Reborn Immortal Possessed

Chapter 75 The Unstoppable King Xing

Chapter 75 The Unstoppable King Xing (Happy New Year's Eve)

At the same time as the voice fell, Li Yong, the physical education teacher, trotted over here.

It turned out that some students just saw the conflict here and ran quietly to report to the physical education teacher Li Yong.

Seeing Li Yong, those sports students immediately became honest like a mouse seeing a cat, with a look of grievance and resentment on their faces.

Li Yong is not only a physical education teacher in Class 33, but also a training teacher for students with special sports skills.

In this class, the senior class 33 and the physical education class were held at the same time. Li Yong just let the students in the senior class 33 run for a few laps and then had free activities. The main thing was to supervise the students with special sports skills.

Wang Xing and the others just finished the training program not long before they ran over to find a basketball court to play basketball.

"Ms. Li, you came at the right time. We came late just now, and there was no basketball court, so we decided to decide the venue for the game with Class 33. I didn't expect that Class 33 could not compare with us during the competition, so we deliberately He bumped into people during the competition and injured Kaohsiung." Seeing Li Yong, Wang Xing hurried forward, accusing the students of Senior Class 33, and pointed at Kaohsiung who was moaning while speaking.

Hearing this, Li Yong looked towards Kaohsiung, and saw that Kaohsiung was indeed injured, his right shoulder was slightly dislocated, and his knee was even sunken downwards. His eyes were filled with anger, and he believed what Wang Xing said. Eighty-nine points.

As the training teacher of sports special students, Li Yong naturally knows the level of basketball played by several people in Kaohsiung. If the students in the 33rd class of senior high school want to compete with them, the only result is to lose the game.

In order to prevent the basketball court from being snatched away, it is not unusual for the students in Class 33 to choose the method of breaking the rules and bumping into people.

However, what made Li Yong angry was that Kaohsiung was injured so badly.

Among the group of sports talents led by Li Yong, Kaohsiung's grades are very good. If it weren't for the poor performance in the culture class, Kaohsiung would be the champion seed among the sports students.

However, now that Kaohsiung has suffered such a serious injury, it will definitely affect his training in the future, and it will be very unfavorable for Kaohsiung's future development.

Thinking of this, Li Yong's face turned dark, "Sun Wei, tell me, what's going on? The students in your class are going too far!"

"Mr. Li, I'm wronged. It's obvious that Kaohsiung watched Chen Dong shoot three-pointers well. They were no match for Chen Dong in basketball. When Chen Dong drew the score very close to them, Kaohsiung ran into Chen Dong. As a result, For some reason, he flew upside down by himself and got injured, we didn't do anything!" Hearing Li Yong's words, Sun Wei immediately yelled for injustice.

"Do you believe what you said? It's not that I don't know the physical education situation of your class [-]. Chen Dong used to take physical education class, and he rarely played basketball. He didn't play basketball very well. Kaohsiung would be jealous He bumped into him? Don't make it up, it seems that it was Chen Dong who bumped into Kaohsiung?" Li Yong waved his hand impatiently after hearing Sun Wei's words, and said in a cold voice.

"That's right, it was Kaohsiung that Chen Dong hit." At this time, Wang Xing jumped out again, "You don't know, when I was in Checheng City last time, I saw Chen Dong make a shot. He is very powerful, alone He can defeat more than a dozen burly men, so don't be fooled by his weak appearance. It's just that I didn't expect Chen Dong to be so hard on his classmates."

Hearing Wang Xing's words, not only a few sports talents, but also Sun Wei and the others looked at Chen Dong with some doubts.They really didn't expect that Chen Dong, who looked extremely thin, was so powerful!

Especially Sun Wei and other students in Class 33, they have been in the same class with Chen Dong for more than a year, but they didn't realize that Chen Dong is so good!
"Chen Dong, is what Wang Xing said true?" After listening to Wang Xing's words, Li Yong became more certain that it was because Chen Dong couldn't beat Kaohsiung because of his playing, and then relied on his kung fu to hurt Kaohsiung.

"Which sentence? He said so much nonsense." Chen Dong glanced at Wang Xing with disdain, and then said, "If it is said that one person defeated more than a dozen people, it is true. A waste like him , I can easily hit him a hundred times by myself. As for the fact that I was injured in Kaohsiung, what does that have to do with me? How did he get injured and how to deal with it, you should ask the doctor.”

"Speak well!" Hearing Chen Dong's words, Li Yong frowned, thinking in his heart, why didn't he realize that Chen Dong was still a problem student.

"Okay, then I've said it, what Wang Xing said, except that I can fight more than a dozen by myself, everything else is false." Chen Dong shrugged slightly, and returned like this.

"What about you? What happened to what you saw just now?" Li Yong glanced at Wang Xing, then at the fearless Chen Dong, and couldn't help asking Sun Wei and the others again.

After listening to Sun Wei and others talking about the situation just now, Li Yong probably understood what was going on.

"Try to throw a ball," Li Yong said to Chen Dong in order to confirm the situation.

Chen Dong took the basketball without even looking at the rim. He tossed it casually, and the basketball went into the rim without even touching the edge of the rim. It was a completely hollow ball!

Seeing this, Li Yong gave Wang Xing a hard look, and then said to Chen Dong: "Although Kaohsiung bumped into you on his own initiative, you must have hit him too harshly. After all, we are all classmates. , you can’t come to school to show off your strength just because you learned some kung fu outside, and remember not to use the kung fu you learned to bully your classmates in the future.”

Li Yong finished talking to Chen Dong, and without waiting for Chen Dong to reply, he went directly to see the situation in Kaohsiung. Seeing Kaohsiung's dislocated shoulder and fractured knee joint, he frowned slightly, "Hurry up and send him to the school infirmary!"

After giving instructions to Wang Xing and the others, Li Yong called Chen Dong, followed them, and sent Kaohsiung to the school infirmary.

While Li Yong was not paying attention, Wang Xing made a phone call quietly, and then followed Li Yong and the others with a smile on his lips.

Not long after they arrived at the infirmary, the doctor was treating Li Yong's injuries.

At this time, there was a sound of hurried footsteps outside the infirmary.

After a while, a burly middle-aged man wearing a dark blue security uniform and holding a baton rushed into the security room, but the middle-aged man was almost similar to Kaohsiung.

"What happened to my son, who injured my son?" Amidst the quarrel, the middle-aged man ran directly to Kaohsiung in the infirmary.

This middle-aged man is actually Gao Xiong's father, named Gao Anhu, who is the captain of the security team of Yu County No. [-] Middle School.

When he saw Gao Xiong's dislocated shoulder and sunken knee, Gao Anhu immediately burst into anger, and turned to look at Li Yong, "Mr. Li, who hurt my son like this?"

 Happy New Year’s Eve, send two updates first, Peanut continues to codewords, codewords for New Year’s Eve are also very good, by the way, please bookmark, ask for recommendations, and send the third update immediately~

(End of this chapter)

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