Magic Item Master

Chapter 1026 Daxie civilization and beauty is justice

Chapter 1026 Daxie civilization and beauty is justice
The Daxie civilization originated from the third phase of the dream world of Jilong Dreamland.

In the records of Daxie civilization, the dream world of Jilong has been born and died countless times. Every time the dream world of Jilong is born and destroyed when Jilong wakes up, it is a cycle. Daxie civilization originated from Jilong The third issue of Dreamland World, and now it is the 680 billionth issue.

Because the Daxie civilization has the ability similar to "continuing the previous dream", it can continue to be reborn in the dream of the dragon, and the residents of the entire fortress die when the dragon wakes up again and again, but they are reborn in the dream again and again , which leads them to have very distorted values, and the form of civilization is also very weird.

In the Daxie civilization, creatures are all digital life. They have already abandoned the physical body. In their eyes, the physical body is just a prop, and their core data is stored in the core of the Daxie Fortress. Guarded, no one can destroy.

They are like parasites living on the extreme dragon, constantly growing in the extreme dragon's dream world, but at the same time they have extreme fanatical worship for the extreme dragon. They think that the extreme dragon is their supreme father, who gave them rule The authority of the dream world, so they run amok among the dreams, search for all the spiritual creations of extreme dragons, and take it for granted as their own, thinking that this is a gift from their father.

But recently, they found that the spiritual creation of Jilong was not found in several worlds. The high-level Daxie civilization realized that there was a "thief" stealing the gift that their father intended to bestow on them, so they launched an investigation.

They quickly locked Zhang Sen's world and Master's world through Jilong's spiritual creation, and then chose to solve Zhang Sen first according to the distance between the two.

The spaceship soon returned to Daxie Fortress, and brought back bad news, they did not find any spiritual creation of the extreme dragon, which is what they thought was the 'father's gift'.

The Daxie civilization is structured as a privileged class, and in the language of the earth, it is the world of privileged dogs.

The supreme ruler has the highest authority, which is the so-called first-level authority, and then by analogy, those with second-level authority, those with third-level authority, and those with fourth-level authority.

The higher the authority, the greater the power, and the lower the authority, the less power.

There is only one person with first-level authority, and that is Daxie, the spiritual leader of Daxie civilization.

It was he who created the entire Daxie civilization. In addition to the fanatical worship of the extreme dragon in the entire Daxie civilization, only Daxie can make everyone bow their heads and be willing to be driven.

And under Daxie, there are three second-level authority persons, namely his former wife, son, and daughter, and then there are three level-level authority persons, namely Daxie's relatives, friends, colleagues, and the latter Those with Level [-] authority are the first group of people who took refuge in him... and so on.

Daxie Fortress is divided into nine floors, corresponding to the nine levels of authority. However, because Daxie Fortress has a very high level of civilization and has absorbed countless technologies from the dream world, there are no slaves in the strict sense here, even at level [-]. Those with authority also live an extremely wealthy life, and when they have no tasks, they are often drunk and dreamy, enjoying themselves to their heart's content.

At this time, Daxie was watering the flowers in the garden. A small piranha can only grow vigorously if it is watered with blood. He held a shower filled with blood and looked at the piranha with a smile on his face. He opened his mouth to continuously catch the blood falling from the sky, greedily absorbing the blood.

"Leader, the target escaped, do you want to continue tracking?" At this time, a light screen appeared on the left side of Daxie, and a man wearing many nose rings, lip rings, earrings, and even a large number of metal rings on both sides of his cheeks appeared, and said directly asked.

Daxie frowned and didn't continue watering the flowers.

In order to ensure that the other party has no chance of escaping, this time he broke into the world and immediately launched a devastating attack, but the other party still ran away, which shows that the other party is alert enough and has extremely terrifying strength within the scope allowed by the law, otherwise It is not possible to discover them outside the planet so quickly.

"Send the law data of this world first." Daxie lowered his head, watched the piranhas gradually move, and continued to water the flowers while saying.

Then countless data streams flashed frantically in his eyes, and he had a full understanding of the laws of this world in an instant.

"Send me an order, lock on to the other party and continue to follow, but don't rush into the world, wait until you reach your destination, and then make arrangements." Daxie ordered directly after reading the data.

After checking the data, he found that the laws of this world are quite harsh, almost forbidding the existence of any extraordinary power. Other than that, there is no supernatural power.

The transformation of regional law itself is a gradual process. The opponent only has three seconds at most, and the recovery ability may be less than one ten-thousandth, but this one-ten-thousandth strength is enough to detect threats from outside the planet. What a terrifying insight.

