Chapter 1012
Some people may think that since fate can be captured, there must be more than one sword god throughout the ages, so there should be a lot of sword god fate.

But the actual situation is not like this. A person who has obtained the sword god's fate may not eventually become a sword god, but he has the potential to become a sword god, but if he meets a master who also has the sword god's fate or the sword god's fate Has cultivated to the point of great success, then there is still a risk of falling.

Therefore, while the sword god's fate is being produced, it is also being consumed.

A dead person can't extract a fate, so many precious fates disappear because of death.

Among the many fates, fighting fates have always been rare. After all, if you want to become a master, you must fight, and swords have no eyes, and accidents are often easy to happen.

Therefore, among the various fates, the fates related to martial arts and combat can be said to be the fastest-consuming category. The more precious the fate, the rarer it is, and it is often taken away by various families as soon as it appears, so there is no need to worry about it. buyers.

Although there are many prohibited products in the black market, products like Sword God's Fate will definitely not be sold in the black market, and no one dares to buy them in the black market.

Zhang Sen led the girls through the stalls, and finally stopped in front of a stall, which read: Bow Soldiers' Fate, 5000 taels.

"4000 taels, I'll take it." Zhang Sen looked at the masked seller and said.

The masked stall owner looked up at Zhang Sen, then fell silent for a moment, and said, "Four thousand and five."

"Deal." Zhang Sen nodded, took out the silver and traded.

Then the other party clapped hands with Zhang Sen, and the fate was directly transferred to Zhang Sen's arm, and the transaction between the two parties was completed.

Zhang Sen checked it, and after confirming that it was the fate of the archer, he looked at the girls and asked, "Who wants the fate of the archer?"

"If you have the fate of an archer, shouldn't you want to be an archer?" Jade God Fox asked.

Zhang Sen shook his head and said: "Not necessarily, it can also be used as an archer in the private guard. I will provide an employment contract at that time, so that the fate will not be deviated."

If you get the life of an archer and stay unemployed for a long time, your destiny will gradually change, and you will encounter various things, and finally you have to move forward to the established destiny.

For example, if a person does not want to be a groom at all, but his destiny is that of a groom, then he will fail in other things, and after going through many trials and hardships, he will still become a groom.

Of course, if you crazily resist, it will also produce another effect, that is death.

After death, fate will naturally dissipate.

The fate of an archer does not mean that you must join the army. Becoming an archer in the army can also become an archer in a private guard. Zhang Sen's fate as a thief is relatively free. Those with military qualifications provide employment contracts.

"Then give it to me." Tie Hua said.

Zhang Sen nodded, and said: "This is just a temporary transitional fate. It just so happens that your long-distance is a bit short. You can use this fate to make up for it. Even if the fate is taken away, the experience will not disappear."

Then he injected his fate into Tiehua's body, turned around and led the girls to continue choosing a suitable fate.

There are quite a few life-slayers here, basically reckless death-slayers with no official status, and they are likely to be wanted by the government, but Zhang Sen is not interested in their identities, as long as the fate provided is true Goods will do.

Fate, although there are no absolute fakes, but occasionally there will be cases of fakes.

For example, it is obviously a letter of mission, but it is said to be a diplomat's fate. Because the two sides have similar functions, even the life-killing master occasionally cannot confirm it. After all, many runes are also very similar, and no one can be 100% sure. .

But Zhang Sen doesn't need to worry about this problem, he has a part of God, so he will definitely not buy fake products.

At least you will not mistake Chaifu's fate for Swordsman's fate. Although the two are very similar, Zhang Sen only needs to use one point of God to determine the authenticity.

After looking at a few counterfeit products, Zhang Sen stopped in front of a booth. On the booth was written: Swordsman's Life, 5000 taels.

Although swordsman fate is not a rare thing, after all, there are many swordsmen in the world, but swordsman belongs to swordsman, fate belongs to fate, swordsman fate is not so easy to get, after all, you have swordsman fate But the people who really dare to kill.

Although the life-snatcher has certain abilities, fighting is definitely not his forte. If he is seen through when attacking the swordsman, he may be cut off in two minutes.

Therefore, the swordsman's fate is at least a good commodity in the black market.

Zhang Sen didn't negotiate the price this time, he just spent money to buy the swordsman's life, and then transferred the thief's life to Jade God Fox, and used the swordsman's life himself.

He shook the knife in his hand, and his expression moved slightly. He just absorbed the swordsman's life, and he found that the feeling of holding the knife changed, as if it became smoother. This feeling is very strange. A layer of veil, so now he seems to have pierced that layer of veil.


Zhang Sen smiled, and continued to look for other fates.

