The black-bellied baby is super domineering: Daddy, I want to return it

Chapter 253 The Misunderstanding Back then, Find It Yourself! 8

Chapter 253 The Misunderstanding Back then, Find It Yourself! 8
"I know you don't tell me who the baby's mommy is and where it is because you have an agreement with the baby's mommy. As a friend, it is immoral to betray the agreement, just like the baby's mommy doesn't let the baby come to find me. It's the same for me, the baby doesn't tell me her mommy's current whereabouts, I understand that it's difficult for you."

An Qi raised her head and looked at him, she didn't expect Rong Ning to have seen this kind of thing clearly, yes, she promised that An Baobao would never tell anyone about her, including the one who had been looking for her all this time. Her Rong Ning.

"So in order not to make it difficult for you, I will only ask one question, and I will check the rest by myself."

An Qi nodded, and said in a steady tone, "What's the question, you can tell me, I can answer you, I will answer."

"Okay." Rong Ning pondered for a few seconds. Since the baby appeared, he has been thinking about that question. For him, the most important thing now is not the baby's mother's name, but the problem.

"I want to know, what happened between me and the baby's mother in the first place that made her leave me?"

An Qi thought it was very strange, ordinary people would not ask this question directly, but asked An Baobao's name or where she was.

"I don't know how you ask me this question. Logically, shouldn't you ask me where she is?"

"You're her friend..."

"I know, so you can ask me a small range of where she is?"

Rong Ning shook his head, of course he has his own plans, "Even if you tell me her name and where, so what? If I find her, can she be with me?"

Judging by An Baobao's appearance, it shouldn't be so easy to have any contact with Rong Ning again. After all, what she said was so decisive, even if she, an outsider, could tell that she still loved him.

"That's it." Seeing that An Qi didn't speak, Rong Ning smiled to himself, "As the saying goes, cure the symptoms first, and I don't even know how she left me back then, so how could I just go like this?" How about looking for her? I owe her so much, but I don’t know why I owe it to me. What face do I have to go to her again? When I meet her, will I hold her hand like you and me? Let her go with me, will she be able to go with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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