Chapter 238 I Got You 7
"Look at you, you're such a big man, how can you not even get out ten yuan? Don't you still have the pocket money given by your mother?"

"What did you say?! Say it again if you have the ability!" Before the man could speak, a kid with green hair who was following behind him exploded first, and those who wanted to fight rushed forward. Tall, with his hands on his hips, without the slightest bit of fear, he has the consciousness to accompany him at any time.

"Hey... don't be so impulsive, we are serious people." Standing in front of the little devil with green hair, the man looked at her with a sneering smile, "It seems that your business is good, and many people thought about it just now. I want to buy your stuff."

"Hehe..." An Qi snorted coldly, "If you hadn't come, we could have done more business."

"We just came here to have a look, not to do anything."

"Come on!" An Qi knocked off the hand that the man stretched out, "What the hell are you trying to do?! Talk if you have something to say, and fart as soon as you have something to say! If you have nothing to do, get out of here, and don't delay my business here." !"

"You little bitch has a hot personality, but I like it."

"Haha!" Angie laughed loudly, "You man has such a cheap personality, I'm so annoyed!"

The man finally turned cold, and he deliberately threw the ornament in his hand to the ground. He raised his foot and stomped on it. An Qi's heart ached, but she still bit her lip and did not make a sound, panting. Grossly asked again, "What the hell are you trying to do!?"

"Have you got our consent to set up a stall here?!"

"What I am doing here is none of your business, why do I need your consent! Don't think that the colorful dyed hair, the feather duster, and non-mainstream clothes really regard myself as a brain-dead gangster!" These people came here to drive away her business, and they felt that it was not as simple as finding fault, and it was really for the protection money.

She has been here for several years, and she has never heard of the protection fee being given to someone. If she tramples on her things and delays her business, what kind of protection fee do you want from her? !It's not for nothing that she, An Qi, has been in the society for so many years!
The people around were all amused by An Qi's scolding. Several big men actually lost face in front of the woman, and were scolded to pieces by her. They couldn't bear the anger and yelled at the surrounding crowd, "Smile! ! Shut up all of them!"

(End of this chapter)

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