Then he bought a shooter fate, a swordsman fate and three assassin fates. After distributing the fates, because he didn't find any particularly good fates, he bought a few non-combat fates and gave them to the girls. I'm using it for now.

"Okay, let's go."

After Zhang Sen bought his fate, he said to the girls.

They left the black market, the carriage was still waiting outside, the girls returned to the carriage, and then the coachman drove the carriage back.

"We're being watched."

After walking for about ten minutes, Yushenhu said to Zhang Sen who was next to him.

With the fate of the thief, Yushenhu became very sensitive to the surrounding environment. After all, what the thief needs is not only the skills of stealing, but also the understanding of the surrounding environment.

Zhang Sen thought for a while, then said with a smile: "It should be that our transaction volume is too large, which has attracted some people's attention."

This time, they bought so many fates in one go, and the money they spent was tens of thousands of taels, which was equivalent to almost a box of silver, but Zhang Sen and others went there empty-handed. Taking out the silver like a magic trick will definitely arouse the curiosity of many people.

However, in this world, there are all kinds of strange professions, such as celestial craftsmen and jugglers. In fact, in Zhang Sen's view, they are craftsmen and magicians who can play tricks, but the people here don't know these. It seems that Zhang Sen is a magician, and there may be more silver hidden in him.

Of course, if Zhang Sen took out a few million taels, these people probably wouldn't dare to follow. After all, Zhang Sen's clothes would definitely not be able to hide so much money, so it would be impossible for a magician to explain it, and he would probably be regarded as a monster.

Zhang Sen asked the carriage to run for a further distance, seeing that the surrounding environment was good, so he asked the groom to stop first.

He got down from the carriage and asked the girls to wait for a while, then walked to an open space and sat down, playing with a knife in his hand.

It's a pity that the possibility of sublimation is lost when the fate is extracted. Otherwise, with his sword skills, the swordsman fate in his body must have been sublimated into the sword god fate

But in fact, whether it is the fate of the swordsman or the fate of the sword god, it is only the fate, and the final decision is the strength.

In fact, there have been situations in the world where a swordsman turned against the sword god. The swordsman's fate owner has superb sword skills, while the swordsman's fate owner is a bought swordsman's fate, but he has also practiced dozens of times. Years of swordsmanship, but in the end he was beheaded by the swordsman, because this swordsman's swordsmanship was stronger.

At this time, six masked people came out from all around, but they were obviously not in the same group, so they stood at a distance, but they all stared at Zhang Sen with burning eyes.

"I'm following you all the way. I don't know what advice you can give me?" Zhang Sen asked at this moment, scanning the people around.

These six people had followed his carriage in the forest on horseback before, but Zhang Sen couldn't judge the specific situation of the six people at once.

One of the six people, a man with a red face scarf on his face, said, "Money is tight recently, 5000 taels, let me let you go."

"Haha, I'm not greedy, how about 3000 taels?" The fattest one among the masked men laughed.

Zhang Sen looked at the remaining four people who did not speak, and asked, "What about you?"

"Hand over those three Assassin's lives, and you and I will live in peace." A masked man with a soft voice said.

Then the masked man with a blue face mask said: "2000 taels, I will help you deal with these people."

"I want to trade something with you, but now it seems...hehehe." said the only masked woman.

The last masked man said indifferently: "Hand over the knife in your hand, and I will help you deal with these people."

"It's true that each has its own purpose." Zhang Sen couldn't help laughing.

Then he looked at the two people who asked for money before, and said, "One of you asked for five thousand and the other asked for three thousand. Although money is not important to me, you didn't pay anything. I think it's a bit inappropriate." , why don’t you take my knife, if you don’t die, I’ll give each of you 1 taels, how about that?”

"Really?" the man in the red scarf gasped.

The other fat man was also a little excited, 1 taels was not a small amount, and he was confident that he would be able to take Zhang Sen's knife no matter what.

"I mean what I say, do you want to try?" Zhang Sen narrowed his eyes and smiled.

The remaining four people frowned slightly at this time, but did not speak. In fact, it is good for Zhang Sen to do this. If the two of them can't even take Zhang Sen's knife, then the robbery is courting death, and if they can continue, then taking money is justified things.

"Okay, come on!" The man in the red scarf said, while pulling out his knife and putting on a defensive posture.

Zhang Sen nodded and said with a smile, "Then you have to be careful."

"Get your 1 taels ready." The man in the red scarf said confidently.

Zhang Sen assumed the posture of drawing his sword and slashing, and the next moment he tiptoed lightly on the ground, and slashed out instantly.

The moonlight reflected by the blade was as cold as snow, cutting through the night in an instant, the man in the red scarf saw a light, and then his consciousness fell into the boundless darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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