Chapter 1393 The Competition Begins


'The battle for the city lord, the first round of knockout rounds, begins now! '

A series of numbers appeared in the 12 venues below, and then the players sitting in the stands were teleported into the competition venue one after another, followed by a three-second countdown, everything was so fast, it was so fast that you were notified but it was too late to respond was teleported into the playing field.

In the first round of the competition, more than a dozen people from the special professional league went directly to four. I don't know if it was because the registration was early or what. The luck is really not very good, but fortunately, I didn't meet in the first round, which made everyone The guy breathed a sigh of relief.

The four people are Tangtang, Zhanshanshu, Shui'er and Shuifa. Their opponents can only see that Zanshanshu is facing a guy holding a magic wand. The other three are facing either a knife or a sword. See It should be close combat.

With the end of the 3-second countdown, the game began, and 12 venues started the game at the same time.

Yang: "Ha, this game is a bit interesting to watch, and now I can see the damage value, which is much clearer."

King Ax nodded: "Yes, in this way, you only need to test your opponent with a normal attack, and you can almost know whether you will win or not."

Qiuqiu ran to the bottom and turned up a display screen, and then turned up the four games separately, and then went back to his seat to watch the game.

Qiuqiu pointed to Tangtang's match: "There is no suspense in Tangtang's match."

Everyone has a look, isn't it? Tangtang's big snake is curly and poisonous. That melee opponent screams and slashes, but it is a little weaker against the giant snake. Tangtang Tang also only needs to stand behind and direct her little treasure to fight, and the poisonous gas can continue to cause damage.

Looking at the Mountain Mouse, he entered a stealth state at the beginning of the game, and the mage released a wall of fire around him...

Ye Zi curled her lips: "When a mage meets a thief, he basically dies."

Tianle: "It's not the same. The mage is protected by a ring of resistance to fire and a magic shield. Once hit, it hurts."

"The mouse is about to make a move."

Everyone focused their attention, and the Mountain Rat flashed across a wall of fire that was about to disappear, stabbing it with a dagger directly made the magician dizzy, followed by a series of skill attacks, without any suspense.

In contrast, the battle between Shui'er and Shuifa is much clearer. Shui'er is a fighter with a special profession, and she basically fights with open arms. She doesn't show weakness at all when facing foreign fighters, which is weird. His skills directly press down on the opponent and fight non-stop. Water Magic is a little bit embarrassed, being chased and beaten by soldiers, but he can also attack while dodging very well. Many of his magic have deceleration effects... …

The first knockout round of the first round ended quickly, and the four contestants teleported back to the stands with a smile on their faces, while the 12 failed players were directly teleported out, and then the second round was about to begin. No one is teleported in...

Soon, it was Tianle's turn to enter the arena. Now the first round has progressed to the second half, and over a thousand people have already played.

Swish——Tianle was teleported directly while still sitting. Like everyone else, he stood up from the ground helplessly and looked at the opposite side. The opponent was a mage.

As soon as the countdown was over, Xiao Hei ran towards the opposite side with a whoosh. He stretched out his hand, blood beads emerged, and the rapid-fire weapon condensed. One after another magic lines flew towards Tianle like a goddess scattering flowers.

At this time, Xiao Hei approached him, and the mage's rhythm instantly became chaotic. Tian Le was also hit by the magic line before, but only 5 points of damage.

"Hey~ You admit defeat, I'll show you some face." Tianle ran forward, Xiao Hei was still attacking, and the mage hid in a panic.

"Don't even think about it! Get out of the way!"

Boom—a circle of fire exploded from the mage, pushing Xiao Hei away, a ball of flame rose from under the mage's feet, and his speed instantly increased.

Before the mage came, he was in a hurry, and suddenly found that the speed of the black cat suddenly increased, making it impossible to avoid it at all. He could only keep throwing the fire wall out, Tianle said with shame: "Is it over? Don't you want to be shameless?" ?” He raised his hand, and shot bullets out of his chamber, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh—a series of damage sent the player who was about to be tortured to death by Xiao Hei out of the field, and he advanced smoothly.

The first round of knockout rounds ended quickly, and Xiao Jue managed to break free from it. In his words, he had to get an advertising fee before losing.

Because the first round of knockout rounds took too long, the rules of the second round of knockout rounds were adjusted immediately. The single game was replaced by a group arena. The 12 venues in the field suddenly changed into 12 arenas. The rules are as follows: You can go to any of the 12 venues. The first one to step into the ring will be the ring defender. They will be challenged in turn by the remaining 300 players in the first round of elimination. If they refuse, they will be eliminated. Every player must go to the ring within a certain period of time. Challenge it, or you will be eliminated directly.

As soon as the new rules came out, there was no need for everyone to stay in the stands, and they all ran to the edge of the competition field below, but for a while, no one dared to be the first to occupy a ring.

King Ax laughed: "Okay, let me start first, otherwise no one will take the lead."

Ye Zi chuckled and said, "In this way, we can each occupy a ring."

As the Ax Kings all went to the arena to become the master, the second wave of advertising selection began. This time, there was an advertising fee, and the advertising fees offered by each company were all the same, uniformly 200 yuan per position, but the difference was that There is a quota number under each company, some are just one, and some are given hundreds. From this, we can see the size of a company, it’s only a few hundred dollars, and those big guys don’t care at all.

Although the advertising fee given this time is very small, it is only the advertisement for the first battle of the city lord, and it is only the second round of elimination. I believe there will be more in the future, because more and more people will pay attention, and then there will be During the finals of this competition, the advertising fee is estimated to be expensive.

Looking at the dazzling advertisements, Tianle didn't bother to choose. Anyway, the price was the same, so it was the same as last time. He clicked on the logo of the sports car and took 200 yuan to prepare for the battle.

After the advertisements were selected, all the 12 arenas also had champions, and the venue became lively for a while, with some players surrounding each arena, shouting to rush up to fight the champions and so on.

"Yoho~ Let me compete with you, I think your ax is quite heavy." A beautiful foreigner ran into the ring occupied by King Ax, with an expression that I was just here to see.

(End of this chapter)

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