "That's right, I don't like men, I like women, women are so beautiful, why do you like those who are ugly?" A man with a disgusting body structure, obviously human beings only need to have four limbs, but a man actually has a fifth limb like the tail of a beast, but also... and a woman... It's disgusting and perverted, since... You know, let's die together."

Then she was about to launch the self-destruct, but after trying it, she found that she couldn't use the ability at all.

Zhang Sen said with a smile: "It's just that I like women, even if I find out, there's no need to seek death, right?"

To be honest, although Xia Yehua's character is not good, but she is so beautiful, coupled with her arrogant temperament, even if she wants his life three or four times, he is still in a good mood, maybe this is the word "pleasing to the eye" The most true embodiment, beautiful things make you feel good just by looking at them.

"What on earth do you want? Do you want to stand up for men? Give up. Even if you are the strongest, you are the only man in the world with such power. You can't change anything at all. Men are destined to be women's vassals. " Xia Yehua calmed down at this moment, thinking about Zhang Sen's purpose.

At first she thought that Zhang Sen was here to kill her, but just now Zhang Sen stopped her from blowing herself up, obviously not to kill her.

Then Zhang Sen's purpose is obvious, that is to hold her hostage and change the world.

In fact, it is said that there have been men's revolutions in the past. Some ambitious men, relying on their mother's favor, gathered a lot of women and men, and then tried to overthrow the order of a city, making men the rulers, and women becoming men's vassals.

But in the end these people all failed, because men have no power, and no power equals no power.

Zhang Sen was very strong, and Xia Yehua had to admit that, even though she had a lot of abilities and her magic power far exceeded that of ordinary women, she was still powerless in front of Zhang Sen.

The problem is that there is only one Zhang Sen, which is not enough to change the world at all.

"Standing up for a man? Why should I stand up for a man?" Zhang Sen was a little speechless. One moment Xia Yehua wanted to blow himself up, and the next moment he thought of such a messy question.

He has no feeling for men in this world. The world is in the hands of powerful people. The law of the jungle is the essence of all things. Since this world favors women, it is only natural for women to rule over men. He has no objections at all.

What's more, if you go to someone's house and find that other people's house is dirty and messy, it is impossible to help clean up immediately.

To put it bluntly, he is just an outsider, a passer-by in this world.

Xia Yehua was only puzzled now, she looked at Zhang Sen puzzled and said, "Then why did you come here?"

"You may not believe it, but I came here for the sword in your hand, but I changed my mind after seeing you, and I hope I can get you." Zhang Sen replied honestly.

Xia Yehua was not surprised by this. After all, as the leader of the Alliance of Empresses, there are quite a few men who admire her. She has always been very confident about this.

"I can promise you to be my queen, isn't that enough?" Xia Yehua frowned.

Zhang Sen shook his head and said, "No, it's not enough, because the gap between your vision and mine is too big, so what you think is important is not worth mentioning in my eyes."


Xia Yehua stared at Zhang Sen and said nothing, mainly because there was no way to refute this sentence, after all, she didn't know Zhang Sen's background at all.

She is not the kind of person who likes to stir things up unreasonably. Since Zhang Sen said that her vision is too different from his, she wants to see how much difference they have.

"Then... let's go now." Seeing that she didn't refute or resist, Zhang Sen laughed.

The next moment, without waiting for Xia Yehua's objection, he directly activated his ability and led Xia Yehua into the dimensional channel created by God.

In fact, there are two reasons why Zhang Sen feels possessive towards Xia Yehua. One is that he really likes Xia Yehua's face, and the other is that he can't bear the fact that such a beautiful elf will eventually be born, grow old, get sick and die.

Xia Yehua was stunned after entering the dimension passage, because she is currently in the Empress Palace, so she can see the changes of the Empress Palace through the passage, and even see various strange scenes.

"What exactly is this place?" Xia Yehua looked at Zhang Sen and asked.

Her surprised expression is beautiful, and the pair of star-like pupils in her melon-seeded face are full of curiosity, giving the impression of a young deer.

Zhang Sen couldn't help touching her face, but when she wanted to kiss her, she suddenly threw back a hand to block Zhang Sen. Zhang Sen could only give up and explained: "This is a dimension channel, a kind of A high-dimensional channel that transcends time and space, where you can see the history of the past and the future that is about to happen.”

At this moment, a woman appeared in the dimension channel, Zhang Sen and Xia Yehua looked at that woman in surprise, because that woman looked very similar to Xia Yehua.

Her ability is also the same as Xia Yehua, but she is not Xia Yehua after all, because she also has many men, and she has many children left in the end.

