The black-bellied baby is super domineering: Daddy, I want to return it

Chapter 516 Don't be like this, the future is sure father-in-law 20

Chapter 516 Don't be like this, the future is sure father-in-law 20
Her eyes gleamed like tears. Bonaparte butler looked at the rearview mirror while driving, looking at An Baobao's face.

"Master, Bonaparte has been in Zhuo's family for decades, even if you don't want to hear some things, I still have to say them."

Zhuo Yifeng turned around and looked forward, "Tell me, I have always regarded you as my friend."

"Then I'll tell you, compare your heart with your heart. As long as it is a child, who would not want to grow up with two parents? As a parent, who would not want to share a family relationship with their children? If you found Miss Baby in the first place, Miss Baby would not How would you feel if I recognized you?"

"..." Zhuo Yifeng nodded quietly for a while and said, "I know, I won't let the baby not meet Rong Ning, it should work, right?"

"Grandpa! Is what you said true?" The baby leaned forward, stuck his head out in the middle of the front seat and said, "You really promised me that I could meet Rong Ning's father? And let me go find grandpa and grandma?"

Seeing the baby's overjoyed appearance, Zhuo Yifeng realized that he had almost hurt the baby's immature mind just now because of a moment of anger. Fortunately, what Bonaparte told An Baobao made him not so decisive even if he woke up, otherwise If so, his baby might really leave his side.

"Of course." Zhuo Yifeng scratched the bridge of the baby's nose dotingly, "It's human nature to meet Rong Ning and his family, and I shouldn't stop it. I almost deprived the baby of his The opportunity for Daddy to meet, if it is wrong, it should be me."

The baby shook his head and said sensiblely, "I know grandpa is not that kind of person, it's just because the baby made grandpa angry that grandpa said such things duplicity."

"Good boy." Zhuo Yifeng smiled gratifiedly, "If you say you're angry, you're angry with that little bastard Rong Ning. How could you be angry with the baby? The baby didn't do anything wrong."

"Yeah! The baby likes grandpa the most!" The baby poked his head out and kissed Zhuo Yifeng on the cheek. Zhuo Yifeng raised his eyebrows and asked, "Then grandpa or your grandpa and grandma?"

"Hmm..." The baby rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "At grandpa's house, grandpa treats baby best, and at grandpa's house, grandpa and grandma treat baby best! Anyway, grandpa, grandpa, grandma, and baby are all favorites. I like it more than I like Mommy!"

"Little guy, your mouth is sweeter than anything else."


An Baobao looked at the old and young figures and smiled slightly, turned her head to Zhuo Wenyang to express her feelings, "Thank you, brother."

Brother... this name probably won't change for the rest of his life, Zhuo Wenyang said bitterly, "It's nothing, sister, this is what I should do."

An Baobao looked at the scenery outside the window with satisfaction, and she happened to be able to see the tall tower opposite the inner lake in City A. Maybe it was because of a hallucination in her eyes, or maybe it was because of the position in her heart, she was still thinking about something, and unexpectedly appeared Seeing Rong Ning's figure, she couldn't help lying on the car window, and looked at the other side a few more times, the cute baby face was slightly sunken due to illness...

Some things need to be rushed, otherwise it will be easy to fail, no matter what, let Zhuo Yifeng change his view of Rong Ning first, that's the best thing...

(End of this chapter)

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