The black-bellied baby is super domineering: Daddy, I want to return it

Chapter 145 Chapter 2 It's better not to know each other 2

Chapter 145 The second best not to know each other 2
If two people work together, the speed can be faster. She knows that An Qi has been working very hard since she left the orphanage. At least she still has a nursing license, but the major that An Qi wants to study costs a lot. On weekdays, she has always lived frugally for her own living expenses, etc., and the remaining money is either saved or used to buy clothes and stationery for the children in the orphanage.

An Qi worked harder than anyone else, and Saburo was also desperate. Compared with her, I was still far behind.

Seeing An Baobao neatly holding the drink box on her body, and asking herself where to put the box in an orderly manner, An Qi smiled knowingly. Fortunately, An Baobei is still the original An Baobei, without any change.

The speed of two people is faster than that of one person, which saves half of the time. The two of them sit on the bench under the big tree next to the canteen to rest. The ice water in the refrigerator was handed to them.

"An Qi, thank you so much, alas, those delivery people leave the goods at the door every time, and don't move them in. I'm not in good health, so I can only trouble you every time."

"It's okay." An Qi took a sip of water, wiped the water from the corner of her mouth, and said, "Anyway, I have nothing to do this morning, and there is nothing less to help the neighbors."

What's more, the dean's aunt once taught them that when they lost their families, it was only because of donations from well-meaning people in the society that they could grow up healthily, so when they grow up, they must help those in need.

"Grandma, if there is any cargo that you can't move in the future, just call my cell phone and I'll come down and fight it for you!" An Qi patted her chest righteously, and the old grandma pointed to the watermelon that was just delivered this morning. "An Qi, and that little girl, when they left, they brought two watermelons to quench their thirst, and it was considered as a reward for helping me fight things."

"How can this work..."

"It's fine if I say yes." The old lady interrupted An Qi, "Otherwise, I won't dare to ask you for help in the future."

"Hmm..." An Qi blinked her eyes, "Well, let's not make an example, otherwise people will think I'm greedy for your watermelon..."

"You child... By the way, you continue to chat. It looks like you guys haven't seen each other for a long time. I'll go in and get busy first, so I won't bother you."

(End of this chapter)

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