So Daxie understood that the same method might not be able to kill Zhang Sen and his party, and next time he could only send someone to take a special shot, which would kill him with one blow.


Zhang Sen left in a hurry this time, and he didn't have time to confirm the world he was about to arrive in.

But with God's cheating, even if he arrives in a very bad world, he still has enough time to escape.

Suddenly, Bubbles enters a pink world, the whole world is pink, and then they land on top of a pink cotton candy.

Fortunately, on the way here, all the maids explained the truth of the world to the maids, so although the maids were panicked, they didn't cry. They were just stunned by the pink in the new world, and they were all dumbfounded. looking at the pink world.

"This world is so strange." Jade God Fox jumped on the ground and found that the pink cotton candy was quite soft.

Zhang Sen sat on the marshmallow and sighed slightly. In fact, there are many similar worlds in Jilong's dream world, which are messy and without any rules, just like the fat cloud world he experienced back then.

In the past, he would only travel after being screened. He usually stays far away from this kind of weird world, and would never choose such a world to log in.

But it was indeed dangerous just now. He smelled the danger, so he hurriedly shuttled to such a strange world.

"How much strength can everyone display?" Yueguang Wife asked and answered at this time.

She tried it and found that she seemed to have become stronger. If her original strength was equivalent to a combat power of 10, her combat power now seemed to have increased to 1000, which was a bit scary.

Zhang Sen frowned and said, "About 70.00%."

"I seem to have become stronger, at least five hundred times stronger." Su Jier said in surprise.

Jade God Fox narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "I have also become stronger, and I feel that I can easily squeeze the whole world into the shape I want."

"Women have become stronger, but I have not changed. Is this world patriarchal?" Zhang Sen rubbed his chin.

Jade God Fox asked other people to talk about her own situation, and after everyone explained the changes in strength, she couldn't help laughing and said: "Everyone seems to have different degrees of strength, and I seem to have the highest degree of strength, followed by Yueguang Wife and Su Jier, followed by Tianniaoling and Su Yunxiu... have you noticed that there seems to be some kind of hierarchy here."

"Indeed, the grades of becoming stronger are very obvious, but how are they divided?" Su Yunxiu nodded after listening.

Tiehua said at this time: "Could it be related to beauty?"

"Beautiful?" Hanyuka frowned.

Jade God Fox suddenly laughed and said: "It seems to make sense. Although the difference in appearance is not big, there is still a slight gap. In addition, Zhang Sen is only 70.00%... Maybe it is really based on appearance to determine strength."

"No, the increase should be determined by the appearance. I'll try to change it." Zhang Sen said, and then he changed back to his normal figure that he hadn't used for a long time, and his strength suddenly increased.

He laughed and said: "Sure enough, the percentage increase is based on the appearance value, and the appearance value does not distinguish between men and women. The higher the appearance value, the stronger the increase, and the lower the appearance value, the lower the increase. If it is too ugly, then not only will there be no increase in this world, but it may be reduced in strength."

"It's really interesting. Although entering Jilong's dream world may be the biggest nightmare in my life, I have indeed seen many interesting worlds." Yushenhu said with a smile.

She will never forget the experience in the world of righteous people, she survived like a wild beast, it was too humiliating and painful.

But since meeting Zhang Sen, everything seems to have changed, as if suddenly jumping from the world of horror and ghost stories to the world of fairy tales, which is one of the reasons why she accepted Zhang Sen.

After figuring out one of the characteristics of this world, Zhang Sen then began to discuss the fortress that suddenly appeared.

After Zhang Sen escaped from that world, he directly observed that world by blowing the bubble ring, so he saw the picture of the fortress destroying the planet.

He wasn't sure who the other party was targeting, whether they were going to destroy the planet, or whether they were outsiders like them, who were here to destroy them.

But there is no doubt that the fortress is very dangerous. He has many gifts of extreme dragons, but when his mental power scans the fortress, he still has a feeling that he cannot fight against it, so he escapes so neatly.

The opponent is very strong, definitely not at the same level as him.

If he went to trouble the fort right now, he would definitely hit a stone with an egg, and he would die 100% miserably, and he might not even have a chance to be resurrected.

This is definitely not Zhang Sen's illusion. Zhang Sen is very clear that his intuition cannot make mistakes on such important things. After all, his mosaic method has already started to operate at that time. As a basic ability, intuition ability can be said to be one of the first activated abilities. one.

(End of this chapter)

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