Zhang Sen and Xia Yehua watched her glory all her life, and finally died at the hands of her daughter. Then the entire empress palace was cleaned up, the personnel changed, and gradually the new empress died again, and the country began to fall into chaos. Finally, the empress palace was broken down. The three female emperors were not as powerful as the previous two, and were killed during the siege.

"Is this... a picture of the past? Or is it my future?" Xia Yehua asked in disbelief.

Zhang Sendan said: "It should be a scene from the past. Although that woman looks very similar to you, she has hair somewhere, but you... don't."

"Then...she's mine..." Xia Yehua blushed a little, then looked at the picture below, thinking.

Zhang Sen nodded and said: "It should be your ancestor, the empress who successfully unified the mainland, but it's a pity that the beauty still gets old after all, and finally died at the hands of my most beloved daughter. How desolate, this is your pursuit?"


This time, Xia Yehua didn't speak anymore, because the empress who was very similar to her, although she was honored all her life, had a very pitiful ending.

Zhang Sen smiled and said, "Let's go."

He didn't continue to say anything, but put his arms around her waist and started to walk forward.

Xia Yehua walked and watched, the entire Emperor City went from prosperity to desolation, and then gradually from desolation to prosperity again, time and time again, occasionally there would be a few magnificent women, making the Emperor City shine again, but these women After her death, the Empress City gradually returned to its original appearance.

All glory exists only because of one person, and it also disappears because of one person.

The dimension passageway looks very long, but it is actually very short. About 15 minutes later, Zhang Sen led Xia Yehua out of the passageway, with the floating warship below.

On the beach, the girls were playing, with several parasols held up, the girls were playing volleyball, some were basking in the sun, and several people were swimming in the sea.

Xia Yehua was immediately attracted by the scene below, Zhang Sen said helplessly, "You really like girls."

"Could they be..." Xia Yehua looked at Zhang Sen at this moment, a little surprised.

In her world view, if Zhang Sen has so many women, wouldn't he become a so-called prostitute?
Although a woman who marries several men will be said to be philandering, but if a man has relationships with several women at the same time, he will become a prostitute in this world.

"So, this world makes me really unhappy." Zhang Sen saw Xia Yehua's thoughts and couldn't help complaining.

Xia Yehua looked at Zhang Sen and asked, "This world?"

"Yes, in this world, your vision is only limited to this world, but you don't know that there are countless worlds beyond this world, so what you can do is only limited here, and the world I can see is infinite Endless, so my possibilities are also endless, this is the biggest difference between me and you." Zhang Sen nodded.

Xia Yehua suddenly said: "You are not from this world."

"Of course, men in this world are so sissy, how can I be a man in this world, I forgot to say... In the outside world, equality between men and women is the mainstream, but generally men dominate and women supplement." Zhang Sen said frankly.

Xia Yehua didn't believe it, after all, in her heart, men are all very delicate, and all of them are weak.


Xia Yehua quickly thought of a possibility, that is, the males in the outside world are as powerful as Zhang Sen, if this is the case, it is normal for males to dominate.

"Are all the men outside like you?" She looked at Zhang Sen and asked.

Zhang Sen fell to the ground, let go of Xia Yehua, and said with a smile: "Of course it's different. Although there are the same people in the world, they can't all be the same. However, most men are different from men in this world. For example, we will Actively pursue women, just like I am pursuing you."


Xia Yehua was speechless for a moment. In fact, she didn't feel that Zhang Sen was pursuing her at all, nor did she feel that she needed Zhang Sen's pursuit.

After all, in her mind, it was normal for her to pursue Zhang Sen, and if Zhang Sen pursued her, it would be putting the cart before the horse.

Zhang Sen took her hand and walked slowly towards the beach, and said with a smile, "Are you not interested in men at all, or is it pure disgust?"

"Is there a difference?" Xia Yehua said lightly.

Zhang Sen nodded and said: "If it is completely uninterested, it means that you may really have no feelings for men, but if it is pure disgust, then it may be the acquired reason, such as some kind of experience that made you hate men, which means You still have the possibility of liking men."


This was the first time Xia Yehua had heard such a statement, but thinking about it, it seemed to be true.

When she was a child, she woke up early because of hunger, and went out to look for her mother when she couldn't find her. In the end, she found that her mother was messing with several men. The man who took the drug slapped his face swollen.

Although the man was given to death later, she never dared to approach him again, and every time she encountered her mother doing such a thing, she would feel fear, and this fear turned into disgust after she became stronger.

Later, she didn't know when, she found that she admired her body a little bit, and gradually this mood was transferred to other women.

(End of this chapter)

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